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Everything posted by Eoywin

  1. Re: [Campaign Log] Sophia's Barbarians It was very fun The system is slowly becoming clearer as well.
  2. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia I think it will be interesting And hopefully it won't take Todd and I too long to get comfortable with the system.
  3. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia Thanks I figured it worked since she probably haunts graveyards and such.
  4. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia Okay, that's fine. I thought of what I want her to do to replenish her magic - she has to have 80% of her body/skin covered with graveyard dirt. What do you think??
  5. Re: Valdorian Sorcerer Tasks Thread I'm really afraid of these, and how many of these my character might have to do. I have one though, though I'm not sure how good it is: Dig up a freshly buried corspe and deliver it to the grieving family.
  6. Re: [Character] Carmen the Cynthian We were actually taking about this over dinner tonight I hope I can raise me some undead so I can freak Todd's character out. As for the changes, I'd just go over it with him on Sunday.
  7. Re: Fantasy Adventures Or Why are we always underground...again I agree, Super Squirrel - A lot of new gamers or emotionally immature gamers seem to have the most problems with imagination. When I used to larp, there was this girl named Becky and she was just an awful roleplayer. Her characters were lame, and she didn't try and start any plots. Instead of ignoring her like everyone else, my group of friends took her under our wings, and tried to teach her. She got better - not much but she was tolerable. I also know that I wasn't the greatest gamer when I first started either...
  8. Re: Fantasy Adventures Or Why are we always underground...again I've played in several D&D campaigns, and I don't think we ever ended up in a dungeon. Playing in a game with people who don't have any imagination is the worst. I think most of my characters are 'over the top' because I'm trying to compensate for some of the other players.
  9. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia *L* That's a funny idea... especially since I was thinking about my character having a pet dog
  10. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia I certainly hope I don't die in the first gaming session It will be on Sunday, I'll let everyone know how it goes
  11. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia Thanks.... she's a bit bare boned because I don't know the system at all. I plan on having her carry around one skeleton in a bag. I took the spell so I could raise either so if they are fighting in a battle, she could possibly raise someone who just got killed. I'm not sure what I'll do with the extra point... probably not on Com, since I don't feel the need to have a super hot character.
  12. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia Thanks!! That will be very helpful. I'll get a backstory done before Sunday... I need to get my creative juices going anyway.
  13. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia I'll have to think about it... I do know that she doesn't have any friends, probably not much in the way of family. Probably that's why she'll be willing to hook up with the other party members.
  14. Re: [Character] Sophia of Abyzinia Woohoo, it's my character sheet!! I've been trying to think into detail about poor Sophia here, but I'm a bit uneasy because I'm so unfamilar with the system. I do know that she is a bit reckless, does things without thinking things through all the way, and she is a bit naive about things outside of the city.
  15. Re: Valdorian Age Campaign A Go! Yep, I have! Sophia is now the name of my character
  16. Re: Valdorian Age Campaign A Go! Player 1 reporting for duty I've never played any Hero games before, but I think this should be very interesting.
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