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  1. Got a 38... I suspect that Aspergers would be both a psychological and a physical limitation. The physical being the inability to understand social interactions on an intuitive level. The psychological being the shyness and anxiety in social situations and when facing change which can be overcome "with an ego roll". I'd also allow the character to be able to buy off the inability to understand social situations with experience. You can learn how to overcome it using a more formal understanding of body language and psychology.
  2. This is pretty much the way I've been doing this. The character is in play with gradual effect (20 mins) on his LS Toxin Immunity and LS Disease Immunity, and luckily (other than copious amounts of alcohol consumed) it has never been put to the test. Unfortunately, there are several problems with this: 1) I'm a Poisons/Diseases nitpicker - a degree in Pharmacology does that to you. 20 minutes gradual effect means that he'll see pretty much the full effects of a fast-acting poison (e.g. tubocurarine) but will never even realise he's been poisoned by a slow-acting or cumulative toxin or been infected by a disease. There's not many diseases will kill you, or even show any symptoms, within 20 minutes of exposure. So it just doesn't feel right. 2) There's more than one GM running the campaign. We're running with a round-robin GMing system so there's roughly half-a-dozen GM's to interpret and okay this. It's one of the reasons I was looking for a more concrete way of modelling this power. 3) It may well become an issue at some point in the campaign as at least two other PC's and several NPC's have attacks defined as poisons or diseases (don't even ask!). Might just do this - buy off the limitations on the powers just to cut down on the potential hassle. Thanks again. Smudge
  3. I'm trying to design a character who is basically a Sabertooth rip-off and I'm trying to model the toxin/disease immunity. Simple enough on the whole. The problem is, I don't want the absolute immunity bestowed by LS - Toxin or Disease Immunity. I'd like it to be more of a resistance. i.e. it can be overloaded with huge doses of toxin and even with normal doses, the character gets a slight, temporary effect. After all, who'd want to be totally immune to all of the effects of alcohol? Any ideas? Preferably costing less than the 10pts for absolute immunity! Thanks in advance. Smudge
  4. Have you considered using Mind Control w. area effect (radius), limited to giving the command "Ignore me" ?
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