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Posts posted by Valerious

  1. Hi.


    I have a question about stretching with the Does Not Cross Intervening Space advantage.


    Would it allow a character to reach inside of a closed box? Grab an item inside and pull it out?


    Or suppose a character had a targeting sense that allowed him to see and target someone inside an enclosed room. Could he then use his stretching to attack someone inside from outside the room?



  2. Re: Hero System and Rpg.net


    I'm not at all familiar with the rpg.net forums.


    But for what it's worth, looking at it today, there's a pretty positive thread talking about Foxbat: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=311653


    Although there was some dislike(I wouldn't quite call it strong enough to be hate) for 5th edition, there's at least a decent number of people there with positive memories of Champions and the Hero system.

  3. Re: Running jokes in your campaign


    Several years ago in a Shadowrun campaign, one player had an Ork with a crazy high body score, as well as multiple cyber/bioware enhancements that made this guy nigh impossible to kill. Sure, you could give him deadly wounds and put him down, but you could bet that after the combat he'd be back on his feet in no time, usually more quickly than others who had much more mild injuries.


    This lead to the player being somewhat, well, reckless in combat. When the foes were no big worry, this was fine. But against tougher foes, he'd often go down. He soon became our resident "red-shirt", the guy who was killed(okay, being given a deadly wound isn't necessarily fatal in SR) to prove the situation was dangerous.


    So to this day, when it becomes clear a combat is dangerous, someone will remark, "This would kill Steve."

  4. Re: GMs: Funniest Character Sheet Mistakes You've Seen.


    I think I'd get in trouble if I discussed one character's "cumcussion grenade". Obvious mispelling that I've never had the heart to tell him about.


    Same character also had a power called "confidance". He thinks he can dance well maybe?


    Another had a psyche lim "cloustrophobia". It seems like that should be funny, but I haven't found a meaning for clous. Haven't looked too hard either, though...

  5. Re: The Question write up?


    In the JLTAS he is a conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe in conspracies (plural) but one big conspiracy (singular).

    So many great moments from JLU. My favorite:


    Supergirl: Have you been going through my garbage?

    Question: Please...I go through everyone's garbage.

  6. Re: Game Play Concept: No Limitations


    I find most limitations come up on their own often enough without me forcing the issue as a GM. Do I have to specifically look for opportunities to take that OAF away? No. At the same time' date=' I also don't assume my villains can't tell that the Emerald Archer is a lot less effective if his bow is Grabbed or broken, so characters for whom that's a viable option will often take that approach.[/quote']

    I want to agree with that completely.


    Occasionally, I realize that I haven't had a limitation come up in awhile, or one has been more often than warranted, and so I will make minor adjustments as needed. But most of the time, by virtue of intelligently played villains and other genre conventions, limitations do tend to naturally come up without planning on my part, and usually in relative proportion to the size of the lim. If they don't, then it indicates either a problem in the cost of the lim, or in my GM style. It's usually easy to fix either.

  7. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


    couple of reasons:


    Hey, sorry if my response came off as saying you could have built it better, as that wasn't the intention. I'm sure it worked well for the character, and sounds like it could have been a reasonable power that I might approve as a GM. Given the topic, I was suggesting ways to make it more munchkiny. :celebrate

  8. Re: TK & Martial Arts?


    While I haven't dealt with a TK MA, I have both played and GMed stretching Martial Artists. They do present some interesting challenges and can do some cool things, but I didn't consider them unbalancing. I would imagine they are similar in ways. The main difference I can think of is the stretcher doesn't have a range penalty and can benefit from stretching velocity damage, but can't really go beyond the stretching inches purchased, while the TK has effectively much longer range, but has to deal with range penalties. I'd imagine that would even out pretty well.


    I'd allow it in my game, but like all unfamiliar things, I'd keep a close eye on it. I definately would consider it a separate martial art to do it with TK than with your body. If you use AP limits, I'd also want to consider the total AP used in the attack; if you have a 60 point limit, and it's a 60 poink TK with maneuvers on top of it, it might not necessarily be broken, but I would think that'd indicate somewhere to apply a little more scrutiny.

