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Posts posted by TremorFang

  1. I hate to ask, but I couldn't find it in the hero designer document. I know you can buy skill levels under the skills tab, but can you have what you bought with the skill levels actually effect the proper skill? Example would be +3 skill level to 3 pre-defined skills or all intelligence skills. If it's possible, how would one go about connecting the skill levels so that its bonus is added to the proper skills?

  2. Brand new to hero designer and I can't seem to find an option for character maxima for a heroic game, and my GM is using it for an upcoming campaign. Does it exist? If so, how would I go about implementing it for a character?

  3. Yeah. I think if my GM is down with it I'll try to mind link up to the drone / hologram helper and the ship's A.I. (which is technically the hologram helper too, but a different "body"). I might make another helper drone meant more for battle or scouting than the hologram helper, so I'm thinking something like:


    10 (Can link with one group of minds [in this case man made human A.I.s]) + 10 (Four mind's at once [2 would have sufficed, but I may make another special drone or two]) + 5 (Unlimited Range in this dimension [so that if for some reason he's floating around in space far away he could call for them]). 


    Not sure about limitations yet, but something like that seems potentially useful. 


    Thanks again everyone.

  4. I believe we will be getting the spaceship for free. Not only is it going to get us to the planet, but it's going to act as our initial home base when we get to the planet. Or at least that's what I gatheredAll other gear (such as parts I wish to upgrade my cyborg self with [including not breathing, sleeping, eating, etc...]) and weaponry are not free. I had intended the hologram to be visible to everyone. 


    Desolid seems a must if it is a follower. I was planning on there being a little flying drone that projects the hologram so that it can go outside or around the ship as it decides. So perhaps that little drone could be a 


    I'd be down for it just being the ship's A.I. that my character went in and tweaked and gave an "identity" to, maybe just make that drone I mentioned and synced it to the ship's computer.

    Thanks for all the input everyone. Good stuff.

  5. My thoughts were primarily that the helper would tell me a targets possible weaknesses and strengths and act as a sort of early warning system, alerting me if unknown things enter the a proximity (whether that be the ship's proximity or the area of whatever device the helper uses to travel).


    Maybe act as a sort of record keeper of what goes on around the ship, utilizing any on board cameras and mics to survey over time, recording it to its own personal memory as well as the ships.


    It would be cool if it could be the ships autopilot too, useable with voice commands (and maybe mental commands if it doesn't make things cost insane points).


    Doesn't have to be all of those things, but they would be preferred. 

  6. Apologies if this is in the wrong area. I'm new to these forums... and hero system. In any event, being new, I'm looking for help on how to design a holographic A.I. helper for a character of mine. 


    The basic backstory for said character is that he was a pilot, got into an accident ending in a coma. While in coma, his pregnant wife signs a contract with a scientist in hopes to get husband back. Instead, scientist puts his brain into an Ultron-esque humanoid robot body. After breaking out of hospital / lab area, he goes home, wife freaks out and he doesn't see her again. A year or two later, robot / cyborg guy is approached with proposal to pilot a space ship to a far away planet (holding the other players) in order to colonize. He accepts and begins a (roughly) 400 year journey to the planet. Never sleeping, eating, drinking, etc... To spend the time and gain something to talk to, he teaches himself programming, robotics, mechanics and so on.


    This is where the A.I. comes in. I'm hoping for my character to make a holographic A.I. helper who he modeled after the daughter he had, but never met (saw her picture online / through government agreement, etc..). Not sure if she should just be tied to the ship or portable via miniature flying projector. She'll have the personality of a kid, but have access to useful information that the ship would be able to analyze (radar of nearby area, security on ship, analysis of objects, creatures and beings that are within range and probably recorded data the ship would have knowledge or access too. This helper would be almost solely loyal to my character and capable of normal talk about things (sort of a personality).


    So. Would it be best to see if my DM would allow a side "character" or is there a way to do this through talents, abilities and such?


    Note this is for Hero System 6th edition.


    P.s. Sorry for the "long winded" post. I try to be thorough, sometimes too much.

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