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Everything posted by mobulis

  1. Since you can suffer knock back though no damage applies wouldn't that mean that they can't go through you since they are knocking you back and thus are affecting you.
  2. If you are desolidified and have the cannot pass through solid objects limitation do you block the hex or hexes that you are in so that npc's can't pass through you?
  3. It is phase 6, both of us act in the same phase, my opponent attacks me, I attempt to block, if his dex is 21 and mine is 20 does this mean when I block it is considered to be aborting to phase 6?
  4. A character has 40" of superleap, if he jumps straight up 20" intending to land on the same hex he started does he use up the remaining 20" of superleap going down or does he simply fall?
  5. Since switching powers in a multipower is a 0-phase action, if I have find weakness and an attack power in a multipower could I use find weakness in the first half phase then switch and use an attack power in the second half?
  6. Can you buy rapid sense for use with the power telepathy?
  7. When you get Increased STUN Multiplier for a htk do you have to pay points for the dice you get for str?
  8. Can you put a limitation on a power, that is not on the control cost?
  9. If you use supress against the body of a vehicle what happens when the body reaches 0 does it break or just stop working?
  10. How much would the limitation (Only works within 20 miles of a computer) be worth?
  11. Under the VPP limitations table, what would the limited class of power be for a power pool that can only be used to buy skills?
  12. I have 25" of superleap, when I leap do I have to use all 25'' in one leap or can I leap say 5'' at a time until ive gone 25''? Also if I can break up my leap like that could I change direction with each leap?
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