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Everything posted by Supabeasto

  1. Howdy! The answer to just about any "Why" question is pretty much: Because I thought I knew what I was doing, haha. That said, I'm still learning quite a bit from tweaking El Toro. I'll actually be the GM for our game, I just wanted to try my hand at character creation since I'll have to be the one helping everyone. I definitely can't wait for someone else to take over as GM so I can play this guy and suplex my way to victory! Aaaaanyway, I took all the points to heart and made some tweaks. The biggest change is that I've made El Toro's mask an OIF that gives the character his stat boosts. 4.) I changed Bull's Gore to a more toned down, HKA. 5.) I dropped Chokehold as a power and added a Sleeper Hold as a maneuver. 6.) I didn't buy any CSLs, but I did get something a little more fitting All in all, I think this is a lot closer to what I originally envisioned the character as, so thank you for the help! El Toro-Super.HTML
  2. Thanks for all the help guys! I took into consideration everything you guys said, and I ended up kind making El Toro a little more....heroic. Basically I just took Ironclad's stats and made adjustments to the previous powers, hehe. I also didn't notice I was on a 5e template, so I switched to 6e. As far as detecting crime and stuff, I decided to go with a contact, hoping to make her my eyes and ears on the street. Other than that, let me know what you guys think! EDIT: I see now that I was way off base with my points. Attached is a revised 6e version built using 400pts. (Assuming I did that right...) El Toro-Super.pdf
  3. Hello all, I only recently started getting into Champions after having played Pathfinder for a long while. I bought Champions Complete, but it's still radically different from PF. I think I've been doing ok, and using a bunch of stuff from Lucha Libre Hero (The book that made me want to switch in the first place), I think I finished my first character. I didn't know how to copy over the basics, but here is the sheet I made using the Hero Designer. If you guys could just let me know if it looks alright or what I should work on, that would be great! El Toro.pdf
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