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Status Updates posted by Gauntlet

  1. "The difference between stupid people and smart people.

    Smart people know they're stupid while stupid people think they're smart."

  2. Here is the module for G1. Let me know what you think.

    Dungeon Module G1 - Steading of the Hill Giant Chief.docx

    1. Wildcat


      Tried to download, but says it's not there?

    2. Gauntlet


      Strange, because the link you have above allowed me to open it. Both of them are on the Hero System Fan Group on Facebook. Unfortunately it will not allow me to create a link.

    3. Wildcat


      thought I'd try on my PC rather than Phone, and still no dice.


      maybe Email?

  3. I am actually planning on writing a book for Mecha Warrior for Hero 6.0. When I get it done I will send you a copy if you would be willing to let me know what you think about it.

    1. Trechriron10


      I would be happy to! Not familiar with the IP. Is that an existing RPG or setting? Are you planning on releasing it under the Hall of Champions?

    2. Gauntlet


      I am planning on releasing it under the Hall of Champions. While there has been books that state how to create Mecha, there hasn't been any Campaign Worlds created for it. I am planning on creating a Campaign world.

  4. Finally decided to upgrade to v6.

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