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  1. Re: Chronicles of Gor Hmm interesting conversation you have going here. I read the series way back in high school and even though I probably would find fault in about every paragraph today, back then I really enjoyed them. Maybe it was because I was a computer nerd and had zero luck with the girls until after college. So found all the sex stuff to be interested. As I recall I really enjoyed the first few books when Tarl was Mr. Starry eyed, overly ethical do-gooder. And started to dislike him more and more after about book five when be started going be the name “Big Cow†or something to that effect. But the series picked up something new and fun to me and that was Naval Tactics and Pirates which I still enjoy as subject mater. However after about 10 or so books it seemed that Mr Norman just ran out of ideas for new places for his character to go and the whole thing got rather dull. I also read his book Time Slave, at one point. Basically same stuff different eon. The funny thing is as I have heard, and this is hear say but from multiple reliable sources that Mr. Norman is a rather hen pecked meek kind of a guy that is ruled by his wife. Hmm wonder where his stories come from J In short it was a fun read as a teenage boy, but not really a world I would set a game in. But the Tarns, Priest Kings and Kurr were all pretty cool I may work them into a game or two here and there. Seavious
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