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Posts posted by Certified

  1. Re: The Coolest Superhero Costumes


    What, no petty arguing? Heck with that.


    Batman has the coolest costume, and you are all wrong.


    There. That's better.


    All of y'all are haters big ups to the greatest costume of all time!


    - - -


    Ok, enough of that. I thought the list was fairly good it. Not so much as the best costumes ever but maybe a collection of iconic super hero looks. Yeah, I could see the Flash on that list but who could you bump?

  2. Re: People with Powers


    Can anyone point me to a thread about a similar concept to this setting?


    I don't know about a thread here but have you ever read the Wild Cards series of books? Give them a shot if you have time for the reading, the books are compilations of short stories from various writers using the same world.


    Part of the premise is that a global event triggers genetic mutation is people everywhere. Most infected die, those that remain are divided into three basic groups. Jokers who have horribly altered and are often hideous and rarely have any super powers (There are exceptions.) Aces, those that basically won the lotto when it comes to superpowers and Deuces, those with no deformity like Jokers but only trivial powers at best.


    Another major factor in the books was personality and flavor, getting away from standard comic book conventions. The first one really sets up the world and you can watch a kind of alternate timeline evolve as the stories progress.


    I hope that helps.


    - - -


    On a side note are all the powers based on the targets desires like some unconscious control? If I were a public figure, forget everything else I'll take a bump to PREsence, it's like mind control light. :eg:

  3. No powerhouse this time. When I did Megan I was thinking about the Deuces from the Wild Cards short stories. Although her powers are slightly more effective than a Wild Card Deuce she's certainly not a fighter.


    Megan Grant



    Value Char Base Cost Roll Notes

    8 STR 10 -2 11- 1 1/2d6 / 75.8kg

    10 DEX 10 0 11-

    13 CON 10 6 12-

    13 BODY 10 6 12-

    28 INT 10 18 15- PER Roll 15-

    20 EGO 10 20 13-

    28 PRE 10 18 15- 5 1/2d6

    10 COM 10 0 11-


    2 PD 2 0

    3 ED 3 0

    3 SPD 2.0 10

    5 REC 5 0

    26 END 26 0

    24 STUN 24 0



    Running: 6"/12"

    Swimming: 2"/4"

    Leaping H: 1 1/2"

    Leaping V: 0 1/2" Teleporting: /24"


    Basic Combat Stats

    BaseOCV: 3 BaseDCV: 3 BaseECV: 7

    Adjustments: Adjustments: Adjustments:

    Total: Total: Total:



    Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128

    RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

    Phases: 4, 8, 12


    2 PD (0 rPD) 3 ED (0 rED) 0 MD 0 PwrD

    END: 26 STUN: 24 BODY: 13



    5 Acting 16-

    3 Bribery 15-

    5 Bureaucratics 16-

    3 Conversation 15-

    3 Forgery 15-

    9 Gambling 18-

    3 High Society 15-

    3 Oratory 15-

    3 Persuasion 15-

    3 Scholar

    2 1) KS: Dirty Politics (3 Active Points) 15-

    2 2) KS: Extortion Rackets (3 Active Points) 15-

    2 3) KS: Law (3 Active Points) 15-

    2 4) KS: Organized Crime (3 Active Points) 15-

    2 5) KS: The Black Market (3 Active Points) 15-

    3 SS: Sociology 15-

    3 SS: Psychiatry 15-

    3 Seduction 15-



    12 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance, State government leadership position

    5 Money: Well Off

    9 Reputation: Metahuman Senator (A large group) 14-, +3/+3d6



    18 Telekinesis (10 STR), Fine Manipulation, Line Of Sight (+1/2) (37 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) 12


    11 Hop: Teleportation 6", Position Shift, x4 Noncombat (22 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) 6

    10 Lucky Break: Luck 2d6 0



    Watched: GEO 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching) 25

    Psychological Limitation: Perfectionist (Common, Moderate) 10

    Psychological Limitation: Stubborn (Common, Strong) 15

    Psychological Limitation: Subject to strong media rumors about his moral character (Uncommon, Strong) 10

    Social Limitation: Public Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe 20

    Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Blackmailed) (Frequently, Severe) 20


    Character Costs

    Characteristics: 76 Martial Arts: 0

    Skills: 59 Perks: 26

    Talents: 0 Powers: 39

    Base Points: 100

    Disadvantages: 100

    Unspent Exp: 0

    Spent Exp: 0

    Total: 200


    Character Information

    Height: 1.79 m Hair: Brown

    Weight: 45.00 kg Eyes: Black


    Background: Growing up in the politically charged sixties and seventies Megan was torn between worlds. Forced to hide her gifts as a child her parents fought for social equality for all races while shunning the Metahuman population. Megan was present at the rally in 65� where War Eagle attacked those gathered including the retired veteran and Metahuman Moon Dog. Her parents were founding members of Humans Against Altered’s Dictatorships, Megan ran away from home a year later no longer able to deal with her parents public hate of Metahumans and forcing her to hide her talents.


    She was gone less than a month before agents of HAAD located her returning Megan to her parents. To avoid conflict she was sent to private schools as her parents moved to Washington consolidating the political power of HAAD. In her years away Megan found herself virtually groomed for office. She was introduced to all the right children, sons and daughters of power while her parents nuzzled in as conservative lobbyists.


    In 1988 Megan was elected to the Virginia State Senate. At her confirmation she publicly announced her Metahuman nature and vowed to continue to fight for the values she was elected for and the equal rights of all peoples. Since this time Megan Grant has held public office although in her second term she ran and won as an independent. To date she no longer belongs to any political party.


    Personality: Megan is still an idealist who sees the BMA and MCPD just as offensive as hate groups like HAAD. Her years in Congress have jaded Megan to some extent but it has left her with the presence to maneuver and politic with begrudging peers.


    Quote: “I don’t have an off the record, please sit down, lets talk.”

