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Posts posted by liquidsnake

  1. Re: Scooby-Doo Cthulhu


    Um, I assume you mean "Call of Cthulhu" the game - "Call of Cthulhu" the story predates Scooby Doo.


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary does think that if Lovecraft were afflicted with visions of the futre, seeing pre-runs of Scooby Doo WOULD be a truly horrible curse....

    yes in the game, in one of the supplements, but he isnt call Shaggy, but the description is Shaggy

  2. Re: Fantasy Adventures Or Why are we always underground...again


    You know, it's odd. Were I just sitting there with a rule book I'd go bannanas, because the book I have (CHAMPIONS 4th, ordered HERO 5th Rev... still waiting... *sob*) is so barking opaque that it does make D&D look like ... well, like an entry level system. That is a massive discussion on the ENWorld boards at the moment. You've got the hard-core who, I think, are defending D&D by saying it ain't entry level, and you've got the lit-freak/math junky (moi) saying, in short: "Er... yeah, it is. Doi."


    HERO, with a good DM and a decent grasp of the rules, flows extremely well from concept to concept without the intermediate hassle of "What do I want to do within this limited framework." That's a huge sticking point for me, and one of the reasons I'm switching systems. It's come up with players, and amusingly, it's the reason people are constantly chucking around house rules on the boards. Not because they don't think what they're doing is right.


    It's because they literally don't know.

    My other roomate still plays D&D but she want to run her first campaign but she told me that D&D is to confusing to use for her world but she wants to use D20 for now cause she used to the system but she is willing to give hero a try but I never push Hero on d20ers cause I know it works much better than d20 but I'll let them play in d20 darkness cause D&D players love to wander in the dark. And when my roomie ready I'll give her the keys to the kingdom of Hero.No rush I belive better more well written game will prevail.

  3. Re: Fixin' what's broken - switching from d20 to HERO


    As an aside, here is my version of Magic Missile:

    http://www.killershrike.com/FantasyHERO/Content/Powers/Spells/Spells.asp?Type=Arcane&Subtype=Wizardry&SpellLevel=1#Magic Missile


    It doesnt ALWAYS hit, but w/ 1 hex accurate and no range penalty it will hit very often. Absolute effects are bad anyway IMO -- the low frequency of absolutes is one of the things I like about the HERO System.

    But in D&D the things when lanched hit you no matter what, no running, no dodging, no hiding behind cover the stupid thing just hit. I didnt like that at all.

  4. Re: Fantasy Adventures Or Why are we always underground...again


    I'm not a fan of dungeons (I prefer political intrigue) and think they have no place in a campaign other than as a receptacle for masochistic players who like a bit of pain for their PCs :whip:


    I have run one and only one dungeon mini-campaign. The entire game world was set underground (no surface access at all) and featured a heavily tailored biosphere, history and social background. Think of it as 'Lost' meets Tolkien's Mines Of Moria mixed with the Village from 'The Prisoner' :nonp:


    That sounds like fun, more of a underground world. Also I've never belived in the random wandering monster that populates every dungeon in fantasy, doesn't seem realistic to me (and just because its fantasy it should make some sense)not just "we Orcs found open hole in ground with traps,we move in here to ambush stupid,greedy thieveing dungeon divers. I wouldn't move into a dark dungeon with traps,so why would would other creatuers do it? Ok the wizard could put them there but some dungeons dont get found for thousands of years the creatures would fight each other and eat one another.By the time a party got in there the traps (most of them) would be sprung,kind of like walking through Moria in LOTR...big empty space no traps (goblins and Balrog did move in though) but they were the only threats.Moria was a short cut in LOTR not the whole book.

  5. Re: Fantasy Adventures Or Why are we always underground...again


    I'm kinda a drama queen when it comes roleplaying,I run my games like TV shows or movies. A scrip is writen,but only as far as events that I wish to have the players encounter but other than that the players can roam the land unfetter. With an anime bent, 26 episode game sessions,with a beginning a middle and an end, for me the days of 10yr campaign are done. This way we dont get bored and if everyone likes the game we do a second season.

  6. This is sort of a rant so fogive me.I live with typical D&D players and I won’t play because my friend’s wife runs the games with stereotypical gamers, i.e.

    munchkins. There always seeking powerful weapons and magic armor at the expense of good plot, there games always take place in some dungeon you would think with all the

    fantasy novels they read that perhaps the king/sage/random sign post would send them to a wood or another town or something. The plot always seems to lead underground. Oh and the use of &$@*ing modules cause today they don’t have enough imagination to come up with there own stories. My problem isn’t D&D but the GMs whom try to run

    stories that do not reflect the very books they read. Very few fantasy novels deal with the dungeons or it is a way to get from point A to point B not the whole adventure is the dungeon. What do you think?

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