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Posts posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Wow not sure what I did to deserve the personal attacks.


    DANG! aren't we a touch bunch of forum posters.


    I think you need to read the story about the Head of Vecna.

    Allowing players to start killing themselves needlessly will only hurt your game. I think an IQ roll would be fine in this instance because there are times your character would know better than the player. If the player then wants to then trust the angry unreliable dead so be it.


    Apparently you have issues with me not sure what they are since my group of players enjoy my style of GMing. I'll just assume your comments are based on a bad GM experience that was NOT ME.

    Collie, go easy on the poor guy/gal. You just hit CrosshairCollie's biggest button right there. You basically said that the GM's plot is more important than rewarding the players for creative thinking. "Toot-toot, let's all ride on the plot train!"


    Me, I let the player get the success, and scramble around for some OTHER way to guide the players to part of the plot, or move it behind the scenes, if they haven't actually handed the macguffin yet.

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Ah CoC now that brings back memories...(flashback effect and noise)


    The group had just escaped from a...rather unpleasant mission and were being followed by this evil spirit. The spirit would pop-up at random moments and cause havic. Anyways, we were like ten mintues into the night's game and the group was on an airplane headed to England when the spirit took control of a passenger and prepared to attack them.


    Thomas (my dad's character): Wait, what do we have to do to get rid of you?

    Spirit: (Thinking for a second) Give me a sacrifice of life.

    Thomas: Any life will do I take it?

    Spirit: Yes (Evil Grin).

    Thomas shots himself in the head.

    GM picks his jaw up off the floor and cancels the rest of the game for the night.

    GM: I never saw that coming you just killed my whole plot line for like the next three games.

    My Dad: Teach you to try and out crazy me!



    Priceless. Simply Priceless.

  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    As you can tell by the phrasing of the comments, the person with the Smut Field was sitting at the table this week.


    As for the comment about brain cells,icon11.gif due to the max temperatures being above 30C since before Christmas, I haven't had much sleep. Braindead does not begin to describe the state of various members of our group who work odd shifts.


    Other cases of true brilliance Avatar has vulnerability water, he dived into the 4m wide jellyfish. (98% water) in the bay, wither it breaks and sinks or it doesn't break & he sinks. Same damage either way.


    Zero (in black suit, at night)flies off after the jellyfish and then calls for help when the passengers spot him. Can't tell them where he is.


    Miss Chaos doing a Shag (wet wings hung out the side to dry) finally remembers to just turn them off then on again. Flies off after him ( grey robes ,black and grey wings).


    Avatar heads off after them, one he gets dry. Providing his own light by firing off plasma,in the dark. While trying to find two people in dark clothing, also in the dark. No one got hit.


    Note: Do not try reading a character sheet written in pencil with sunglasses on.

    And yet, despite running this game, I am as sane as I was when I started. Which is to say, not very.:D


    Quotes from this week's Fading Suns campaign where the situation officially has been downgraded from FUBAR to SNAFU. They really work better without too much context, just know that we are on a space station that just jumped from one system to another (by-passing another system entirely) and back again in less than 20 minutes. The station also had a serious Symbiot infestation.


    "And you think this is confusing. I'm watching it happen!"


    OOC: "I now name this place, Amityville Station. 'GET OUT!'"


    And, when trying to describe the monochromatic red of what remains of the station's control center.

    OOC: "You've seen 'The Shining', right?"


    But my fave, not for any amusement value, but for the dirty looks it got from my fellow players.

    Me (Inquisitor-Oblate Dutch McClaine): "By Inquisitorial order, all aboard Edo station and the battleship 'Retribution' are herby sentenced to one day of penance."