  4. Re: [Character] Richter


    It's not so much a matter of putting him up against anyone but helping to flesh out the world in general. I've been working on just some solo kind of heroes that might serve as NPCs for the same reason but Richter and the others from the Xeno Consortium are more intended to help round out the world. Although, once I get the ball rolling with a campaign, there's always room for special guest appearances yes? I may try and do some of the other members of Xeno Consortium as well.


    The other side to it is that these characters have been going up publicly to serve as a kind of baseline. Here are what the numbers for other heroes look like so that when the PCs go to create their own characters they will have examples that are in line with the campaign guidelines.


    - - -


    Oh, on the subject of the Force Wall, when I put it in I wasn't so much thinking of combat but more like dramatic purpose. Along with his telekinesis Richter has some major earth moving going on. The picture I had was the classic Dam disaster. Oh no what do we do about the water now?

  5. Re: [Character] Richter


    Here is a link to the Metahuman's Rising Wiki and to the normal campaign notes. The excerpt below are the intended starting guidelines. There's nothing firm because character concept should come first. The guidelines were my attempt to make sure that one player doesn't write the uber character to make all others feel inferior.


    Standard Attack: 15d6 (15 DCs)


    Killing Attack: 5d6 (15 DCs)


    Max PD/ED 35

    Max Force Wall 20 (Force wall blocks only Body, if no body gets through all damage is mitigated.)

    Max Value for Limitations -1


    Ave Dexterity 12-18 (Above 18 should be defined as part of the character not obligatorily for all characters.)

    Ave Speed: 4-5 (6 and above should be defined as part of the character not obligatorily for all characters.)

    OCV/DCV: 5-8 (Raw OCV/DCV above 8 and above should be defined as part of the character not obligatorily for all characters.)

    Note: In addition to the following any characters must still be approved.



    Here are a couple of other NPCs I've written for the setting that are in the 350 point range:




    Omega 27


    Burn Baby

  6. Re: [Character] Richter


    After reading through, it seems Richter just didn't come off as that imposing. I can see those END problems with the build as well. Thanks for the critique on this, I tried to write something that balances the idea of skill with raw power without going overboard playing with the points.


    To compensate for the END I've added in some characteristic bonuses that are linked to the Earth and while on the subject of Linked. I've used linked to shave some of the overall point cost allowing him to increase his Armor as well as Earth Manipulation multipower.


    This leaves him with 2 major weaknesses. The obvious, he has to remain touching the ground and Power Drains or Suppression, if his Blood of the Earth Armor were to be turned off he would be little more than a quick distraction. However, I believe this is fitting with his back story as he spent years captured by a Suppression Villain. Lastly, although the damage on a lot of his attacks did not go up Richter's Entangle did and has the added benefit of allowing any attacks to bypass it, also fitting with his back story and encounter with the Red Juggernaut. Hopefully the build doesn't come off as completely tweaked and like a munchkin.



    Alternate IDs: Adam D Lowe


    Value Char Base Cost Roll Notes

    25 STR 10 15 14- 5d6 / 800.0kg

    23/33 DEX 10 39 16-

    20/35 CON 10 20 16-

    25/40 BODY 10 30 17-

    25 INT 10 15 14- PER Roll 14-

    20 EGO 10 20 13-

    23 PRE 10 13 14- 4 1/2d6

    12 COM 10 1 11-


    5/48 PD 5 0

    7/50 ED 7 0

    7 SPD 4.3 27

    13 REC 12 2

    70 END 70 0

    71 STUN 71 0



    Running: 6"/12"

    Swimming: 4"/8"

    Leaping H: 5"

    Leaping V: 2 1/2" Tunneling: 11"/44"


    Basic Combat Stats

    BaseOCV: 11 BaseDCV: 11 BaseECV: 7

    Adjustments: Adjustments: Adjustments:

    Total: Total: Total:



    Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128

    RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10


    Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12


    5/48 PD (0/43 rPD) 7/50 ED (0/43 rED) 10 MD 0 PwrD

    END: 70 STUN: 71 BODY: 40


    Martial Arts

    3 Defensive Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Block, TargetFalls

    3 Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 5d6 Strike; TargetFalls




    3 Acrobatics 16-

    3 Breakfall 16-

    3 Climbing 16-

    3 Criminology 14-

    3 Cryptography 14-

    7 Deduction 16-

    3 High Society 14-

    3 Instructor 14-

    3 Linguist

    2 1) Language: French (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points)

    2 2) Language: German (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points)

    2 3) Language: Spanish (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points)

    3 Mechanics 14-

    3 Scholar

    2 1) KS: Law (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 2) KS: Military Customs and Courtesy (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 3) KS: Military History (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 4) KS: Military organizations (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 5) KS: Operational Planning (3 Active Points) 14-

    3 Scientist

    2 1) SS: Graphology 14- (3 Active Points)

    2 2) SS: Metallurgy 14- (3 Active Points)

    2 3) SS: Meterology 14- (3 Active Points)

    3 Survival 14-

    11 Tactics 18-

    3 Teamwork 16-



    3 Access

    39 UN Security Counsel: Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (39 Active Points) 16-

    2 Deep Cover

    25 Founding Member of the Xeno Consortium: Fringe Benefit: International Driver's License, International Police Powers, Low Justice: Character has the right to mete out justice., Membership, Passport, Security Clearance

    5 Money: Well Off

    9 Reputation: "Leader of the Xeno Consortium" (A large group) 14-, +3/+3d6

    10 XenoConsortiumTower: Vehicles & Bases

    5 Diamond Back: Xeno Consortium Jet: Vehicles & Bases


    62 Earth Manipulation: Multipower, 125-point reserve, (125 Active Points); all slots Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4)


    6u 1) Stone Spear: Energy Blast 14d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (122 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) vs PD. 5


    4u 2) Rolling Thunder: Energy Blast 10d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Explosion (-1 DC/3"; +1) (125 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Target Must be touching the ground; -1/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) vs PD. 5


    6u 3) Rock Storm: Energy Blast 14d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (122 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) vs PD. 5


    6u 4) Stone Cage: Entangle 8d6, 8 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2) (120 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 12


