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  1. Yeah i should have explained better, I was thinking of something like a psi blade, so i would need a good OCV and ECV to make it work I guess.
  2. I wanted to build a hero that used mental attacks but needed to make contact with his target for it to work. I am not sure if this is an advantage or limitation as I have not found a modifier that does this. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Hello, I am currently building a speedster type hero for our campaign. I wanted to make his running punch pretty good but he has very low strength. Can you buy HtH that only applies to the above mention combat maneuvers.
  4. When I purchase a Naked Advantage for martial arts do I need to buy it based on the cost of the maneuver or do I need to buy it based on the maneuver and bonus HtH dice bought to up the dmg of my martial arts.
  5. I am trying to build Servo Powered Arms for a hero. Remember in 5th that they had a limitation that you could buy Str just for lifting but am not seeing it in 6th. Has it gone away or has it been renamed?
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