    I just love my title.:eg:

  4. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    Avon's not evil, and in fact deep down he supports Blake's fight, he just doesn't think good can win. And let's face it he's right. However it was about the third episode that he first heroically saves Blake's life. His excuse was "reflex action it won't happen again". If he was really evil he would have killed Blake and the rest of the crew and found some nice place to retire to with the massive wealth from the Liberator's technology. . He's certainly smart enough to do that. Now sure he talks about doing that with Genna, but that's the point, he talks about it. If he was really contemptuous of other people's lives that's the last thing he'd do. If you're going to stab someone in the back don't talk about it, do it and crush anyone who get's in your way.

    Later when he finds out there's been a murder on another ship he stays on it as hostage despite knowing the murderer will kill anyone who gets close.

    And once again we come back to people ascribing absolutes to an abstract concept. There are only nine alignments, but there are a LOT more variations within the population. For a character to have an evil alignment, they don't need to be all "Mwahahaha!". It comes down to motivation and methodology.
  5. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    Same here!


    It gets worse when you start running into the genderbent lesbian nymphomaniacs who are also under 16 years old... :eek:


    EDIT: I mean that the character is under 16, not the player. Though if one counts emotional age...

    Don't get me started on oversexed pre-teens!
  6. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    Speaking of generbending. I once played a shadowrun mage who kept a shapeshift spell on him/her at all times. The party had managed to figure out that my club-hopping character was a bi-sexual with gender dysphoria, but they couldn't figure out if he/she was pre-op or post-op. They also took a while to find that the character had been born male (SINless and all that). When they found that the core of the characters dysphoria was from being locked into only one gender. I creeped the table out for about the next four sessions. His/Her sexual liasons were always played "behind the curtain".


    You would think that the handle Succubus might have been a bit of a hint.

  7. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory


    In my game I have made a couple of references to a malady that afflicts the metahuman population. There is even a benefit concert in the works, to commemorate the death of Tachyon.


    S.T.A.R.S: Superhuman Toxic Allergic Reaction Syndrome. (I.E. Susceptibility to otherwise harmless substances).

  8. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    The closest I've ever come to a disturbing character was an idea I had for a stretching character (seems to be a theme)' date=' but rather than be a mutant or altered human, the character was, functionally, a rubber golem; an animated humanoid construct made of rubber.[/quote']Somebody wanted to play a cross between Chucky and Stretch Armstrong?
  9. Re: Most Obscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game


    Fairly recently, I did have several characters in my City on the Edge campaign enter astral space and have a talk with an Sorcerer who had followed his friend into a "heavenly realm" only to wander back into the timelessness of the astral. Yes, Alan Moore used him first, but I read the book in question between the two sessions that involved him. I had already decided to include him, and Moore's take is just to superb to pass up. With my own little twist, of course.;)

  10. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots


    Yeah' date=' I keep mixing and matching 4th and 5th. Not sure if it is on purpose or not. My players have never seen any of it, though, so it works. I still use all my old villain books and other fun supplements. I can't think of anything else that hasn't already been mentioned here.[/quote']This is like my take on the IHA. The IHA is primarily the pollitical arm, but there is a smaller, but better funded, extremist group within them that calls themselves, GENOCIDE! "The only good freak is a dead freak."
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Still, for all the faults in the character's, err... character, he generates a lot of interest and discussion. Which is why nobody has asked him to retire the character. His interactions with the rest of the party and the world they live in is a part of what keeps the game interesting.


    Well, right up to the point where Vitus discovers that the Spectre has coupled with three. Then I'll have to bring in another character because my immortal will be dead.

  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Synergy calls PRIMUS tech guru Carter, aka "the Professor".


    Synergy: Hey Professor, could you do me a favor?

    Carter: What is it?

    Synergy: I need you to hack into the Fermilab phone system and transfer all calls made from any phone to a specific speakerphone here.

    Carter: Why?

    Synergy: Thunderbolt may try to escape via the phone lines, and I don't want him getting away.

    Carter: heh, heh, heh. No, I've got a better idea... (begins routing all Fermilab outside lines directly to the PRIMUS base's holding cellblock)

    This'll be a first -- we'll phone in our captures...

    Brillant! Repped.
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