    6u 5) Rock Wall: Force Wall (20 PD/20 ED; 10" long and 2" tall) (Alterable Size) (125 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 12


    4u 6) Hands of the Earth: Telekinesis (45 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation (88 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 9


    5u 7) Earth Glide: Tunneling 11" through 11 DEF material, Fill In, x4 Noncombat, No Gravity Penalty (+1/2) (105 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 10


    105 Blood of the Earth: Armor (35 PD/35 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (131 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 0


    24 Hard as a Rock: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) 0


    15 Body of the Earth: +15 BODY (30 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4)


    15 Bond of the Earth: +15 CON (30 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4)


    15 Movement of the Earth: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Linked (Blood of the Earth; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4)


    20 Steadfast: Knockback Resistance -10" 0


    5 Tough as Stone: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 0


    16 Life Support (Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing) 0


    6 Iron Will: Mental Defense (10 points total) 0


    13 Rocks on a Roll: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (Uses rocks and earth to deflect attacks; -1/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4)



    Watched: UN Security Counsel 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) 20


    Hunted: GEO 11- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 20


    Hunted: Ultimas 11- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish) 20


    Psychological Limitation: Bound By Duty (Common, Strong) 15


    Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common, Moderate) 10


    Psychological Limitation: Fear of Public Speaking (Uncommon, Moderate) 5


    Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe 20


    Social Limitation: Subject to Orders Very Frequently (14-), Major 20


    Social Limitation: Famous (Frequently, Minor) 10


    Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN From Sonic Attacks (Common) 10


    Combat Maneuvers

    Name Phs OCV DCV Effect

    Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, Abort

    Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod

    Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can Disarm

    Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, Vs. All Att

    Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab 2 Limbs

    Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab

    Haymaker 1/2 +0 -5 +4 DC, Delayed Phs

    Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5

    MoveThru 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3

    Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Att Only

    Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or Weapon

    Defensive Strike 1/2 +1 +3 5d6 Strike

    Defensive Throw 1/2 +1 +1 Block, TargetFalls

    Martial Strike 1/2 +0 +2 7d6 Strike

    Root 1/2 +0 +0 40 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort

    Takedown 1/2 +1 +1 5d6 Strike; TargetFalls


    Character Costs

    Characteristics: 184 Martial Arts: 6

    Skills: 79 Perks: 98

    Talents: 0 Powers: 333


    Base Points: 550

    Disadvantages: 150

    Unspent Exp: 0

    Spent Exp: 0

    Total: 700


  7. Richter is a founding member and leader of the Xeno Consortium part of the setting I'm working on. This is my first really high powered hero I've done so point out any big no nos you might see. As written he is intended to be one of the most powerful Metahumans currently alive so hopefully the point expenditure is about on par. As such, I've tried to give him a sense of epic standing in his background and I hope that comes through. I hope you enjoy.



    Alternate IDs: Adam D Lowe


    Value Char Base Cost Roll Notes

    25 STR 10 15 14- 5d6 / 800.0kg

    23 DEX 10 39 14-

    20 CON 10 20 13-

    25 BODY 10 30 14-

    25 INT 10 15 14- PER Roll 14-

    20 EGO 10 20 13-

    23 PRE 10 13 14- 4 1/2d6

    12 COM 10 1 11-


    5/35 PD 5 0

    4/34 ED 4 0

    6 SPD 3.3 27

    10 REC 9 2

    40 END 40 0

    48 STUN 48 0



    Running: 8"/16"

    Swimming: 4"/8"

    Leaping H: 5"

    Leaping V: 2 1/2" Tunneling: 10"/40"


    Basic Combat Stats

    BaseOCV: 8 BaseDCV: 8 BaseECV: 7

    Adjustments: Adjustments: Adjustments:

    Total: Total: Total:

    Levels: +3 with a broadly-defined category of attacks


    Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128

    RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10


    Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12


    5/35 PD (0/30 rPD) 4/34 ED (0/30 rED) 15 MD 0 PwrD

    END: 40 STUN: 48 BODY: 25


    Martial Arts

    5 Defensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 5d6 Strike

    3 Defensive Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Block, TargetFalls

    4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 7d6 Strike

    4 Root: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 40 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort

    3 Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 5d6 Strike; TargetFalls



    12 Earth Control: +3 with a broadly-defined category of attacks

    3 Acrobatics 14-

    3 Breakfall 14-

    3 Climbing 14-

    3 Criminology 14-

    3 Cryptography 14-

    7 Deduction 16-

    3 High Society 14-

    3 Instructor 14-

    3 Linguist

    2 1) Language: French (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points)

    2 2) Language: German (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points)

    2 3) Language: Spanish (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points)

    3 Mechanics 14-

    3 Scholar

    2 1) KS: Law (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 2) KS: Military Customs and Courtesy (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 3) KS: Military History (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 4) KS: Military organizations (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 5) KS: Operational Planning (3 Active Points) 14-

    2 6) KS: Organized Crime (3 Active Points) 14-

    3 Scientist

    2 1) SS: Graphology 14- (3 Active Points)

    2 2) SS: Metallurgy 14- (3 Active Points)

    2 3) SS: Meterology 14- (3 Active Points)

    3 Survival 14-

    11 Tactics 18-

    7 Teamwork 16-



    3 Access


    39 UN Security Counsel: Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (39 Active Points) 16-

    2 Deep Cover

    25 Founding Member of the Xeno Consortium: Fringe Benefit: International Driver's License, International Police Powers, Low Justice: Character has the right to mete out justice., Membership, Passport, Security Clearance


    5 Money: Well Off


    15 Reputation: "Leader of the Xeno Consortium" (A large group) 14-, +5/+5d6


    10 XenoConsortiumTower: Vehicles & Bases


    5 Diamond Back: Xeno Consortium Jet: Vehicles & Bases



    81 Earth Manipulation: Multipower, 101-point reserve, (101 Active Points); all slots Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4)


    8u 1) Stone Spear: Energy Blast 13d6+1, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (100 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) vs PD. 10


