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Posts posted by cboscari

  1. Hey all!

    I am currently creating Prefabs for my FH campaign, and in the old FH 4th, under college of air, it lists the power for "Steal Breath" simply as

    2d6 NND...


    Any idea what power this was supposed to be? I've tried HKA, RKA, EB but can't seem to get the correct total. I was hoping someone might have a copy of FH 4th to look at and tell me, as I don't want to reproduce the text and violate Steve's copyright :)




    PS Yes, I have Fantasy Hero 5th, but wanted to use some of the old material.

  2. "The HERO System is not designed to represent real life. The game is designed to represent heroic fiction as presented in comics, novels, television, and movies."


    How come I can't throw stuff around then? In the manner of the comic books? There should be a combat and non-combat throwing mechanism, where I can throw something a really long way.


  3. Thanks, Blue Jogger. I was going to say that after thinking about it, Some kind of megascale power tied to throwing would simulate it pretty well, as a "Strength Trick" that couldn't be used as a weapon maybe. You know, just to throw junk around. I like that idea. Looks like everyone else is already way ahead of me as usual on these things. :)


  4. I was reading in the back of popular science that by the writer's estimates from the clip of the hulk throwing the tank off into the distance, that he computes that to throw a 60 ton tank 2000 feet in two seconds requires 100,000 hp. I grabbed by Hero 5th, and decided to see what the Movie hulk's strength would have to be to do the same feat. I come up with a STR of 212 to throw a 50-ton tank 308 hexes. That's a little higher that the 70 STR I've seen. Wow! Would you let the movie Hulk into your campaign? :) HULK SMASH PUNY 70STR BRICK!!!!!


  5. in two places of the Hero 5th rulebook (in the Damage section) 1/2 HKA Martial Strike is given a +2 DC example, and both times the result is said to be 1d6. When I take a 1/2d6 HKA (2 DC's) and add 2 DC's to it, I get 1D6+1 on the table. Where am I making the mistake?


  6. I am confused on a certain point in the 5th ed rulebook- so I thought someone here could clarify-


    If my guy uses an improvised object as a club, then the max damage that can be done from it is the DEF+BODY. The rules state that if the character tries to use more strength (DC's) than this the object breaks. (pg. 302) On pg 253, the rules state the same with the word "tries" to do more damage than DEF+BODY. Question- I assume from the rules on page 253 that both objects (the weapon and the target) take damage from the attack, equal to DEF+BODY. If my object with say 3 DEF and 3 BODY takes 1 BODY damage, is that damage-

    1) Ignored since it did not exceed the 3 body but if next time it does exceed 3 body, it breaks

    2) Subtracted from the Body, meaning it was damaged a little, two more BODY to go (cumlative damage

    3) irelevant, because if the PC chooses to use 6 dice of damage (not exceeding DEF+BODY) the object is below the breaking threshold, so to speak. The object continues to be a weapon as long as the player is careful with it

    also, if I thow an object to cause damage, is STR computed into the damage, or is it just the total of DEF+BODY?


    As always, thanks for your help guys.

  7. I just purchased Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks, and and in the write up for Black Diamond saw that Hunted: -8, NCI, capture is listed as 25 points. When I work it out, it comes out 20 points, assuming Capture is the same as Harshly Punished. Where do the other 5 points come from? Is there a rule I am missing, and if so where can I find it?


  8. I hadn't thought of that, but I guess I was asking the more general question of if a advantage or limitation applies to all powers, or even some class of objects.



    *most* objects of class X have advantage Y in the game world. Is it better to create typical objects X with the advantage Y (making them more expensive) or better (because of the easier book keeping) to give a limitation to those objects that don't have Y - "Object limitation- does not have Y" to make it cheaper? The first way requires more record keeping, and to be honest, print-out space. However, there might be a convention or other good reason to do it the first way.

    I hope that made sense. :)



  9. I am not a gun guy, which is why I bought Guns! Guns! Guns! from BTRC. With this amazing book, you can figure out how real guns would rate in several game systems, including HERO. You can also build guns don't really exist (like laser) and figure those out too, but from what I understand, there is a lot more at issue than caliber, such as muzzle length, and other factors. MAybe someone with a copy of GGG can give us an answer...


  10. Hello all...

    I've been playing HERO for about a year, and I am finally getting around to designing a campaign, which of course means I have discovered how little I actually know and thought I knew...


    Anyway, supose in my campain world, all magic (powers) can affect desolid. Would I add that advantage to ALL magic? The converse option would be to add a "Does not work on Desolid" Disadvantage to those rare items where this was the case. This would make those rare items less expensive, and save some bookeeping on my part. I am not sure what the guiding principle on this is...




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