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Posts posted by FOUNDATION

  1. I hope this is the correct forum to post a "how to" question...


    I'm trying to reproduce the gun from the movie "Looker's" (I think the movie was made around 1980). As best as I can tell, the gun fires a pulse of light that causes victims to go into a "mental bliss" state. They're effectively asleep except for the fact that they remain frozen in place while under the effect.


    The effect wears off after a fairly short time. It can also be dispelled if the victim is strongly jostled (or punched). If treated gently, the victim can be picked up and carried without dispelling the effect though.


    The gun also has limitations similar to a visual flash attack. If the target averts his eyes, it will have no effect. Also, there are special glasses that renders one immune to the gun's effects. The weilder of the gun needs to wear these glasses or he too will be affected as soon as he pulls the trigger.


    Because of the nature of how the weapon affects its targets, it does not seem that entangle is the correct power for this. I suppose some mental power could be used, but that would make the gun very expensive - especially if it was to be fully self contained (i.e. an agent could effectively use the weapon).


    Any suggestions (perhaps this is just one of those weapons that are too effective and not really feasible for Champions)?

  2. There was an earlier post by "Professor M@ss" that read...



    Damage Shield and Area of Effect

    Is there any reason a character couldn't buy Damage Shield with an Area of Effect, so that people don't actually have to touch him to have the Damage Shield take effect?


    e.g. The Living Fireball has a flaming aura - he bellows "Fireball On!" and is sheathed in flame. Is it legal to buy this as, say, a RKA with Damage Shield +1/2, Continuous +1 (making it constant), and Area of Effect: Hex +1/2, for a total of +2?





    ...the response by Steve Long read...



    I won’t go so far as to say that’s illegal, because I can see some situations where it might lead to some interesting power constructs, and it’s not too far different from what normally happens when a character enters a Constant area-effecting power field. But I’d consider it a “stop sign†power; there are definitely possibilities for abuse.




    Steve Long

    HERO System Line Developer



    My question is what about taking someone with this power and giving them flight. Is it legal for them to fly along a row of individuals and affect all of them seeing as how they were all in the flight path of the person who had the AOE Damage Shield (this is assuming that the person was flying close enough to the row of people that said people were all in the flying person's AOE at some point during the phase of movement)?


    Assuming this is legal, I could see this being a way of simulating the things that flew out of the Arc (and took out all of the Nazis) near the end of "Raiders of the Lost Arc" (naturally, you'd need to give them things like desolidification and "affect real world" for their Damage Shield, etc.) If it is not legal, how *could* you simulate these little beasties?

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