    5u 2) Rolling Thunder: Energy Blast 9d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Explosion (-1 DC/3"; +1) (101 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Target Must be touching the ground; -1/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) vs PD. 10


    7u 3) Shockwave: Energy Blast 9d6, Area Of Effect (19" Cone; +1 1/4) (101 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Target Must be touching the ground; -1/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) vs PD. 10


    5u 4) Rock Storm: Energy Blast 9d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (67 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) vs PD. 7


    6u 5) Stone Cage: Entangle 8d6, 8 DEF (80 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 8


    6u 6) Rock Wall: Force Wall (10 PD/10 ED; 10" long and 2" tall) (70 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 7


    8u 7) Hands of the Earth: Telekinesis (25 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +3/4) (101 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 10


    8u 8) Earth Glide: Tunneling 10" through 10 DEF material, Fill In, x4 Noncombat, No Gravity Penalty (+1/2) (97 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 10


    66 Blood of the Earth: Armor (22 PD/22 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (82 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4) 0


    24 Hard as a Rock: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) 0


    20 Steadfast: Knockback Resistance -10" 0


    5 Tough as Stone: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 0


    16 Life Support (Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing) 0


    11 Iron Will: Mental Defense (15 points total) 0


    16 Rocks on a Roll: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (Uses rocks and earth to deflect attacks; -1/4) 0



    Watched: UN Security Counsel 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) 20


    Hunted: GEO 11- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 20


    Hunted: Ultimas 11- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish) 20


    Psychological Limitation: Bound By Duty (Common, Strong) 15


    Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common, Moderate) 10


    Psychological Limitation: Fear of Public Speaking (Uncommon, Moderate) 5


    Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe 20


    Social Limitation: Subject to Orders Very Frequently (14-), Major 20


    Social Limitation: Famous (Frequently, Minor) 10


    Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN From Sonic Attacks (Common) 10


    Combat Maneuvers

    Name Phs OCV DCV Effect

    Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, Abort

    Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod

    Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can Disarm

    Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, Vs. All Att

    Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab 2 Limbs

    Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab

    Haymaker 1/2 +0 -5 +4 DC, Delayed Phs

    Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5

    MoveThru 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3

    Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Att Only

    Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or Weapon

    Defensive Strike 1/2 +1 +3 5d6 Strike

    Defensive Throw 1/2 +1 +1 Block, TargetFalls

    Martial Strike 1/2 +0 +2 7d6 Strike

    Root 1/2 +0 +0 40 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort

    Takedown 1/2 +1 +1 5d6 Strike; TargetFalls


    Character Costs

    Characteristics: 188 Martial Arts: 19

    Skills: 97 Perks: 104

    Talents: 0 Powers: 292


    Base Points: 550

    Disadvantages: 150

    Unspent Exp: 0

    Spent Exp: 0

    Total: 700


    Character Information

    Height: 1.94 m Hair: Brown

    Weight: 99.00 kg Eyes: Black


    Appearance: Standing just above what most people would consider tall Richter has a commanding presence. Dark brown hair frames his masked face that exposes only his mouth and jaw. Black boots and gloves fit over the rough earthen suit that covers the rest of his body.


    Background: Born in small town Idaho Adam had no clue what his mother’s legacy would mean. One of the WASPs of World War two Amy Lowe was making a simple supply run when she was sent off course and was caught in the destruction of the Battle of Berlin in 1945. She showed no signs of effect from KB2 exposure. Sent home shortly after the battle Amy settled down and eventually married.


    Shortly after she conceived and gave birth to the first of three boys. Adam was exceptional in every way even as a small child. He excelled in sports as well as general education. By the time he was thirteen he was already six foot one and out of school Both Amy and Adam considered this a blessing as the child’s powers began to manifest.


    At first they were rumblings in the night. Dreams causing Adam to loose control as the earth shifted below him. Then more drastically, working on his father, Peter’s, car Adam lifted the vehicle without realizing it. After tightening a bolt underneath the car Adam slid out to see it suspended two feet off the ground by a pillar of rock from the driveway. Not knowing what to do Amy took her son to the local Veteran’s Hospital.


    Put under observation both Amy and Adam consented to further study at the base in Norfolk, Virginia. There he studied under a man referred to only as Doctor. Trained as a solder and taught how to control his powers Adam was issued a new birth certificate dated 1940 and a codename Richter. Within a year he was reassigned to a unit with Greg “Moon Dog” Tanner a natural metamorph.


    Moon Dog took him under his wing not just as another Metahuman but seeing a young child scared of what would be coming next. They were told that they would be met with only light opposition at the Bay of Pigs. To this day Richter credits Moon Dog with his life. The truth was the both stopped taking count after being routed at the causeway. The two would go on to serve together until Moon Dog’s retirement in 64’. To this day Richter makes a point of keeping Moon Dog close even if he’s technically in retirement.


    After Moon Dog’s retirement Richter was reassigned to Division 2 servings in Vietnam. There he saw the nightmare hat Greg had warned him about. Escorting Charlie Company it was Richter that first turned against the company commander at My Lai. As the others were shipped back to the states Richter and Salvo, a Metahman capable of producing grenades of energy and co-conspirator at My Lai are sent on a long range scouting mission. Both Metahumans were kept in country until the Easter Offensive where they were captured.


    During the battle the People’s Army used advanced microwave weapons disabling much of the artillery and mechanized vehicles. Richter and Salvo were captured after being bombarded with troops who seemed able to sap their abilities. It wasn’t until years later either would learn the truth.


    In the offensive was a North Korean Metahuman who had the talent of being able to suppress the powers of others. Creating negafields inside both Richter and Salvo were stripped of any powers they had. Although he never admitted it as he watched them be tortured Richter knew beyond any doubt this man had killed American Armor some twenty years prior.


    Salvo was killed in 1977, two days before Richter was to be released. It was more than enough, what years of torture never accomplished a single bullet made up for. He returned a hero but was broken inside. It would be another two years before they released the body of Salvo. Richter attended the service in secret, letting his name fade away with Salvo’s.


