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About revaddict

  • Birthday 07/22/1969

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  1. Is the possibility of an Impairing or Disabling effect determined based on the amount of BODY damage taken in a single attack or the amount of total BODY damage that a character has taken up to any given point in time? Paul
  2. Re: Damage flowchart? That's a little different from what I had in mind. I can see how your sheet would be very useful. I'm interested in something more visual just so I don't get confused with stunning, Knockout, Knockback, Wounding, Bleeding, etc. I mean, face it--Hero is a pretty math-intense system, and I barely passed high school algebra. Paul
  3. Re: Damage flowchart? Okay, I had to get creative here. I copied and pasted my Excel file into a Word file in order to post it. See if this works. Paul
  4. Re: Damage flowchart? Okay, I have a crude flowchart designed for applying STUN. Whenever you get hit and take any STUN at all, you walk through the chart, which helps you figure out whether you are stunned and/or Knocked Out. This is just the first draft and, as I said, it's crude. If people think it's worth improving, I'll keep working on it and I'll do a BODY chart too. Please feel free to offer constructive criticism. Hmmm...I just tried to attach the file from Excel 2007, but the bulletin board says it's an invalid file. What do I need to do to post it here? Paul
  5. Has anyone created some kind of flowchart or table to use for figuring the side effects of damage at a glance? I'm envisioning some kind of graph or table that I can look at and immediately know if I'm subject to Stunning, being Knocked Out, Injury, Knockback, etc. If there's something like that out there, could someone please post a link? If not, I'll try to make one myself. Thanks Paul
  6. Re: Grenade questions Ah, just what I was looking for. Thank you very much!
  7. I just bought Dark Champions and I have a question about grenades. On p. 251, what's with the multiple entries for generic "Fragmentation" and "Concussion" grenades? I want to know what the common M26A1 does. Also, in the notes for tear gas on p. 255 (#22), why is tear gas treated as a Flash attack to the Sight sense group? Shouldn't it do a lot more that just hinder your vision?
  8. Re: Where can I find these weapons? Ah...looks like I need to make a trip to the game store and buy Dark Champions. Thanks for the tip. Paul
  9. Where can I find stats for the following weapons (if they already exist): Grenade launchers--specifically the M203 Tear gas White phosphorous grenades Paul
  10. Re: Vehicular DEF and Armor Okay, I think that answer and all the others have helped. Thanks a lot, everybody!
  11. Re: Vehicular DEF and Armor Okay, I think I'm getting warmer. I see that when I try the "Characteristic" route, it actually adds to the DEF (i.e. the description reads "+14 DEF") which I think is to be understood in addition to the vehicle's inherent DEF, whereas the "Naked Modifier" route gets me every point of extant DEF Hardened for only 3 pts. (I'm assuming a vehicle with 14 DEF to begin with.) Does this sound right?
  12. Re: Vehicular DEF and Armor Okay, PLEASE forgive my ignorance here. Yes, I bought lots of DEF for this vehicle under Characteristics. Now I want to harden that DEF. You said add Hardened. How do you add an advantage to a Characteristic? The only "Hardened" I can find is under the Armor power (which doesn't apply), and I don't see any "apply to base Characteristic" (but I do see "Add to Primary value" under the Armor power which, again, doesn't apply). Your patience is greatly appreciated.
  13. Re: Vehicular DEF and Armor Okay, so how do I buy, for example, the Hardened Armor Package listed on the M1 Abrams? It has a cost of 15. It doesn't say anything about the Armor skill in particular, but if I don't buy that skill, what gets "Hardened" and (more to the point) what do I base the math on? I'm using Hero Designer, but in the vehicular format if you buy Armor it still distinguished between PD and ED.
  14. Re: Vehicular DEF and Armor Okay, so when I build a vehicle that has armor in real life (e.g. a tank, armored car, APC), do I simulate the armor by just jacking up the DEF and not worrying about buying the "Armor" power?
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