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Posts posted by Tymefyre

  1. Personally, I think this would be a Drain. When the attack hits, it may or may not be affected by the UFO's "slickness".

    I'm thinking something like:

    25d6 Drain Damage Shield, 0-END, Persistent, Standard Effect, Always On, Limited (5d6 per point Dex roll missed by), OAF - Immobile (the UFO).

    Every 5d6 on Standard Effect gets 15 points, so at 25d6 you're covered up to a 5-pt miss, which basically nullify any damage at all with the UFO's on DEF


    What I have working right now is okay, but I would like to figure out how to get it to look and display like FTL Travel. I do have the SOURCE tag for 5th Edition under the TYPE tag. 

    Using DISPLAY="Supersonic Flight [LVL]" in the power definition, I get it to show up as Supersonic Flight 0. 




    When buying more levels it changes from 0 to whatever, but the change is showing in the Display dialog box instead of next to the Level buttons like it does when buying levels of FTL Travel. When I do not use the [LVL] tag in DISPLAY, I get [LVL]d6 to show up next to the buttons instead. What I am trying to find is a way to get Mach [LVL] to show next to the level buttons the same way FTL Travel show [LVL] Lightyears/year. So far I have not been able to find a specific command to do so. 








  3. Edit to above

    I misunderstood what container you were talking about. The Flight is in the POWERS container, but it also needs to be in a POWER container, i.e.



         <POWER ...>




    Now my problem with the power is that the levels are showing as d6, which I assume is the default. Have to find the command that changes it from "xd6" to "Mach [level] "


  4. The flight power above is inside the POWER container. I placed it directly beneath the Regen power. I have been trying to follow what is in the HD documentation, but their is no example on creating / modifying a power. 


    Speaking of; when I followed the example of adding a characteristic, line for line out of the documentation, I got nothing. "Education" was not added to the list. So I am still experimenting to see what works and why.


    So far I have been able to add the Regen, not exactly how I would like, but it gets the job done. Also added a new skill. HD doesn't want to open the dialog box when double-clicking but it will add to the list and open with the edit command. 


    The big problem I am having is trying to add Supersonic Flight. So far, what I am doing is a copy/paste of FTL in the Powers container. Then edit a little like so: 


            <SSF DISPLAY="Supersonic Flight" STOPSIGN="No" ABBREVIATION="Mach Flight"
                USESEND="Yes" BASECOST="10" LVLCOST="2" LVLVAL="1" LVLPOWER="2" LEVELSTART="0"
                <DEFINITION>A character with Supersonic Flight can travel as fast or faster than the speed of sound.</DEFINITION>


    When I launch HD and create a character using the Custom Rules -> Template, Regen is in my powers list but the Supersonic Flight is not. 



    At this point I guess my question is: Can I add a new unique power or am I limited to only modifying existing powers?






    I am running into anew problem adding Regeneration.

    If I remove the OPTIONLABEL and the associated options, Regen shows in the powers list, but it will not open. 


    For Example if I use the code below, Regen doesn't open.




    However, it will open if I use the following: 

            <OPTION XMLID="1TURN" LVLCOST="10" LVLVAL="1" DISPLAY="Turn" />



    What I am missing?


    Also I cannot seem to add a new power based on FTL. I copied the FTL text, changed the name to SSFLIGHT and it does not appear in the list.

  7. The template I am trying to build off of is the  Superheroic.hdt with extends="builtIn.Main.hdt" 


    If I understand what you are saying, to get an "extra time" like limitation I have to declare a new power specific limit in the power definition. Something like "DELAYED_TIME" and then give it levels of -1/4 each?

  8. Hello, 

    I am have some problems trying to add powers to a superhero template for 5th Ed. Note: I am using the latest version of HD.


    My first problem is getting the template to load. When I create a new Superhero character and use the "Add Extension Template" the added power does not show in the list. However, if I create the new character using "Custom/Non-Standard Rules" and select the template it shows the added power. Is this normal behavior?


    My second problem is getting the new power to work the way I would like it too. I am trying to add Regeneration built like it was in 4th Ed. I started by copying the 6th Ed power from Main.6HD, then removed most of the "option" lines. What I can't figure out how to do is get HD to allow the Extra Time limitation. In 4th Regen was 10 CP per 1 Body per Turn, with a -1/4 limit for every step up the time chart. I'm assuming HD will not let me add Extra Time because it is a Persistent power. Is there a way to force that limit into the power or create a specific limit baked into the Regen?



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