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  1. Re: Concepts you wish your players would play I've just started running my first game and worked with the players to make sure I got some concepts I liked, though for the most part they came up with their own wants and I just wrote up the characters for them. My favorite is the mentalist with a spring-of-drowned-girl Jusenkyo curse from the Ranma 1/2 anime series. (Cold water transforms him into a girl and hot water changes him back.) To make it really interesting I wrote up the girl form as having stronger mental illusions and mind control while the male form has a stronger ego blast. As for concepts I'd LIKE to see... Hmmm... I'd love to run a game with a Trickster Archer. The various arrows and potential for vehicles and non-combat skills would be fun I think. A loner samurai could be cool. I've always liked the Japanese culture and the samurai code of honor would be fun to put to the test. And the hero who comes in to save the day or goes off on a personal quest and the other heroes have to find him for such and such a reason could come in handy. My group doesn't exactly fit classic hero mentality, but they DO work pretty cohesively so far. In our first session the villain was getting away so the speedster rushed to the back of the battle field to carry the mentalist forward as he was the only one getting any signifigant effects in. Though they barely used his mind link for more than a couple tactical updates on location of the villain and traps in his secret base. Where as I would have liked to see some IC chatter across it. Oh, another archtype I'd really like to GM for is The Boy Genius. Either the truly young genius gadgeteer/scientist or a middle aged "former" Boy Genius who had fallen on rough times and now is out to redeem his name by becoming a Super Hero. -Mike
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