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About scranford

  • Birthday 03/22/1960

scranford's Achievements

  1. Re: Pathfinder Hero They're great. Please don't stop. I'm planning on running this very soon, and would much rather use Hero than d20. And I'm sure you're much better at converting than I am. Steve
  2. Has anyone created or encountered some Random Treasure Generation tables or utilities? I always know if there is a unique treasure involved, but would like to have a source to quickly determine random encounter, or random Room contents for pilfering. I have other sources for determing treasures, but something specific to Hero would be better; I already have to convert enough stuff.
  3. Re: Shadow World Hero Help Thanks for the replies guys. (Hey that rhymes). I'd found most of these links, but it helps to have them all in one place. I don't really need the whole supplement though that would be nice, I just really don't want to have to take the time to create packages for all the Shadow World Races. Maybe someone has done this and can share to save me the time. If not I'll do it myself (eventually) and share with anyone interested. Steve
  4. Help! I'm getting ready to begin a new Shadow World campaign using Fantasy Hero, and can't find a needed book. I have the first edition Master Atlas and Addendum, but can't locate the Fantasy Hero Addendum for it. This would sure make the translation easier. If anyone has a copy they could either sale, scan and zip, or photocopy and mail I would be glad to pay for it. Steve
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