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Posts posted by CanuckAmuck

  1. Maybe it's the scotch talking, or my still not being completely familiar with 6e, or why not both, but it occurs to me that -1DC of physical (for example) damage negation is, when it comes to soaking up 1d6 worth of STUN, effectively the same as 6 pts. of PD.  But the -1 DC of DN costs 5 pts. whereas the 6 pts of PD costs 20% more at 6 pts.


    I'm sure I'm missing something, but on the extremely off chance that I'm not, this makes regular PD and ED noticeably less cost effective.  So apart from the need for rPD or rED, why buy PD/ED at all (assuming no campaign limitation on buying DR)?

  2. I'm still using 4e. If I'm going to continue playing I'm thinking I might have to get with the times. What will I enjoy and what will I find problematic (in all honesty even the best update has something people gripe about)?


    I'm almost exactly like yourself.  I used to play 4e, but then after a looong break, I got back in to Champions at the 6e level, and found some significant changes.


    For me, biggest wrap-my-head-around-it change was the de-coupling of the PD, ED, SPD,REC, END, and STN stats from the STR, DEX, CON, and BOD stats.  Other than that, which was more or less just a matter of bumping one's starting points up certain percentage, it was easy-peasy to "get with the times".

  3. The idea: a character has regeneration with resurrection, but the regeneration, normally acting at 1 BODY per 20 minutes, only acts at 1 BODY per hour when resurrecting the character back to life - once alive again, the higher rate of regeneration resumes.


    What I'm thinking is to apply a Limited Power "power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness" Limitation only on the Resurrection adder, which (ignoring the "about" and assuming a straight 2/3) mathematically makes something taking 20 minutes take three times longer - IOW, an hour.  This will give the 20 point Resurrection adder a limitation of -1 1/2, making the final cost of it 8 points.


    Add that to the 10 point cost of the 1 BODY per 20 minutes Regeneration for a total cost of 18.


    What'cha think?  Would it pass muster in your campaign?  Got any other way to do it?  Disagree with my interpretation of "loses two-thirds of its effectiveness" and/or wonder how I came to my above conclusion?  Don't like the way I part my hair?  All input welcome.

  4. Apologies if this or something very similar has been asked umpteen times before.


    Simple yes or no question:  As per CC pg 122, powers outside a Power Framework can add on to a power in a slot of said framework, but is the reverse kosher?  Can a power in a slot of a framework add to a power outside the framework so long as modifiers match?


    I'm thinking it is okay because I'm seeing what appears to be precedent in the villain collections, but I'm just looking to be sure.  Thanks.

  5. Hi.  Sorry to weight in so late on this subject, but I was just wondering about that "Can manifest behind barriers" advantage for your stretching.  I did not see it anywhere in Hero Designer as a limitation, so I'm assuming it's one you made up (forgive me if it's in some supplement with which I am simply unfamiliar).  Given that, don't you think you're kind of lowballing the cost, seeing as how much of an in-game advantage to stretching it really does bestow?  I mean, it's your GM's call, of course, I'm just saying.


    Other then that one quibble (I would go higher or make it an add-on) I do agree with the others here that your  "telekinesis sans telekinesis" build is really very clever.  So clever, I think, that if we ever get an official word on what that advantage would cost, it might well mean the end of the telekinesis power as we know it.  :)

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