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Posts posted by wrestlinggeek

  1. Re: Crossovers....


    I have always wanted to do something like this. At one point, I and another GM were running 2 seperate Champions campaigns with the same group of players. His was in the standard Champions Universe (5th Ed.), mine was in a home-brewed universe. We briefly talked about doing a cross-over between our universes, taking turns running and using our personal PCs as NPCs while we were running sessions, with each of the other players playing two characters at once. We never got past the initial talking stage, though.

  2. Re: Practical Costuming (not quite a WWYCD)


    It would really depend on what kind of character I was running. Voltage started out in a t-shirt with a lightning bolt on it, a pair of jeans, and hi-top Reeboks. Occasionally, he would top it off with a long coat, but the other PCs said he looked better without it. Of course, when you have blue skin and a permanent visible electrical aura, you don't need much in the way of a costume.;)

  3. Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


    These are all very interesting suggestions. In any game I ever ran, Santa Clause is absolutely, 100% real. His workshop is in another dimension, which can only be accessed once a year (on Christmas Eve), and the gate is located at the North Pole. Hopefully, I'll be running a game next Christmas, and can use some of these suggestions.

  4. Re: WWYCD: Hi! We're your Sidekicks!


    I forgot to add: Those who are school age are in school. If the question of "Who trained you?" comes up, the answer is "You did!" And they know everything about their respective "mentors," from secret IDs to their favorite flavor of ice cream, to when their favorite DNPC's birthday is. And if your character is an alien or dimensional traveller, so is your side-kick. :D

  5. Re: WWYCD: Registration


    Voltage: Already has a public identity, and is always eager for more training. Plus, his powers are pretty obvious, so no problem with giving that away. He would want some sort of garuntee that he would never be forced into military service, and that he could transfer to another team when he wanted to change towns. Would also insist that he be allowed to finish college. But he would love to get law enforcement training and police powers, as long as he wasn't tied up with too much red tape.

  6. Re: Name Help: Super Patriot


    Thanks for what we have so far, but none of these are quite right. This guy is the Captain America of my universe, and he needs a name that conjures up that same kind of reaction. Something simple, yet majestic. Right now, I'm leaning toward Super-Soldier or the Commander. What do y'all think? Any other suggestions?

  7. I have an NPC for an online game I need help with. He's a WWII super-soldier type. He's been adventuring for the last 60-plus years and is now leader of the world's most respected super-team, the Heroes league. I need a name for a character of this type that hasn't been done to death. So no Major Victory, no Patriot, no General Glory. Need something original, but still with the same "feel" to it. Oh, and as far as powers and abilities, he's basicly Captain America with Batman's gadget pool. Thanks in advance for all help.

  8. Your team is approached by a group of teenagers who are dressed as younger versions of yourselves. They claim to be your sidekicks, and have abilities similar to your own, but at reduced levels. No one else has ever heard of them, either, but the press and authorities take it for granted that these are, in fact, your teenage sidekicks. How do you deal with this development?

  9. Re: WWYCD: The Famous Guy Hypotheticals



    Phase 1: "Ok. it's your city. I definitly do not want to step in where I'm not wanted. But, look, I can't just leave without the device, ok? I would be glad to let you take the lead, here, but I have to help. You're the coach, I just want to be on the team."


    Phase 2: Voltage would let the local police know who the rightful owner of the device is, knowing they will return it after its use as evidence is over. As for the courier, he will be waiting when they show up. Then he will show them why he's the most electrifying man in Mellennium City.

  10. In a game I am about to run, one of the NPC heroes gets his powers from his body being a living nuclear reactor. If he doesn't use his active powers for at least an hour a day, he begins to leak radiation, becoming a danger to those around him. How would you build this disad? I can't figure it out.

  11. Re: WWYCD: Dare to be Foxbat


    Voltage as Foxbat:

    "This is not happening! This is a bad dream! I'm gonna kill him!" After coming to terms with the fact that it was real, Voltage would begin trying to figure out how it happened, where Foxbat would be with his body, and how to reverse it. He would also inform his team of the switch, which probably wouldn't take much convincing given "Voltage's" odd behavior.


    Foxbat as Voltage:

    Would first notice that he had blue skin and no hair. At all. Anywhere. Then would probably spend some time playing with the electrical powers including flight and energy blast (which is probably when the team would start to figure out something was wrong). And would probably wonder why he was so hungry all of the sudden.

  12. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


    I may have just found a new villain team to throw at my players.


    Seriously, properly run, these guys could be a real threat. Especially the Mime. I mean, if you think about it, this guy is Green Lantern without needing the ring. He can give himself an invisible suit of power armor, drop an invisible safe on someone's head, have them shot by an invisible cannon mounted on an invisible battleship, etc. Scary.

  13. Re: W W Y G M D ??


    What would your game master do, if....

    I'll answer these as a GM myself:


    Your character approached an NPC talent agent about doing nude pics (Yes, your character has to be a human or else the publication might be Popular Mechanics or Astronomy magazine and it would loose the flavor of the question)?


    It's been done before in my world (by a few NPCs). I would figure out which

    publications the agent approached, how they would respond (probably yes,

    superheroes tend to have a high comliness) and how it would affect circulation and the PCs popularity and reputation.


    What would your GM do if you came up with a solution using your powers or buying a new power that solved a major world problem that would change the environment of the game (i.e. "I just solved world hunger by using 5 pts. Do I get the Nobel?")


    Umm.. wow. OK. Yeah, you will be nominated for the Nobel, and will probably

    win. We'll play out the ceremony in a few sessions (because you know something is gonna happen at the ceremony or on the trip or both). Meanwhile, the whole world loves you right now, and the whole team by extension. So, no more famine story lines.OK, moving on...


    What would your GM do if you choose to have your character decide to go "Rogue" and begin a life of crime?


    The other PCs should handle it. If not, then every NPC hero on the planet is going to come gunning for him hard. Nothing makes the superhero community look worse than when one of their own goes rogue.


    What would your GM do if your character (one without Code VS. Killing) decided that a villain was just too dangerous to live with that much power and prison obviously couldn't contain him? What if your description was good enough to make it look like self-defense? What if it was a private killing, no witnesses?


    No witnesses? Looks like air-tight self defense? Charcater isn't going to feel any guilt? No CvK? What's to do? Oh, yeah, obviously the villain has to come back (this is comics, afterall, and if the villain is so powerful that the PC feels no super-prison can hold him, then you know he's going to come back from death), and seek revenge on the hero who killed him, announcing loudly to the rest of the team exactly what happened.


    Thought I would give a little twist to the standard WWYCD. Enjoy.


    I did enjoy. Thanks.

  14. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"



    Would tell his team, "I'll hold back for as long as I can. My record is two hours. But, she's pretty hot, so... Look just find a way to save all those people as fast as you can, ok? I'll do the deed, but I'm not ready to be a father yet. Especially not if the mother's a villain."


    After that, he'd want to know if it would be televised or filmed, and if filmed, could he get Asia Carrera to direct (and maybe join in).

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