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Everything posted by Psiko1

  1. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See? "5 - Heroes & Villains for the Provinces (ie: Heroes for Quebec, Toronto, etc)." How about a basic geography lesson about Canada for our fellow American fans? (Toronto is in the province of Ontario)
  2. Re: Billy Deighton I was looking forward to the game...SIGH..oh, well..I guess I can help put yer new computer together then! I guess, also, we won't be playing until the new year then?
  3. Re: [Fifth Ed Conversion] Villainy Unbound: Phobos and Deimos Me too! But every time I bring up Mono, Scott just looks at me with these fish eyes and rolls them around in his head.
  4. Re: Billy Deighton Chiba Bob... We talked about changing Jack's psychic powers a bit but I was just wondering if there was an upper limit? If I place precognition & retrocognition in a multipower, it needs at least 45 pts. in the pool to work. I'll add the continued limitations (extra time, vague & Unclear, etc.) Will that be acceptable?
  5. Re: Billy Deighton Hey...where's the next installment, Scott? Oh, I forgot...you're too busy with InDesign....stay tuned folks!
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