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Posts posted by Johannes

  1. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.

    I build the power now the following way.


    Wizardry Difficulty: - 5
    Casting Range 225 Hex
    Duration (5 + Wizardy Roll)
    The wizard conjures a small flame as he gestures wildly.
    The flame leaps to the target sword to cover its blade with fire.
    When the gained D6 shows a 6 the flames burn so hot that the swordwielder takes one damage.
    Casting the Spell:
    Transform (H5.237)
    Transform Heals completely after (5 + Wizardy Roll) Turns.
    Swords have less than 7 Body
    Enchantment Real/5 = 2 Body
    Major Transform 9 Body
    Standard Effect Rule (H5.104)
    => 45 pts Base
    -0.5 RSR Wizardry
    -0.25 Gestures to activate
    Active 45
    Real 26
    Firesword Enchantment:
    HKA vs ED (H5.194) 1d6 15pts
    -0.5 no STR Bonus
    -0.25 minor Side effect 1 BODY damage when damage roll of Fire was a Six
    Active 15.
    Real 9
  2. The power that i need to build would be as follows in the grimoire.

    END Cost for casting does not exist in this world.



    Wizardry Difficulty: - X

    Casting Range 10 yards.

    Duration 10 Turns

    Effect: + 1d6 HKA vs ED (+ 1 DC / 5 EGO of Wizard)


    The wizard conjures a small flame as he gestures wiledly.

    The flame leaps to the target sword to cover its blade with fire.

    When the gained D6 shows a 6 the flames burn so hot that the swordweilder takes one damage.

  3. @Hyper-Man

    I read the Section on differing modifiers in my 5E book on page 276 and i think i understand your example now.

    What i do not see is how the caster is justified in casting often.


    Suppose the GIFTED-Power lasts for 5 Turns.

    At Speed 1 a character can cast the power 5 Times.

    At Speed 12 a character can cast the power 60 Times.



    Advantages for 5 targets is + 1.00.

    Advantages for 60 targets is + 1.75.


    I can now see how i would GIVE a GIFT-Power.

    I somehow can not grasp the advantages / adders to make it recastable.


    The only thing i can think of is a general advantage of +2 for beeing really useful.

  4. "Is there a limit to how many swords he can affect at once or is it like creating a table. Sell it and make a new one?"

    There is no limit. Maka a table and make the next one before the old one is sold. :)

    "Doors the spell wear off with time or its it permanently in effect?"

    There would be a fixed timelimit in the form of n-Turns.


    "I'd build this as an Aid. That seems to cover all of the bases."

    Like in: Aid the Fire-power and assume a startingvalue of 0 for the Fire-power?


    @Quixotic Hero #4046

    I am sorry, i dont really get how i can apply that to the fire sword.

    Can you give an example?

  5. A Firewizard wants to enchant swords with flames so they do more damage.

    He wants to "fire and forget" his enchantment and have it end after a duration.

    This includes:

    - making the power 0 END

    - having the effect be disconnected from the caster in any way

    - allowing multiple casts and multiple effects at the same time


    Ideas i gathered from multiple sources so far:

    - simulate the ammount of targets with an area of effect.

    - simulate the ammount of targets with adders to doulbe the targets

    - useable as attack on the sword.

    - useable on others and uncontrolled.

    - transform sword into sword with power (Nd6 vs burning-power-independent)


    Why i still struggle:

    - The amount of parallel existing fires depends on the speed of the caster

    - If the power is constant/persistant the caster can only maintain one instance at a time.


    How should this power be built?

  6. Re: Instant Unluck UAA


    The Power i would like to build is described in the Shadowrun Sourceboook Critter #7002 by FASA.

    "The Accident power gives a being the ability to cause an apparently normal accident to occur. The nature and result of the accident will vary according to the terrain the being controls."

    "The effect of the Accident power is not dangerous in itself, but the environment can make it so. Tripping on a narrow mountain ledge, for example, can be most unfortunate."


    I don't think this power can be generated by pure DEX loss - since this would be clumsiness.

    Accidents of wich i can think of are:

    Weapon missfire. Backpack rips. Bird hits a flying baseball. The Kitchen catches fire. Your bike looses a screw. A falling nut hits your head.


    I cant see a common ground of all these possible effekts. My setting does not depend on this power - shold i just drop it?

  7. I want some ghosts in my setting to have the ability to cause Unluck as an instant - and of course my players need to be able to buy the protection against it.


    My thoughts so far:

    It is mentiones somewhere that Luck Protects against Unluck, so the protective power would be 4D6 Luck, (-2) only against Unluck.

    For causing Unluck i would use 4D6 Unluck, UAA, Instant, Ranged.



    Unluck/Luck is usually rolled once per session. As an repetitive Instant this would increase its costs dramatically - and the unluckprotection would still only work once a session.

  8. Re: Susceptibility to Persuasion


    You provide a hotfix wich reduces roleplaying opportunities.


    If a hot woman comes up to a player in a bar or the like she should not roll some dice to get the player to do what she wants. {This refers to your statement that the player does not want to be controlled by a dice roll. Talk the player through the process - control him, not his character}


    We differ in handling the problem itself:

    Problem: Some players dont like if they loose control of their character.


