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Everything posted by Emissary

  1. Re: Things you do to acheive immersion I created maps for the world and showed the players the parts of the maps that were relevant for them. Leaving some of the world a mystery, even to the most traveled of them. I created an opening scene, something that leaves some mystery of their past but consist of things we had discussed for their character. Perhaps the most relevant thing that I have done so far is break each character off in their own mini-game. During the character creation they help me name the plants and the animals, land marks, ect…. We talk about mythology and I feed them information about the world in which they live. As time goes by the world evolves into something they had a hand in creating and that has created the feeling that the world is real for them. It also allows them to have something that is not party related and gives them some experiences to bring to the table. Not only has it been extremely fun but when they all 3 come together it is going to be a blast watching the pasts that we played out make its way into coloring the world for each of them. The game is still new and im still new at GMing so there is more to come. I have some multimedia stuff that I'm working on and with Garageband I have come up with some soundtrack stuff to play. Emissary
  2. Re: Magic System : Blood Magic Great ideas and something to think about. This wizard is going to have some hard times ahead of him despite what his magic is. Because he is what he is, his own race and the humans will have nothing to do with him. Of course, in time he will no doubt call the attention of these factions and either they will try to kill him or will embrace him. I already have some ideas on that. But because the Gnomes raised him and they hate the humans who have oppressed them for 1500 years he is a welcome addition to their magic schools. His type of magic will no doubt set him apart but with the taste of liberation in the minds of his teachers all magic will be welcomed. Even Necromancy, which is policed by the counsel of wizards, is not outlawed or looked upon negatively. I have left a lot of room for him, since he had the creativity to come up with something I had given no thought to. Thank you for the Ideas, they have all moved me in the right direction and have provided me with inspiration. Emissary
  3. Re: Magic System : Blood Magic These ideas and comments are exactly the type of things that I was looking for. And I am going to pose them to the Wizard to see what direction he would like to take. The possibilities are already giving me some great ideas for how to introduce his kind of magic to the game and in allowing the Wizard to do some fiendish things. While the immortal race is not evil, they do tend to break many taboos of the younger races. One is that they have lost faith in any god long ago. Being immortal they find little use for the lesser races Gods. Once long ago they worshiped the gods, now they worship the first of their kind created along with the first Elf in the dawn of the world. There was a period of their history where their race had been ravaged by war and they did turn to a religion of the Vasha Eek or Sin Eaters. But when their numbers grew that religion fail to the wayside. The Wizard no doubt will find Blood Magic right up his alley and I cannot wait to see what he can do with it. Thank you all for your gracious suggestions and I look forward to any others those of you out there might have. Emissary
  4. Greetings all, I'm new to Hero but see the beauty of the system. I am currently playing in a game that has been going on for a year now and it has been so impressive I have decided to play my own game. The issue is that my GM is so experienced that I have some hesitation in my own abilities to create the appropriate materials. On one hand he will be a member of my game and we have done some test runs where we have run some sessions with me as the GM. It is crazy fun… I thought I would pose to the community the request for some ideas. One of the characters is an eternal race born in the twilight of the world along with the Elves. They are a dark warrior race that is almost void of magic users, though they themselves are magical beings there is no honor in the art of magic. It is on the battlefield that they earn their honor and find their way to the after life. This character is a Wizard, the only wizard of this race and an anomaly caused by the copulation of a Human and this immortal race. While his specifics are not important those of his race are. They have the innate abilities to siphon the life force from their prey. Because of years of war have diminished their population they have gone to using werewolves and vampires as their armies. If it was not for warring amongst themselves they would have conquered the known lands long ago as the Elves have disappeared. They are tough and willful. To my point of the post : This Wizard proposed using Blood Magic. I see it as not only causing disease but also curing it as well. Using blood as a component and using his own abilities as a member of this immortal race to siphon from his enemy to use against them. But I'm open and looking for some brainstorming. Examples of ideas would be most useful and perhaps between all the brilliant minds of these forums something fiendish but not evil will come to be. What ever information will help im happy to provide, this world is in its creation stage which makes anything possible. Thank you for advice, brainstorming, ideas, examples and creative innovation…. Forever - Emissary
  5. Greetings all, I'm new to Hero but see the beauty of the system. I am currently playing in a game that has been going on for a year now and it has been so impressive I have decided to play my own game. The issue is that my GM is so experienced that I have some hesitation in my own abilities to create the appropriate materials. On one hand he will be a member of my game and we have done some test runs where we have run some sessions with me as the GM. It is crazy fun… I thought I would pose to the community the request for some ideas. One of the characters is an eternal race born in the twilight of the world along with the Elves. They are a dark warrior race that is almost void of magic users, though they themselves are magical beings there is no honor in the art of magic. It is on the battlefield that they earn their honor and find their way to the after life. This character is a Wizard, the only wizard of this race and an anomaly caused by the copulation of a Human and this immortal race. While his specifics are not important those of his race are. They have the innate abilities to siphon the life force from their prey. Because of years of war have diminished their population they have gone to using werewolves and vampires as their armies. If it was not for warring amongst themselves they would have conquered the known lands long ago as the Elves have disappeared. They are tough and willful. To my point of the post : This Wizard proposed using Blood Magic. I see it as not only causing disease but also curing it as well. Using blood as a component and using his own abilities as a member of this immortal race to siphon from his enemy to use against them. But I'm open and looking for some brainstorming. Examples of ideas would be most useful and perhaps between all the brilliant minds of these forums something fiendish but not evil will come to be. What ever information will help im happy to provide, this world is in its creation stage which makes anything possible. Thank you for advice, brainstorming, ideas, examples and creative innovation…. Forever - Emissary
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