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Files posted by Koop

  1. HERO Champions 4th ed Combat Record Sheet Excel

    Here is an Excel-based Combat Record Sheet for 4th edition--didn't see one currently in the downloads. I reopened my Champions folder from the '90's and was motivated to work on a throwback 4th edition game on Roll20 for a charity fundraiser to fight COVID-19.
    The embedded formulae calculate and place Phases in the appropriate Segments of the Speed column based on the Speed Chart on p.139 of the Big Blue Book (BBB). For example, if Mindlock has a SPD of 5, the spreadsheet automatically populates action Phases for her in segments 3, 5, 8, and 10-12. I included other examples from sample characters in the BBB as well, but please note that ALL of the columns with segment values have the embedded formula based on the SPD column. Just insert your combatants in the appropriate rows, insert their SPD, and the chart will do the rest. You can copy-paste for more rows or delete rows as desired. An additional benefit of Excel: insert your combatants in any order, use the Sort function based on the SPD value, and your combatants will sort themselves automatically into turn order.
    Comments and corrections welcomed. For anyone interested in participating in a Roll20- and Zoom-based episodic 4th edition game to raise money for charity--stay tuned! I hope to announce something here and on Roll20 in the near future.
    Steve "Koop" Kuperberg
    4th edition GM at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 1989-91, presently Bethesda, MD 




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