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Everything posted by Psychman

  1. Hi, I am playing an ESP-style psychic in a Champions campaign and would like to have the ability to sense spirits, possibly communicate with them, and allow them to possess my character's body for the purposes of communication. In GURPS terms, and I hope you don't mind the reference as it names these features as specific advantages, the powers I want to create are Medium and Channeling. How might I construct powers that mirror these advantages?
  2. Hi, newbie here, I just recently got the Bundle of Holding. I was reading through the Champions introduction and hit the Combat overview. Is it just me or is the description of the attack roll awkwardly broken down? The book says add 11 to your OCV, then subtract your attack roll, and is that is less than or equal to the DCV you hit. To me that feels clumsy, as the active bit, the dice roll, feels "tacked on" the end instead of being primary as it is usually presented in other systems. I mean, in d20 it's "roll d20 plus modifiers vs target number", and in BRP it's "roll d100, try to get under skill rating". After I did a bit of basic algebra I restructured it to: To hit something the target number is 11 plus Offensive Value minus Defensive Value. Roll that number or less to hit (I assume with 3d6 as I'm still working through the rules). Is this accurate? Is it helpful? It does suggest that skill ratings are all about adjusting a standard target number on 3d6, is that fair to say?
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