    Adam learned that while detained in Hanoi his mother and father had divorced. She had never consulted him on his enlistment and it drove a wedge between them. His capture had been the breaking point for both of them. His father had died two years later from siroccos of the liver.


    The next few years Adam spent in Washington working with civil rights lobbyists and action groups. Hiding his powers Adam felt normal a part of something again. It wasn’t until the attack on Red Square Richter would come out of retirement.


    Before Adam had heard of the attack he found to members of the MCPD at his office. They informed him of the attacks and that the Russian government had requested assistance. Their files showed him in Washington and that if he accepted he would be immediately flown to Moscow for deployment. Be it pride or duty, honor or any other noble sentiment you may choose Adam made the choice that would see him walk away from normality and complacency forever.


    It was outside of Red Square that he met with the others who would become the Xeno Consortium. Some of them trained with their powers but few with the experience he had. The battle has been well documented, from their initial losses to the defeat of the Red Juggernaut and death of Xenoform.


    Since the battle at Red Square Richter has found himself as mentor and leader of the Xeno Consortium. His military history granting him an understanding about the strengths and weaknesses of both human and Metahuman alike. They have fought with power hungry dictators, power mad Metahumans and even an army of robots. Richter has stayed true to this second calling leading with wisdom and experience.


    I know it gets cut kind of short at the end but I thought it was running a bit long.

  8. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions


    Just some general advice about convention gaming. As you consider what games to run at the convention keep the time it takes in mind. Most conventions I've been to run 4 hour blocks for gaming. I still haven't figured out how they can fit an entire story into that little bock but that's another story. A lot of times what I do is split up the story into 2 blocks, part A and B.


    Once you have a story selected for convention gaming try a couple of runs at hobby stores see how long it takes you with unknown peoples. Also, running though the story three or four times will help you get a feel for it and narrow the time it takes significantly.


    Hopefully this helps and if I could vote for a classic adventure it would be the Island of Doctor Destroyer.

  9. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising


    Aliens, yeppers almost every comics got them. Although I'm not sure how I want to incorporate them entirely into the setting as of yet I thought it would be nice to have a bit of a teaser.


    The Thing That Never Was

    By Michael G Simons


    Roswell, New Mexico 1947 an unidentified object crashes in the fields of a local farmer. After an investigation the US Government releases a report stating the crash was a downed weather satellite. This has been the birth of countless conspiracy theories on aliens and alien abduction. The truth is of course stranger than fiction.


    In July of 1939 a small team of US scientists in Great Falls, Montana decode transmissions from a non-terrestrial source. The transmission contained a single binary string. It took six months of analysis to fully decipher. The string was determined to be a cipher translating a series of sounds into binary. In February 1940 the scientific team responded with a similar code using the modern alphabet.

    A second transmission was received nine months later with detailed instructions and design schematics for a powerful light based communications system. The team of scientists spent six months just putting the plans together, another seven before they realized what they had been given. Patterning a single transistor used in the communications array the scientists founded the Atlas Group and secured funding to begin construction of the communications array.

    The project took almost three years during which time no further transmissions were received. Due to a lack of machining technology the final device spanned twenty two hundred square feet and stood over fifteen feet in height. Almost three times the dimensions outlined in the original blue prints.

    The Communications Laser, dubbed the Star Window went online in March 1945. It allowed for instant communications between the Atlas scientists and their strange benefactors. As the great video monitor of the Star Window flickered to life those gathered got their first glimpse at alien life.

    An insect like race, their thin bodies were supported by a dark brown exoskeleton. A pair of long slender arms sat above a smaller set that rested on their chests. Their faces a strange mix of human and insect features, large bulbous black eyes and slender nasal cannel tapered to a narrow segmented jaw. They called themselves the Avr’Dryix and they spoke perfect English.

    They spoke of three interstellar empires that spanned hundreds of worlds each locked in conflict with one another. Earth had been spared the destruction of war as it was seen as primitive and insignificant. The Avr’Dryix had once been a peaceful people, they were diplomats and scientists before the war began. To survive they had become little more than weapons manufactures claiming neutrality by selling to both sides. They had been monitoring Earth for nearly a century watching the scientific explosion f the 19th century. They saw in humanity the genetic potential that was unlocked by the Kaiser Box virus and knew it was time to act.

    Should either the Ryedoom or Zy become aware of mans new found abilities they would quickly become a target. They sent each message as a test to see who if any had the intellect to decipher or understand their transmissions. Now the Avr’Dryix were willing to help. They would send a compilation of scientific research to aid in the advancement of modern technology. This included deploying a battery of five cloaking satellites to obscure the activities on the surface from long range observation.


    It would take two years before the satellites would arrive. Disguised as long range probes their speed was cut drastically to avoid suspicion. The scientific data was delivered through the Star Window but was not nearly as advanced as the information provided for the communications array itself. With one notable exception, the Avr’Dryix provided multiple genetic research tools and testing equipment schematics. The Atlas scientists were told that as the technology was introduced into society and adapted for human use further transmissions would continue but they could not risk and dramatic departure from the forecasted evolution of events.

    In July 1947 the first of five satellites crashed in Roswell New Mexico. Contained within was technology only the Atlas Group has begun to understand. By they time they arrived at the crash site the US army was already present. Unsure of how to salvage the disaster representatives from the Atlas Group approached the General of the Eighth Air Force on site and confided in him the full scope of the situation. The original scientific team who had made contact with the Avr’Dryix was flown to Washington. On July 8th the official report of a downed weather balloon was released. This event has tied the Atlas group and US government together since that time although it was not until 1956 this relationship is publicly acknowledged.

    It is believed that over the next six months the US Army and the Atlas Group work in moving the downed satellite to a secured location for further study. Although I have been able to locate supporting evidence and testimony for these events up to the Roswell crash I cannot begin to speculate what has become of the original downed satellite or what technologies are truly human and what is based on the integrated Avr’Dryix science.


    - - -

    Michael G Simons is the writer of seven books including; They Walk Among Us, and Behind Ivory Walls. His radio show is rebroadcast in over twelve countries and four languages.


