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Posts posted by ashuramarsh

  1. Hello all,


    I am working on an idea but not sure how to go about it...


    The character uses a mecha for their powers. However, what I want is that the mecha is sentient or at least semi-sentient, can move and act on its own, but not necessarily combat or such. The human pilot 'merges' into the mecha for use. Kinda like a reverse duplication in a way, I guess. Any suggestions on how this can be done?


    I thought of just creating a vehicle and AI and buying them as such. Also thought of using multiform and of course Duplication.

  2. Hi all, I have design question. I am playing a Nehkojin and I was thinking of dba attacks. How would you design an attack where you hit someone, knock them away, then zip behind them to attack again?

  3. I'm helping a friend sort out a character idea. The character is basically one mind with 2 bodies. This is in 5e, any suggestions on how to handle this?


    My first thought, as is his, that it's duplication, but that doesn't cover the one mind.

  4. Well Phys Lim: Nearsighted doesn't quite describe exactly what it does. all the examples, except for Phys Lim: Blind describes some effect with the limit.


    Heavy sleeper, -3 to checks to wake up.

    One eye: half OCV and no peripheral sight on the affected side.


    It is also only a 10 point Limitation.


    Well I can say this, as I am nearsighted, reading a book at arms length is not an issue, street signs, like the ones on corners with 'tiny' print are hard to read except when close up, or almost in effect passing it. But in general other things, like buildings, cars and people are not blurry.


    I made it Frequent because of the fact she may not have glasses or contacts at all times, I wasn't actually applying a focus to the disad. I was making Minor mainly based on my own experience, I think I am around a 20/30


    Thanks for the info, I am just trying to gather ideas.

  5. Physical Limitation:  Near Sighted w/out glasses or contact lenses; (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)


    I am creating a character and I chose this disad, but the book doesn't really cover the effects. What would be the effects? Like -2 OCV vs anything beyond 2 hexes, etc.

  6. For a bit more, they want neither to considered the 'base' character, they both are, exactly the same. I was thinking two characters with something like Mind link and what else to share knowledge?


    Summon perhaps?

  7. I'm back with another.


    I am helping a friend with a character design. He wants to create a duplicate power, both have the same power, but in effect they are both simply the same person. One mind, two bodies. Is there a way to design this?


    I though of for sure adding cannot recombine.

  8. Thanks for the replies.


    The character I am designing uses a device or suit or some such, an OIF basically, that allows them to transform into different forms.


    In one way I'd like them to be able to be able to remove the costume of the new form to be able to wear normal street clothes and such. However, I also need to a way that other PCs could transform them back, as personality loss is a possibility and they fully become this other form, which could be a villain.

  9. See all this is BUYING a power pool. Kit bashing is not a power pool, it is not intended to be a permanent addition to the character. Also I was not speaking of a gadgeteer, Reed really isn't one of those per se. He doesn't run around with a perment 'utility belt' of gadgets and so forth. Only when he really needs one does he come up with it in the lab. That is what kit-bashing is about, otherwise its just a gadgeteering pool, you have this ability available all the time.


    That aside the idea of kit-bashing is for people with technical skills but not with the gadgeteering pool.

  10. I have found no rules concerning the ability to kit-bash a device. You know, one that the superhero absolutely needs last minute to defeat that villain. This has been a pretty standard staple in comics, especially for the brainiac character like Reed Richards. Yet, the hero system has no rules for this. I've looked, people I play with who have been doing this since the second edition don't know of any either. This is the on place I feel the hero system lacks and since it is supposed to cover superheroes as well as other genres, it lacks something even a simple system like Mutants & Masterminds covers.


    These are one shot or one session devices and while there are skills like inventor, Mechanics and Electronics and such they are only usefull if you are making long term permanent devices or such.

  11. 90 APs isn't really that limited... Given 90 APs to spend however I want, I could kill everyone in Los Angeles or New York in a few hours using change environment, then summon a small army of zombies from their frozen, lifeless corpses. Most modern military weapons can be built on 60 APs or less, and most earlier weapons fall between 30 and 45 APs. 90 APs will net you attacks that can kill most normal people instantly, or cause wide spread destruction. 120 APs (or more) can build doomsday devices and weapons of mass destruction, or do things like blanket cities in persisting (if not eternal) darkness. 180 APs results in destruction equivalent to one of One-Punch Man's normal punches (which destroy entire mountain ranges, vaporize asteroids, or split the atmosphere). It is worth noting a +5 APs represents a doubling of raw "force" or "power" in the real world  (regardless of whether you are adding those +5 APs to 10 STR or 90 STR).

    Oh I mean the cost of the VPP not the power points within it. Mine is only about 80 at this point. My powers can keep up to a degree with the others, but I am mainly finesse focused on things like reduced end and such. Yeah I know 90 points in the pool is a lot, I was looking at the active point cost of the VPP itself.

  12. Sounds like either the GM did not realsie there are Caps comming with each powerlevel, or you picked a unusually high power level (we asume 400 Points on all build questions).

    Pointbased systems like Shadowrun and Hero need caps more then point totals, as they help you gauge what is "good enough" quickly.


    Nah, I think they like powergaming to some extent, which has never really been my forte. However, they believe in making things as efficient as possible by the rules (whether they say yes or no to an idea specifically), which i feel when they create characters its more a lawyers view of the rules rather than the intent. But in some ways its ok, i mean really a 90 point active limit on a VPP is really limiting.

  13. Yeah I see. The game I am currently in most people deal out that much damage on average. Mine kinda falls behind in that department, well in combat. Averages thus far being about 15d6 damage wise with OCVs in the 10-12 range.


    I can push out a 15d6 blast buts costs me plenty of endurance to do that and my OCV is only around 7. But being a power pooler is expensive. :P

  14. Basically this:

    Lightning Leg Kick:  HA +4d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2), Autofire (10 shots; +1); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), All Shots Versus The Same Target (-1/4), Cannot Be Used With [punch] (-1/4) (shsould change this to Can only be used with Kick)


    character STR 25


    and is trained in martial arts

    Kick:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 11d6 Strike

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