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Posts posted by justmill

  1. The strange thing is there lots of built in examples kind of breaking the rule.  Such as Density Increase only costing 4 pts per level, so at a lot of breakpoints the active cost of Density Increase breaks the DC limit.  You end up getting more strength than you can use in a punch.  Just seems strange.


    Also, another weird one is Ripose from the Fantasy Hero book:


    Game Information: Trigger (when character is
    hit by or Blocks an enemy’s attack and wants
    to strike back, activating Trigger takes no time,
    resetting Trigger is a Zero Phase Action; +¾) for
    up to HKA 4d6 (45 Active Points); OIF (weapon
    of opportunity; -½), Requires A Sword Tricks
    Roll (-½). Total cost: 22 points.
    Why is the 4D6 HKA only 45 points here?  Shouldn't it be 60 active points?
    Of course I realize I'm probably just reading too much into the details, but, just trying to understand how it works.  
    I do agree that the active points limitation is a nice tool for setting world parameters, giving both the player and the GM some stability in this extremely open ended system.
  2. I'm still new to the Hero System so if this is a dumb question, please excuse me. :)


    GM in our campaign has set active points limit to 50.


    Some things are confusing with that though, in that I see where damage classes for powers are generally limited to 1D6 per 5 points spent.  But, what happens with things like Hand Attacks that are modified by STR and Martial Arts maneuvers?  If there is a 50 point active power limit, does that mean any damage beyond 10 damage classes is simply ignored for that attack?


    Thanks for any insight.

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