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Tech priest support

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Posts posted by Tech priest support

  1. If you owned a TARDIS what would you disguise it as? I was thinking that after seeing the 2017 special. 


    I'd want it to be something with a door so it would e easy to get in and out of. But i'd want it to be something that people wouldn't be trying to get into usually. So, something designed to get into and out if easily but something by and large people wouldn't want to get into.....


    Ok, I have to go with a Yugo....

  2. 5 minutes ago, death tribble said:



    take it down a notch. Simon patrols this thread thoroughly and consistently and you could be disciplined.

    I've been banned from forums for being "too liberal" and "too conservative". I've been banned for being " a Zionist" and for being ”a fascist". I've been banned for being "a misognyst" and for being a feminist. Icve beennbanned for being an atheost and for being too religious. It happens. 


    One thing I've noticed is that contrary to the idea that the intrawabz were going to facilitate discussion and cm Monica at I on it tends to create a million little echo chambers where only certain views are allowed.

  3. 8 minutes ago, eyocum said:


    Why don't you say bad things about Obama, for so totally mismanaging the Democratic Party during his tenure as President, that they lost so many elected positions and depth? 

    Or about Hillary's blatant power grab (twice!)? 

    Or the refusal of the party as a whole to take any appreciable stance on the reduction of the middle class and opportunity for Americans when they could have? 

    At least be an equal opportunity anarchist...



    I'm not an anarchist. I believe in a constitutional government as long as all players follow the rules.  I don't talk about some of the things you talk about because they didn't happen in the universe I live in. Some of those things only happened in the "alternate fact" based universe. You know, the one where Obama is a Kenyan born Muslim and Hillary willfully caused the deaths of the behn ghazi staff because reasons. Those things didn't happen in my reality. The democrat party may ave steered things in favor of Hillary, So be it. Recent supreme court decisions allowing unlimited big business finances of campaigns have made political campaigns a rigged game anyway.

  4. We're had some institution disobedience to the current regime. Clifornia has practiced the sanctuary city doctrine in open defiance of orders to cease it. Likewise we had institutional disobedience from the right when a judge defied the supreme court and placed a religious monument on court grounds.


    Sheriff Arpaio famously defied federal court orders and maintained racially based harassment of Hispanics.


    So we've had disobedience on both sides. And both sides have lately taken it to a higher level, like when supporters of cliven Bundy aimed rifles at federal agents during a standoff and very recently when people determined to feed and aid the homeless in defiance of local laws did so while carrying assault weapons after seeing people routinely stopped, cuffed and carried off for doing so while unarmed.


    Like it or not things are escalating on both sides in America. At this point I think the only questions are when does open conflict start and who wins. Personally I'd rather it be my side.

  5. 1 minute ago, Sociotard said:

    Sometimes you fight fire with fire. Sometimes you realize you are fighting in your house and if you fight back with fire you'll just burn your home down faster and the only hope is to be the most super reasonable person ever and hope that you can calm the pyro down.


    Sometimes you have to lead from the front.


    Sometimes you have to be a calm, rational adult.


    The democrats were the mature adult for 8 years while republicans threw a huge ongoing tantrum, filibustering everything democrats tried to do. McConnell even advocated a bill that Obama said he would support so he filibustered his own bill. We were the adults, and we got 8 years of childish spite thrown in our faces for it. Now we have a ranting man baby in the whitehouse who seems like his whole mission is to spit on democrats by eliminating every single thing Obama managed to do and he's getting wide support. 


    As to burning our own house down, yes. I would rather burn it all down that let it become a country where only one party had taken over had any effective power. 

  6. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.


    Also defying the law isn't automatically wrong. Some if the worst horrors in human history were perfectly legal. Likewise many great things started as illegal act.


    Personally I view America law as utterly corrupt and not simply unjust but actively hostile to justice. As is the America legal system is something that one must often  defy to do the right thing. I have as much respect for the law as it deserves, which is virtually none. Democrats Pollard by the rules and the law for 8 years with Obama and republicans basically shut down the presidency the people overwhelmingly elected for 8 years. Now we have a republican president talking and acting like a dictator. Time to take the gloves off.

  7. 1 hour ago, eyocum said:


    So... exactly how do you imagine this would look?  

    Well, I could see some states declaring that they would not follow directives emanating from the current government in washington. Several federal agencies might begin a covert campaign to sabotage policies. Perhaps some police openly refuse to enforce laws handed down from Washington under the current government.  There could be mass acts of defiance of draconian laws and orders, like when people armed themselves to feed and help poor and homeless people in defiance of laws making helping the homeless illegal . see here: https://www.activistpost.com/2015/12/well-armed-activists-openly-defy-texas-law-to-feed-the-homeless-hundreds-clothed-and-fed.html

  8. A vorlon planet killer is a specialist unit dedicated to one role: planetary devastation. It is not built to be a combat unit and usually requires regular combat units to escort and protect it in combat situations. An imperial dreadnought is a combat unit. One on one it likely goes to the dreadnought.


    Imperial scout walker vs ED 209.

  9. Look, people can dog pile on the ” But they do...!” issue all they want, it does not change the fact that when one person is investigated endlessly despite earlier investigations finding no evidence of guilt and investigated for trivial matters by her political opponents it creates a situation where questioning the motives of the investigators is reasonable and valid.


    And again remember a republican basically admitted openly that the hearings were meant to hurt hillary in the poles.


  10. Actually pointing out that Republicans are not holding hearing after hearing on any issue involving someone in the white house now is  completely relevant and valid here for one simple reason: When a party goes after a member of a rival party over and over and over again on charge after charge, or one charge, but then ignores allegations against one of their own and even calls for the investigator to be fired and even for people investigating one o their own to be arrested, it creates a situation where their accusations and investigations of that rival party member have a very strong appearance of being nothing but politically motivated baseless accusations and lies designed to swing an election. False accusations are a crime in America.


    So yeah, normally saying "But someone else did...!" is not valid but when you can show a consistent, decades long pattern of one sided accusations, investigations and hearings it does cast doubt on the validity of the accusers.

  11. Oh speaking of crimes, scandals, outrages, etc, we have someone in the oval office talking about creating a personal intelligence force answerable only to him personally. https://theintercept.com/2017/12/04/trump-white-house-weighing-plans-for-private-spies-to-counter-deep-state-enemies/


    We have a situation where someone innate white house may fire the man investigating him at any time. http://www.newsweek.com/mueller-trump-fire-fbi-bias-740094


    And we have a situation where the man in the white house may be using the department of justice to persecute a news agency he dislikes. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/11/trump-justice-department-cnn/545393/


    Can you imagine if these situations involved someone in the white house named Clinton or Obama?  


    The people outraged over Benghazi and the emails seem to be very selective in what they choose to consider a serious matter.

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