  9. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest


    I like to use the following build in a multipower, if I can get away with it:


    Power Up: Aid [to multipower], 1 point, increased maximum (10 points), Increased Return ( 5 points/5 minutes)"


    Completely useless in combat, but if you get a chance to prep before hand it'll jack your multipower up 2 DC's for the duration of the fight.


    Why stop there?


    I had a player once try a similar scheme. He upped the return rate to 1 hour(+1), added Variable Effect at the +1 level and chose his favorite 4 characteristics/powers, and bought up to the 60AP limit in increased maximum(20 extra max effect for 10 points).


    End result was a character that could add 25 points to 4 characteristics/powers that wouldn't wear off for an hour. Every idle moment, he'd be boosting himself to make sure he was never without it. Basically, by spending 60AP(it was in a mp and had lims that made it cheaper still), he was essentially adding 100 total points pretty much all the time.


    I'd bet it could be done even more efficiently than that, which is scary.


    It was the first character that I couldn't find a direct rules violation in that I had to reject anyway. I praised him for his creativity, but had to say, no way.

  10. Re: Code vs Killing (Total)


    CvK for villains is a different story. That would mean they don't take hostages' date=' threaten innocents, and are careful fighting authorities (not only so they don't kill anyone, but also the stray energy blast didn't do any harm). So I'd disagree that bronze/silver age villains had CvK, they just weren't as successful with the K. Let's face it, if you're threatening to pull an asteroid into the Earth, you have no problems with killing.[/quote']


    I'm not sure I completely agree with that; if they had a total code, maybe they do take precautions like that. But this guy's code wasn't total. I think it was moderate, if I recall correctly.


    Just for clarification, he wasn't the supervillain, pull an asteroid to the earth type. In fact, I wouldn't even really classify him as a supervillain, more of a regular powered villain, albeit a pretty beefy one. As to the archetype, he was a hired mercanary. He was in it for the money. Need to rough someone up who owes you money? He'll do that, for a percentage. Need someone for a little smash and grab? He's your man if you have the money. Need a bodyguard? He'll take the job. Kidnap someone? If the money's right and he's in a good mood, he might do it, but he doesn't want to know what you plan to do with them(I figure that's an appropriate attitude for a villain with a moderate CvK). But you need someone killed? Call someone else. He won't do that. He's good enough at what he does, that he can afford to pick and choose his jobs.


    The players ended up really liking that villain, and their characters had a slightly uneasy respect for him, although his choice of employers made him unquestionably a villain, so they did put him in jail. But of course, he did break out later, and they met a few more times. I played it that he loved facing off with them, because it afforded a rare opportunity to really unload on someone, and push himself to his limits. They seized on his CvK as what they perceived as an honorable quality and every time they'd meet the heroes would try to turn him to the side of good(and they'd happily point out his employer's killings), although evil just paid too much for that to ever happen.


    In the end, it was a stronger psych lim about money that kept him a villain.

  11. Re: Code vs Killing (Total)


    For me the real issue is that CvK is about roleplaying. It's not about the GM shouting "Gotcha!"


    If a character is diligent about not using excessive force, doesn't deliberately attempt to kill his or her opponents, and gives the "I'm not going to kill you because I'm better than you" speech when appropriate, they're fine in my eyes. They've paid for their points. It's a roleplaying thing.


    I don't think they should need to jump through tactical hoops all that often.


    I'd like to add my amen to that as well.


    I recently had a problem in a game I am running where some characters really weren't roleplaying their CvKs. I was having to point their codes out often, since they didn't really seem to effect much. They had an accidental death, but I wasn't sure it made much of an impression.


    But the problem got fixed in a way I was very happy with. I put them up against a superstrong villain with a CvK(they're not neccesarily just for heroes!), who, at a critical moment in the fight, pulled his punch against a member of the group who's defenses he was uncertain of. As a result, they were able to rally and take him down, when it easily could have gone the other way. When questioned about it, the villain pointed out that he really could have knocked him into next week, but he couldn't be sure if the hero could take it, and killing wasn't something he was willing to do. He explained that he had to hold back, although he threatened he wouldn't make that mistake a second time. An NPC contact reiterated the point, emphasising how even this villain was careful with his powers, even though it cost him the fight, and there was a nice, well roleplayed discussion of power and responsibility.