    Your solution: Level the playing field by killeng the option alltogether and then produce an escape procedure for all who liked that option.

    My Solution: Ask the players what they want and then do it as often as they like it (from 0% to 100%).


    My personal experiance with roleplaying is once a week for 15 years (mostly not heroes) - and all groups try to reduce the ammount of interaction skills involved to maximise roleplaying. I totally understand the urge to symmetrie, i feel the same - but most player i know dont feel this way.

  9. I am currently building a mind control that only affects animals. But i remembered a recent thread here: "Controlling machines"


    It is said there that a "Machine Class of Minds" exists. I couldnt find it in H5threv. Reading the Mind control section left me clueless.


    This posting is about tree things:

    Wich sets of things are there?

    Does a normal mind conrol work against animals?

    Are there examples or guidelines for "mc vs set" in the heroes book?

  10. I am writing a sourcebook for my players - listing several possible "wonders" the character could learn. The central idea is that the Druid can cast 10 spells a day. This totally sounds like a power using charges, but:


    Player buys 01 power(s) ->power average 10 times = (-0,25)

    Player buys 02 power(s) ->power average 05 times = (-0,75)

    Player buys 05 power(s) ->power average 02 times = (-1,50)

    Player buys 10 power(s) ->power average 01 times = (-2,00)

    Player buys 50 power(s) ->power average 00 times = (-TILT)


    My goal is to hand out a powerlist. All the work already done - players only choose their powres.

  11. Hello,


    i do not understand this categorie.

    Firts i thought about two handed swords and axes, but than again, they have their own categorie.

    My second thought was i would have to purchase both Categories for a weapon - like Teo-Handed and Blades for a two-handed blade



    Please unconfuse me:

    What weapons belong in the "Weapon Familiarity Two-Handed Weapons" ?

    And do those weapons also belong to another "Weapon Familiarity" ?


    greetings, Johannes

  12. Re: Learning Heroes - Basic Elements and Balance


    There is no advantage for running multiple Multipower Powers at the same time.

    You mean no advantage like in "power advantage" (e.g. penetrating) - i agree. But there is a benefit of beeing able to have 3 powers running at the same time, and beeing forced to choose one of them.

    You can be able to run all powers in you mp but that would cost more than having all your powers outside of the mp.


    The question is: at wich point is a mp abusive.


    You really ought to ignore that MP thread for a while

    I totally agree. They seem to concentrate on a special combination of powers rather than searching for a general answer.


    And a Multipower is most certainly not abusive if filled with attack powers. That's their primary purpose, if you ask me.

    A bunch of attack powers could be activated simultaneously outside a Multipower using a Multiple Power Attack.

    each power framework has a method to its madness.

    Ok maybe attack powers is too concrete, or maybe not.

    If the powers can ba default not be used together, the point saving seem to be not appropiate. its like an disadvantage wich is none. You get to save points on the basis that you can not use the powers together. If the basis is irrelevant, why should you save points?

    The Multipower simply acknowledges a cost savings for a number of powers which will never be available at the same time.

    A Multipower of Growth and Shrinking is not, in my opinion, abusive either.

    Ok i see your argument.


    I conclude:

    MP is not abusive if

    *You use them for power wich cant be used together because you need to bind points and should be indemnifined for having powers you cant use (like 50% useless powers)

    *You use them for powers wich could would give an advantage to be run together.


    Does this leave a gap where mp get abusive?

  13. Re: Learning Heroes - Basic Elements and Balance


    I am from germany, please correct my spelling and grammer errors.


    Reading the MP thread - In general terms, when is a MP abusive?


    When its powers could never be activated simultaniousely because of game mechanics. (e.g A bunch of attack powers.)


    It is not abusive if it would have an advantage to run all powers at the same time. (e.g. Flight, Force Wall, Attack Power)


    Do you disagree and why?

  14. I came upon the idea by readeing other postsings.


    What are the basic elements?

    I read roll 3D6 realle low to do - then roll a bunch of d6 for random goodieness


    How much power is one point?

    2 comeliness or a straight 8- - leads the question to a red line or a red hering?


    What is the feeling of balance, how could it be learned?

    Points are a guide, but not the holy "42".

    I personally fear to loose the balance.

  15. The Sight Sense is a targetting sense, hearing is not.

    Can hearing be bought as targetting, can sight be made not targetting?

    Flash can be bought against a targetting Sense, or a nontargetting.

    How does Flash against hearing (nontargetting) work if the target bought hearing as targetting.

    Is Flash of any use if bought against nontargetting sight?

  16. Money can be unbalancing.

    If your world offers both, superpowers and normal Heroes with low point levels, how do you balance the Power?


    One char buys laser eyes, the other OCV for a rifle form the store.


    I don't want to ask a clear question because i'd like a more general discussion.

  17. I am looking for a quick reference of powers, advantages and disadvantages.

    Something similar to 5er page 130, but also covering the table of 247 and 282.

    I read the ads and disads several times and i know what they are for,... i just always need to search the book for the values.


    Is there a downloadable reference of an additional book covering that wish?

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