    Link to wiki page

  10. Re: [Character] Hive


    Very nice, I like the fact that he tried to use his powers for a more mundane approach to making money first. Working two jobs and a full time girlfriend, yeah need to be two, three places at once. He also has the new to crime kind of innocence to him.

  11. Re: Super City


    Our lady of the Blessed Innocent Orphanage This home for young boys and girls has been a staple of Super City since the 30's. Underfunded, the sole remaining nun works diligently to take care of the hundreds of hapless children residing there. Blessed Innocent Orphanage has been the site of many battles between heroes and villains and more than once been leveled by destructive forces. To date there have been no injuries to the residents. Also, it should be noted that the building is moved almost seven times a year by various heroes for differing circumstances. The phone number has not changed so please call to find out where the Blessed Innocent Orphanage has been planted today.


    - - -


    Need to spread some rep around before I can add to you again Hermit.

  12. Re: Feng Shui Champions?


    Hehe when I clicked on this I was thinking something completely different.


    "Behold my powers of furniture rearranging!"


    I joke but looking at the ledgends of Feng Shui Masters there is a lot of potential for Heroes and Villains. I've not familiar with the Feng Shui game though.

  13. Re: Build Question: Alethiometer


    How does this work for you?


    8 Alethiometer: Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact is slavishly loyal to character, Very Good relationship with Contact), Spirit Contact (x2) (38 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), IAF Fragile Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1), Requires A Skill Roll (Something apt for setting the device; -1/2) 18-


    Note: Spirit Contact

    At the GM's option, some characters can use Contact as a sort of faux conjuration. Instead of using Summon, the character represents his relationship with a spirit, faerie, demon, god, or the like by buying him as a Contact.


    From the description I added the time and concentration requirements setting them fairly high to act as a drawback to the power of the device. What you may consider is raising the contact roll and then applying penalties based on the information sought. The skill roll requirement also comes from the description. Depending on how limiting they would like to have the device they might use the skill KN: Alethiometer since it doesn't seem fairly unique. Although KN: Kabbalah or Feng Shui might also work or if the GM is feeling nice Magic: Power and just write it off as any mage can use it.


    I hope this will work.

  14. Re: Help me name this hero!


    Sargent Smile


    Slaughter (Pronounced like laughter)


    Detective Smile


    (Officer, Senior, Sir, etc) Sardonicus (From Risus sardonicus is a highly characteristic, abnormal, sustained spasm of the facial muscles that is most often observed as a symptom of tetanus. The name of the condition derives from the appearance of raised eyebrows and an evil, open grin that it gives to its victim.)


    And the easiest of them all just to draw on the source material:


    The Abandoned Boy


    The Laughing Man

  15. Re: Need Perjoratives!


    Randi's biggest crime is hubris


    His smallest crime being the Million Dollar Challenge to anyone who can scientifically prove something believed to be supernatural?


    I'm not trying to get in on this argument I just wanted to remind you cats and kiddos that this thread is about insulting superheroes not skeptics either real or fictional. On the positive side, it did remind me to add Zealot to list.


    My personal favorite so far is Lieutenant Leotard.

  16. One of the Superhero conventions that I've always liked was the body of fire. Those walking flamethrowers that never seem to have any more or less collateral damage than other heroes. Here is my take on how someone with this great ability can go wrong. I hope you enjoy.



    Baby Burn
    Alternate IDs: Alicia Murphy


    Value Char Base Cost Roll Notes

    13 STR 10 3 12- 2 1/2d6 / 151.6kg

    18 DEX 10 24 13-

    20 CON 10 20 13-

    20 BODY 10 20 13-

    15 INT 10 5 12- PER Roll 12-

    18 EGO 10 16 13-

    18 PRE 10 8 13- 3 1/2d6

    18 COM 10 4 13-


    3/18 PD 3 0

    4/24 ED 4 0


    5 SPD 2.8 22

    7 REC 7 0

    40 END 40 0

    37 STUN 37 0



    Running: 6"/12"

    Swimming: 2"/4"

    Leaping H: 2 1/2"

    Leaping V: 1" Flying: 18"/72"


    Basic Combat Stats

    BaseOCV: 6 BaseDCV: 6 BaseECV: 6

    Adjustments: Adjustments: Adjustments:

    Total: Total: Total:

    Levels: +2 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks


    Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128

    RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10


    Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

    3/18 PD (0/15 rPD) 4/24 ED (0/20 rED) 5 MD 0 PwrD


    END: 40 STUN: 37 BODY: 20



    6 Blast Away: +2 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks [Notes: For Burn Baby Blasts Baby Yeah!]

    3 Acrobatics 13-

    3 Demolitions 12-

    3 Streetwise 13-

    3 KS: Local Underworld 12-

    3 KS: Blue Collar Crime 12-

    3 KS: Extortion Rackets 12-



    30 Inceneration Armor: Armor (15 PD/20 ED) (53 Active Points); Linked (Immunity to Fire; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4) 0


    20 Body of Flames: Elemental Control, 40-point powers


    15 2) Aura of Heat: Change Environment 4" radius, +3 Temperature Level Adjustment, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (42 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 0


    30 3) Immunity to Fire: Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Only To Protect Against Fire and Heat (-1) 0


    21 4) Aura of Flames: Energy Blast 3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4) (41 Active Points) vs ED. 0


    21 5) Blazing Fast: Flight 18", x4 Noncombat (41 Active Points) 4


    2 Living Fire: Lack Of Weakness (-2) for Normal Defense 0


    1 Hot Head: Mental Defense (5 points total) 0


    50 Burn Baby Blasts Baby Yeah!: Multipower, 50-point reserve


    4u 1) Tower of Flame: (Total: 49 Active Cost, 37 Real Cost) Entangle 2d6, 0 DEF (20 Active Points); No Defense (-1 1/2) (Real Cost: 8) plus Energy Blast 2 1/2d6, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Continuous (+1) (29 Active Points) (Real Cost: 29) 5


    5u 2) Flame Blast: Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points) vs ED. 5


