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About symbiot2

  • Birthday 07/23/1984

symbiot2's Achievements

  1. Re: WWYCD: Demon: Man of the Year I would grab my character sheet, get out of my chair call the GM an Evil man then walk out!
  2. Re: Earthquake Abilities i know this is a little complex but it works to simulate that your quake can open the ground Earthquake: Teleportation 12", x8 Increased Mass, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (97 Active Points); Can Only Teleport To bottom of hole Fixed Locations (-1), Linked (Earthquake; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -1/2), Only When In Contact With The Ground (natural earth, stone, and soil only; -1/2), no Noncombat movement (-1/4) The Earthquake it is linked to is a Earthquake: Energy Blast 7d6, Area Of Effect (28" Line; +1 1/4) (79 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (natural earth, stone, and soil only; -1/2) so they get hit when the earth opens then falls in =)
  3. Re: Let's hear it for villainous organizations My Group is called DRUID. Drastic Reconstruction Under Inhumen Design They are a nature loving tree huging owl licking group, who care more about animals then humans. They are lead by Savanah, who can control of most of nature. They have a main group of supers that are nature base. There poge minones are guys dressed up like a bird, bear, fish, and faceless humans, and powerd by stolen technology =) fun indeed.
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