    They got the point, and it mostly happened naturally in the game(I did give at least one GM lecture, but the game events had far greater effect). Since then, there's been some great roleplay in the group regarding the CvK's, particularly around the interplay between the characters that have them and those that don't. It's great when those things can work themselves out ingame. Sometimes an example helps a lot.

  12. Re: Code vs Killing (Total)


    One important difference between a moderate, strong, or total code according to the book is how rational the person is when faced with the situation.


    Moderate: The code will decide their choice of action. Somewhat easy to change their mind though; an EGO roll at +5 is required. I picture this as the guy who doesn't beleive in killing, but can be reasonable and make rational decisions based on the situation. He'd take one life to save 50. He most likely will kill the villain stealing the nuclear bomb.


    Strong: The character takes irrational actions where killing is involved. This is the guy who goes out of his way to not kill. When confronted with a situation where he might have to kill for a very good reason (like the villain and the nuclear bomb example again), he might be able to make himself do it, but isn't going to like it much. Even then, I think he'd only choice that after all other options are exhausted. He'll likely beat himself up over it for a long time, and wonder if there might have been a better way.


    Total: Totally irrational. Will not kill. Ever. Teammates can't talk him into it. His dedication to not kill is so complete, that he simply cannot be reasoned with or persuaded on the matter. His conviction is unmovable. The EGO roll to overcome it is at a minimum of -5, but is at the GM's discretion whether to allow the roll at all. Personally, I only allow exceptions to a total code in extraordinary circumstances, like kill the villain or the world is destroyed kind of thing. This guy not only wouldn't kill the villain stealing the bomb, but he'd probably step in front of the bullet if a teammate tried to kill him, or stop his teammate in some other manner. He'd prefer to find another way to stop the villain.


    Like others have said, a solid definition of the code is very important. For example, if a player tells me that his character would have no issue killing invading aliens, and I have a game world where such events are common, the I'd reduce the frequency on the disadvantage. If a target being "irredemably evil" voids the limitation, then I'd reduce the disad proportionally to how common an "iredeemably evil" trait is in my world.

  13. Re: Fear of the dark


    I too have a hard time separating what from how, so apologies if this is less helpful.


    I would really need to know the effect in play.


    If the power paralyzes the target in fear, I'd make a BOECV Entangle.


    If the character says "Boo!", then I'm buying extra PRE for presence attacks, and us the presence attack chart.


    If the character is frightening in appearance, some mix of a negative COM and extra PRE, and again using the presence attack mechanics may be appropriate.


    If it's a fear spell, then a PRE Drain is probably appropriate, with the appropriate effects for negative PRE if it does well enough.


    If the ability is intended to make someone run away, the Mind Control with the single command "Run away" is a good suggestion.


    Heck, if the effect of the fear is that the target has difficulty fighting, then Change Environment with an adjustment to CV for it's effect becomes attractive.


    Lots of ways to do it.

  14. Re: Bricks and Improvised Weapons


    I'd say he paid points for the ability and did not take an extra time limitation so he should be able to grab incidental objects as a non-attack 1/2 phase action. However' date=' he would still have to take 2 phases if he wanted to grab a [u']character[/u] and throw them at another character or specific target.

    Essentially correct... unless you consider a character an object of opportunity. I never would... unless it was an unconscious character, then he's free game. Anything that can dodge or otherwise resist is not considered an "object" let alone one of opportunity. Anything else easily picked up is fair game.

    That's pretty much exactly how I'd run it in my games.

  15. Re: Bricks and Improvised Weapons


    My thought on the matter is that if a brick wants to be able to grab and throw an object at someone in a single phase, he should probably buy an AoE(probably 1 hex) EB with the object of opportunity limitation.


    Doing it with STR alone, I find one phase to grab, and another to aim and throw the object to be reasonable.

  16. Re: House Rule: Can be thrown advantage


    It's both. There are two versions for two different situations.


    1) HKA has no range by default. Range Based On STR is the Advantage version here.

    2) RKA has range by default. Range Based On STR is the Limitation version here.


    So is it clear as mud now? (8^D)


    - Christopher Mullins


    And the important difference is that the HKA with the advantage gets it's damage increased by STR, but the RKA with the limitation does not.

