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Everything posted by TJwyrm

  1. Hyper-man. I think the problem gets resolved when you start looking at Powers, Martial arts maneuvers, and some of the other combat maneuvers. With Owen's +1 damage class, he's treated as effectively STR20 for martial maneuvers, his punch is 6d6 (from his base HTH of 3d6) and If I'm reading the ruled correctly, he can get to 10d6 with a haymaker.
  2. High Steve, Working to get everything down for a MHIRPG game for my group, and had a question for body armor. Say vampire claws at the player, Rolls OCV, beats the player's DCV. The player then has to roll the activation (14-) for his body armor, before he can take the Damage reduction against the hit, right? And this has to be done for every hit, not once per phase?
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