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Posts posted by JLXC

  1. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


    If you look at the thread' date=' the debate wasn't over such beings offering a choice to humanity, but rather imposing it upon them. Imposing "justice" by unjust means is inherently problematic. [/quote']


    Oh I understood. I still think if you came as the lamb you'd get the same treatment, not at first, they would study you first, but you would get it. Just TRY and upset the world order. Make it so we don't need oil, or food, or disease, and just SEE what would happen. Heck in real life they suppress this stuff and research, not the little improvements, the big ones. So a super, who could not be easily shut up, who tries to help the world, would soon be the target of many many organizations and peoples in the real world, let alone a supers world! Death or Discredit. Whatever it takes to "WIN".

  2. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


    Ah Wanderer I had this same type of argument months back on 3 different messge boards. The debate raged for almost 2 weeks. I went one step further than you, I suggested that there truly was a god-like being who had massive wisdom and intelligence and actually really knew what to do to fix the world, and it's all the same.


    The "Reality" is there are too many people who like things just fine the way they are. They like their petty power and greed. They have convinced enough people that they too may have power and greed some day, so they will fight for those that do. Peaceful solutions don't really work with humanity overall, because those who will use more and better violence will win and write the history books about how noble and wonderful they were. No matter WHAT a super being said or did, he would have massive opposition.


    "I want you all to be peaceful to eachother and stop hurting eachother."


    "I want all mankind to be equal and treated fairly."


    "I want to create polution free power for the world."


    "I want to feed all the people."


    It don't matter. The corporations and governments would take offense to anyone sticking their nose in to their power base, pure and simple. They would do anything and everything to kill of any being powerful enough to prevent them from being greedy little power monkeys.


    Also, I truly believe that many folks and most of the govts with nukes Would rather kill everyone than give up their spoiled greedy lifestyles, as suggested by other posters, though they used the "Give me liberty or death" speech HEH. :rolleyes:


    So after many hours of typing and arguing and thinking... I'm pretty sure the human race would rather kill itself out than be subjected to ANY FORM of "Better World" even if it really was better. The fact that they could never do it themselves alone is enough to make them furious enough to do it.


    So if you tried to portray humanity at all like "real life" the only endgame for the campaign is the humans killing themselves off, and the supers leaving to find a different world where maybe the beings are not quite so insane.



  3. Well thanks all and of course that is the tricky part Markdoc.


    All spells that give FF or Armor will have it as a required. Items and such will have to go case by case.


    I'm just making a game mechanic to avoid a


    Combat Luck, Leather Armored, Mage with a FF, and a ring of protection of Armor to give someone 13+ resistant Def without many points involved.


    Really it will allow for greater flexibility in spells though as if you make a FF (10,10) the GM only has to consider the implications of (10,10) not 10+a gazillion other things.

  4. Originally posted by SleepyDrug

    Sounds good to me....


    does this mean the spell is not usable if the rest of the character's defenses exceed the spell's def?


    or does it mean the spell's def is counted first and then everything else?


    What it would mean is that if the characters regular defense because of Armor and Combat Luck and /or Damage Resistance is greater than the defense of the spell, the spell would have no further effect, though I am sure that having a magic FF going would help against certain special effects or NND's even if it did not provide additional Defense if you know what I mean.


    For example:


    MageGuy has Leather Armor Def 2. He casts a FF (5/5) with the Does not Stack limitaiton. He would only add the 5/5 to his defenses ignoring the lesser Leather bonus.


    MageGuy casts a FF / Armor spell (whatever) of 5/5 on a Big Troll. The troll has Damage Resistance 4/4 and Armor of 5/5. The spell would not add to the trolls defense at all. Still the troll does have a magic FF running which could be useful itself.

  5. I am thinking of adding the following limitation to my game.


    Does not stack with other resistant Defense (-1/2) for spells and abilities that add to defense such as Force Field or Armor (through a spell or magic) and such. Essentially trying to get around the Everything stacks rules and so spellcasters could have a nice Force Field of (8/8) then I don't have to worry about it stacking with Combat Luck and the Def 2 Armor they are wearing for example. Only the highest total would be active.


    What do you all think?


    Let me say that I realize -1/2 might seem high but I think it is a pretty serious liability and that other forms of Armor and Combat Reflexes and Damage Resistance still stack, this is mostly a limitation on magic and magic effects.

  6. Great idea! I need to reread the series first!


    Next, I still cannot believe people are so overwhelmed with Thomas raping the woman. He believed he was dreaming, and since he had never been transported to another world by magic before (have you?) I, even as a youth, understood the action. The fact that he beat himself up forever about it shows his true underlying character. Hell she even forgives him! But readers, for years now, have put forth on the internet how much they hate the books and the character for rape. It's amusing that murder is far more acceptable in an RPG and a readers mind, than rape. I dunno... in any case I just had to say something because I have seen one too many posts highlighting the RAPE as opposed to the context or the entire series.

  7. Well I'm running a very short adventure and so I let them give me some archetypes and I made them for the party. (Only one player has ever played Hero).


    So here's something I whipped up, tell me what you think or point out any obvious flaws. Thanks!


    Real Cost: 5 //Barbarian Rage// +7 Str (No Figured Chr -1/2, Only when Enraged -1/2, 3 Continuing Charges of up to 1 minute in length -1/2) PLUS +5 PD (Only when Enraged -1/2, 3 Continuing charges of up to 1 minute each -1/2) The continuing charges Stop as soon as Combat is over or last to 1 minute max.


    Also gave him Deadly Blow all HTH (only when enraged -1/2)


    The character has Enraged (Only in Combat) 11-, 11-


    The reason for the +7 Str is simple. The character has 23 Str and I wanted to make it easier on a 1st time player to go to an Even 30 Str when Raging out.

  8. OK I got the book (Finally!)


    Now onto the questions...


    1. Do you price Magic Items and if so how do you do it?


    2. Do you give out magic items as treasure and then tailor all of them so that the players would want it? Or do you let them sell some and buy other things?


    3. Is every magic item a "Unique" thing like from a book, so that there is very little magic items around but each is special? If so how do you deal with the eventuality that a single PC will have many of these ultraunique items and therefore it flies in the face of the whole concept?


    4. What do you do do for potions and scrolls? Do you allow them to be made or sold? Do your players have a bunch of these things?


    5. What do you do to prevent players from becoming over envious of other players who recieve magic items earlier? Or do you just make sure that after every major haul there is enough for everyone to get something? If so, how do you keep it from becoming too obvious you designed "X" item for X player and Y item for Y player, etc.


    Thanks guys, I understand how the D&D systems worked for this (ACK! I know I said D&D) but I really want to get a better feel for Fantasy Hero when it comes to magic items and PCs Thanks!

  9. I have had Fred for quite some time but just ordered Fantasy Hero.


    I was wondering if there are guidelines besides just "Don't let them" for stacking Defense?




    A Sorceror has Combat Luck, a Chain mail suit, and a Force Field spell. This adds up to invulnerable pretty fast. I could just say "NO!", and I would, but it doesn't quite sit right with me.


    I was just wondering if there was anything in the book on this, or if any of you devioud GM's have already licked this. Thanks.

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