  17. Re: Entangle as improved grab


    You could definitely build this as an entangle. In fact, the Champions book specificly suggests it as a power for metamorphs.


    They recommend taking the Cannot Form Barriers limitation, as well as Feedback, so that when your entangle is damaged, so are you.


    Nothing about entangle requires that your tail be broken in order for someone to escape; it could just as easily be that they did enough damage to force you to release them.


    Although entangle is indeed a viable option, I would consider the suggestion for extra STR limited to grabs. It would end up costing less, and wrapping them up with your tail would be an appropriate special effect.

  18. Re: A teleport EC


    +x DCV bought as 5 pt. skill levels, costs end, to represent the teleporter bouncing around the immediate area in a chaotic fashion. (making him harder to track visually)


    This will put you deep in GM's discretion territory.


    CSL's bought with limitations may only apply to OCV, unless the GM gives permission otherwise.


    Special Powers(of which your DCV CSLs would be one), normally cannot be put in a framework, unless the GM gives permission again.


    Personally, when I GM, I follow the book's recommendations here as DCV is so powerful, that I consider price breaks like you'd get here to be unbalancing. But if your GM will allow it, go for it.


    Even without that though, you can make a very cool Teleportation EC, and there are several great ideas here. A player in my current game uses several of the suggestions already given, and is very potent.

  19. Re: Disadvantage that becomes an advantage?


    My gut reaction to this was "of course he takes stun", but after further consideration, I see the argument for the other side.


    Aside from the various Daredevil examples, let's say a bad guy has a HA with the special effect of twisting someone's arm(silly, but bear with it). He absolutely couldn't use it on the hero with the physical limitation: no arms, even though that was a disad worth points and the villain had paid for the attack. It just wouldn't make sense for the special effects, and I see no need for the hero to need to buy some defenses to attacks which target arms.


    So it seems to me that a guy with a disad for "Feels no Pain" ought to not feel pain. So does that mean he should be immune to the attack? Maybe. It depends on the special effect for how the pain is caused, and why he doesn't feel pain.


    In fact, one of the biggest questions to me, is how is this disadvantage built? Several arguments have been put forward under the assumption that it's a physical limitation, but I note that Erkenfresh didn't actually say that(unless I'm missing it). If it is, and his body is just incapable of feeling pain, then I'd say he was immune. But the way it's described(delusional guy thinks he's a god), it seems like it could be psycholgical as well. Does he think he's a god because he doesn't feel pain(physical limitation), or does his mind refuse to acknowledge pain(psychological limitation) because he think he's a god? If it's the latter, then I'd say he takes the stun, but remains unaware.

  20. Re: AARGH! How do I build this power without exceeding active point caps?


    I'm not sure how you would build something that would use the right damage for the situation, but you may not need to.


    I'm thinking go ahead and build it in a multipower. I would guess that in the typical situation you'd know if your target was animate/inanimate/undead, but to be extra sure, also buy a detect to know the difference. Then you choose the right one.


    I'm not sure if that fits the exact special effect you're looking for, but maybe that'll help.

  21. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    I need to know if it is worth it to try COH again. Or at least what you opinion is. Has the game changed/improved significantly in the last year? If so how? Is it still basically about the get mission-do mission-get another mission-all there is to do is bash opponents grind? HELP!


    Firstly, I have to say that I have played CoH since Beta and love it, so that's where my bias is. Twice since it's release, I've become tired of the repetitive gameplay and cancelled for short times, but always end up coming back. I find it a welcome change from the typcial fantasy MMO. I find the battles in CoH to be just so much more interesting than most MMOs offer. I salute them for being willing to do things differently than the typical formula most MMO's follow.


    Has it changed? I think the game is better balanced than it used to be. I enjoy PvP from time to time, but I've seen it done better in other games. I think their writing is much better than it used to be, and the more recently a story arc or task force was added, the better and more interesting it is.


    However, doing missions is still the core of the gameplay. There are some new nuances to some missions(mayhem missions on the villain side are great fun), but nothing earth shattering. If it wasn't enough for you before, it probably won't be now. For me, I enjoy it, but I can easily see why many want more. Even as a big fan of the game, I know the time will come again that I'll tire of it and cancel a third time.

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