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Posts posted by Arlyansor

  1. Re: Help me get a Campaign established


    One thing I've often found is that my players tend to be more emotionally invested into a game if there is a definite feeling of 'cause & effect' during the game.


    For example, if one (or more) of the PC's has invisibility, then instead of having the bad guys either be unable to perceive him (unless they're really good), have them slowly develop technology/magic/psionics that enables them to detect invisible people.


    Or, if one of your players has a habit of blowing up every group of bad guys, have the bad guys develop tactics to spread out and prevent their wholesale slaughter.


    If your players repeatedly want to do something specific (whatever it is) then allow them to do so, but make it harder to achieve the more times they try it (so long as there is a feasible reason for that). It (usually) makes your players start thinking, and start planning things a bit better.

  2. Re: First Wave of Superhumans: How Long?


    In my (soon to start) campaign, supers have only existed since 2000.


    The first gen of supers appeared in early 2000, and the last known supers were all dead by the close of 2000.


    These beings all had insanely stupid power levels - sufficient to turn the Sahara into a steaming jungle again, and to cap the Antarctic with several more cubic kilometres of 'permanent' ice, amongst other feats.


    Unfortunately, these beings, (dubbed Aeons in the early years of the 21st century) were gifted with such immense levels of power that they all, inevitably, went catastrophically insane or lost control of their power. As one prominent blogger put it - "With insane power often comes insanity."


    Nagasaki, Berlin, (and a couple of other cities I have yet to decide upon) were essentially nuked by the loss of control of these beings power - they were that powerful. Some left earth for space where their increasing lack of control would not endanger innocents, while others took cities and even whole countries hostage and demanded that scientists 'help them'.


    In the wake of these deaths, new and horrific diseases swept across the planet, and millions of people died; either directly from the diseases themselves, or from the failure of essential services caused by the press of the dead and dying on resources.


    However, irrespective of their actions, the last known Aeon was officially declared dead just before midnight on 31 December 2000.


    Fast forward to 2010 - the PC's are amongst the first of a new generation of super beings, dubbed Scions - Children of the Aeons. These beings have nowhere near the power of the Aeons (standard 5th ed, 350 pt characters) but they will inherit the fear and prejudice that accompanies the mere mention of their 'parents' name, but not the raw power possessed by those beings.


    Characters are still being created and thought over, so I don't know yet what I'l have to play with, but i have lots of ideas of my own to inflict on my players...

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