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Posts posted by TranquiloUno

  1. Too late to edit, but I was meaning a SPELL shield rather than a physical one.


    Although...if anybody wants to suggest a physical shield build that does the same thing that would be fine too.


    Maybe "only activates if the DCV bonus of the shield is what makes the hit a miss"? or something?

  2. How would you build a spell that creates a damage shield that shatters weapons?

    Or if not damage shield an alternative method.


    What limitation would you set for a linked Force Field\Armor that only protects against weapons hitting the shield spell? For fun let's say that it doesn't work against ranged\thrown weapons as they still impart their kinetic energy in to the target even while shattered. Never mind the slight logical inconsistency there, it's magic!


    Damage Shield, only vs Foci, linked FF with "only vs weapons what shatter"?


    How would you price it?



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