    5u 3) Fireball: Energy Blast 5d6, Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1) (50 Active Points) vs ED. 5



    Accidental Change: Enraged Always (Uncommon) 20


    Distinctive Features: Body of Flame (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) [Notes: It's listed as Concealable because Burn Baby does have the ability to turn off his powers. However, he does have control issues as well. ] 20


    Enraged: When openly challenged or made to look inferior (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14- 10


    Hunted: SAPD 11- (Less Pow, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture) 10


    Watched: GEO 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) 10


    Money: Poor 5


    Physical Limitation: Must pay normal END costs for all 0 END powers when in enviroments below Freezing (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) 10


    Psychological Limitation: Hates anything Cold (Uncommon, Moderate) 5


    Psychological Limitation: Brash (Common, Moderate) 10


    Reputation: Arsonist , 14- (Extreme) 20


    Social Limitation: Wanted Criminal (Frequently, Major) 15


    Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Cold, Water or Ice Attacks (Very Common) 15


    Character Costs

    Characteristics: 122 Martial Arts: 0

    Skills: 24 Perks: 0

    Talents: 0 Powers: 204


    Base Points: 200

    Disadvantages: 150

    Unspent Exp: 0

    Spent Exp: 0

    Total: 350


    Character Information

    Height: 1.87 m Hair: None

    Weight: 95.00 kg Eyes: Blue/White


    Appearance: When her powers are not active Alicia is an attractive young woman even though she has no hair. As Burn Baby her body is a mass of living fire.


    Background: Alicia Murphy, Burn Baby, first appeared in the late 80’s during a bank robbery. Killing the thugs at the bank along with two hostages she fled the scene before police could arrive. Not yet eighteen her legal she had been a ward of the state since 73�. Although her birth records were lost it is believed she is the daughter of the villain known as Combuster.


    After the bank incident custody was transferred to Dynamic Biotech Corp. There she was put under observation and a battery of tests. It was less than a month before she escaped. Over the next year the orphanage and homes of the DBC researches were all torched. Survivors placed Burn Baby at the scene saying all she wanted to do was to help.


    Burn Baby continued to try and use her powers to aid others even after the arsons. This would lead to her eventual capture and incarceration in 91’. While trying to help stranded construction workers on RehnquistIsland police on the scene attempted to apprehender Burn Baby for the attacks on the orphanage and DBC. Loosing control she lashed out against the officers, fortunately although severely injured no one was killed. Another hero, The Watcher arrived shortly after the initial attack saving the officers from Burn Baby Trapping her inside a concrete pipe the Watcher sealed her inside long enough to use up the remaining air supply.


    Contained in a vacuum cell with only a breathing apparatus Burn Baby was convicted and sentenced to six years in the BlackMountain prison for Metahumans. While in transit she escaped. Since then Burn Baby has returned to San Angelo, although it is clear she has noble intentions her lack of control and hot temper prevent her from being accepted as a hero.



    Personalilty: Burn Baby wants to shrug off the stains of her father but cannot seem to escape the temper that damned him to a life of crime. She has found herself forced to do things she never though she would have to in order to survive including aiding criminals and extortion.


    Quote: “This isn’t who I am.”

  17. Re: Need Perjoratives!


    If someone collects all of these' date=' could you email me a copy?[/quote']

    Will this work?

    I've tried to format them all in the same way for ease of reference. and I can update this list as new ones come in even if I never get back around to the word doc.

    Note: In alphabetizing the list the order of some variants were rearranged such as Cain's kids/Esau's kids/Ham's kids.


    After School Specials: Superheroes with an open agenda, or cause beyond merely crime fighting that they openly advocate with speeches, rallies, etc. Given for the lecturing tones they often are assumed to have.


    Bashers/Smashers/Trashers: If known for a lot of collateral damage.

    Bats/Doves: If all can fly.

    Blackhats: The bad guys, not considered too offensive even by the bad guys. Obviously a cowboy reference.

    Bouncers: Bouncing bullets

    Boy Scout/Cub Scout/Girl Scout

    Brainers: Mental power origin

    Breakers: Proclivity for breaking things.

    Broken Ladders/Warped Ladders: Referring to their DNA? As with "muties" it's great because for some supers it's not even accurate


    Capef**kers: Supers groupies


    Captain "Make-believe"

    Car-wrecker: A pulchritudinous superheroine wearing a skintight costume, with or without magic cleavage window, and the subsequent rubbernecking that ensues.

    Choppers: Martial arts based origin


    Cain's kids/Esau's kids/Ham's kids: Such a moniker has been used to justify any number of atrocities in the past, and can easily be dusted off for re-use.

    Civicpirate: The opposite of the Civicninja, these superheroes are flamboyant and buckle swashes openly and loudly. They give interviews, and draw attention.

    Civicninja: Refers to superheroes who try never to be seen (with some inference to out of their head paranoia) save by the people they stop. Will not hang around, will not give interviews etc.


    Crutch: As supers often resolve real problems with ease.


    Dans: Short for Fancy Dan or rearranged DNA


    Darwin's Nightmares

    Demolition Derby

    Dexies: From "Spandex"

    Dips: Due to their serenDIPitous mutations.

    Drag Queens with Toys


    Faded Glories: Supers who once stood for an ideal or nation that is no longer valid or has veered from their former selves.

    Fallout : If there was a global creation event. This also implies they should have died with the event.

    FEMA-bait: Super with a rep for massive property damage

    Flags: Colorful, symbolic, dangerous, and frequently at the front of any battle. More often sources for conflict rather than solutions. Refers primarily to costumed heroes rather than paranormals generally.

    Flashers: both for the tight outfits and the careless speed they use to evade problems so that it falls splat! Right on the Little Guy.

    Fork-Thrower/Shoveller: A clueless wannabe super who isn't anywhere near ready for the "big leagues" (obviously a Mystery Men reference)

    Freaks: Good ol' standby

    F/X: Doing stuff normally only seen in Hollywood special effects


    GAS/GAs: Genetic Anomalies

    Gene Joke: Anti Mutant Slang

    Gestapo: Referring to Supers who uphold the law or their laws with or without sanctioned police powers.

    GFs: Genetic Freaks

    Glowers/ Shiners: If they share a common sfx such as glowing eyes


    GWA: Gods With Attitude


    Halos: For 'good guys'

    Hazards: could be a critique and also taken back as cool by the powered folk.

    Heavy Metal Flasher

    Horns: For 'bad guys'

    Horn Section: Supervillain support for an operation/organization

    Hyperactive : all energy, no direction, knocking the plaster off the walls.



    Icon Wannabes

    Imps: As a contraction of "impossible"


    Juicers: Super drug origin


    LAUGHs: Law Abiding Unique Genetic Heritage

    Larks: Like a Bird, they are there to look good and fly away whenever they fell like it.

    The Last Son/Daughter Of Krapton (or Krapped-On): applies to extraterrestrial supers (possible origin: a MAD Magazine send-up of a Superman movie)

    Let's Pretenders

    Leotard Loonies

    Lieutenant Leotard

    Little Leaguers: Belittling, works best if The Big Team is "League of something, something."

    Loose Nukes: An extension of "loose cannons" but much more powerful



    Mister: As in Cockney rhyming slang: "Mister (Arm) Twister”


    Muts: Genetic mutant origin


    NRP: Not Real People


    Paras: Paranormals

    The Pajama Patrol: Applicable even to plainclothes supers

    Pajama Prancers

    Pedigrees (Dogs): because they're very special, mentally unstable and probably the result of too much inbreeding

    Pigeon: both for clay pigeon and the much despised rat with wings.

    Pot Luck Powerhouse: Referring to supers with a mix of powers that seem unrelated.


    Rats with Capes

    Randis: A reference to James Randi, who would doubtless deny the existence of a super even as superman was flinging him into orbit. This pejorative has a "whistling in the dark" aspect to it.

    Rejects: For Supers with less than amazing powers.

    Retrodeath: Term coined for supervillains who insist on using fluttering cloaks, grandiose speeches, and other aspects that might be considered corny or cliché, and yet are incredibly bad ass and powerful. The idea being you can mock their outdated ways, but you won't last long if you do.


    SBDs: Soon Be Dead

    Sickos/ Sickies: Viral/ infectious based origin

    Spandex Soldiers

    Spand*cks: Arrogant camera-hogs who do random property damage


    Spastics: similar to Hyperactive but more derogative, rhyming slang with elastic, fantastic.

    The Suffix Brigade: A group of supers arriving on the scene--"oh, look, another Suffix Brigade is here." (A reference to so many supers having -man, -boy, -girl, or -woman in their nom de plume.)

    Super Goofs

    Supers (obvious)

    Superbob Pajamapants


    Superspread: Derogatory term for any superheroine (or villainess) who is scantily clad and under-dressed. The idea being she looks like she is ready for a playboy type photo spread.


    Super Losers: For Supervillains



    Toons: Meaning the stuff they do should only work in cartoons

    Triple Fs: Stands for Flukes, Freaks, and (really, really) Foreign

    Trousers: Derived from "All mouth and trousers" folksy British slang meaning blowhard, also a call to stop prancing around with no clothes on.


    U.F.A. (Unidentified Flying A-hole): Self-explanatory, applies only to supers with Flight.


    Vistors from alternate realities


    Walking Disaster Areas

    Wannabe Cops: For Superheroes

    Whitehats: the good guys, see Blackhats above.

    Wierdos: Negative, Serpent already took Freaks



  18. Re: [World Overview & Timeline] Metahumans Rising


    Updated Campaign Setting with: Rehnquist Island and Old Town


    The entries are included below for ease of reference.


    On a side note I found out yesterday that Champions already has a San Angelo, I may be changing the setting name soon, I'm not sure if I want to go that far but I thought it was a funny coincidence.


    Rehnquist Island


    Originally home a small research facility maintained by IMR the island gained semi-autonomy when Rehnquist Trading Co, the shipping industrialist first broke ground in 1977. Since then island has grown out to sustain several major off shore operations; including a second Metahuman research facility and refineries for Excel Mobility Oil and Great Brittan Petroleum. This small island connects to San Angelo by two six lane bridges and is currently home to some two hundred thousand people.


    As an industrial hub most citizens of Rehnquist are blue collar workers confined to towering apartment buildings, most middle and upper management live outside San Angelo in the residential districts roughly fifteen miles from the Southern Bridge.


    What the brochure won’t tell you is that Rehnquist Island is one of the poorest districts in San Angelo with the highest crime rate. The public beach has been closed since 94’ and police ride four deep through the area.

    Old Town or Gorge Town


    In 1965 a 6.7 magnitude earthquake devastated San Angelo literally splitting the city at its seams. A sweeping valley was created through midtown running from 3rd Street down to 22nd along Kirby Avenue and Lee Road. The drop was just over eighteen feet. As rebuilding efforts began the buildings within the ninety five block area were deemed structurally sound and safe for occupation. New roads were built at 22nd and 3rd leading into the sunken area.


    Within ten years most of Old Town was covered by new roads matching the lanes below. Most Buildings in Old Town have entrances at both the main level and Old Town level. However, Old Town itself has evolved into a kind of Red Light District filled with bars, strip clubs and brothels. Old Town is sometimes seen as a kind of upscale drug den with a crime rate below the city norm. Police speculate that this is due primarily to a kind of self regulating anarchy. The police have little to do in Old Town as the worst they often find are homeless congregating during rain storms or cold winter nights.


    As science continued to advance an urban renewal project was started in 89’ replacing most of the structural supports along the streets with new materials. The new support beams are considered capable of withstanding another earthquake the magnitude of the 65’ quake. Fortunately this has yet to be tested.


    Old Town was home to one of the Strangest Events during the 1990 Riots. This section of the city reported no vandalism or gang violence. In fact no cops were ever called to Old Town during the riots. It is unclear how the district avoided any of the attacks that plagued the surface streets during that trying time.

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