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  1. Re: Walking Network Guy That would be terrific... (girds loins for evil point cost - incoming)
  2. Hey folks, I was curious to see your opinions on how you'd go about building the following concept using 5ed rules: Control over the electromagnetic spectrum, specialized to the ability to access computer networks at a distance, read hard drives at a glance, cause power surges in active systems, crack networks, etc... Would you go the various mental powers (machine class of minds), with HRPP for communications and some Clairsentience to see through cameras and such? This build is getting pretty evil from a cost perspective... A VPP (which I'd rather avoid if possible)? Something else entirely? Again, the character in question is basically a walking Computer/Cell Phone/Network... Any thoughts would be appreciated!
  3. Re: My take on the Light Sabre After reading all 7 pages of this, I like this guys take the most. So I threw it all into HD and came up with: Lightsaber: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points); OAF (-1), -2 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (not vs ff, fw; -1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum 1-5 (-1/4) 24 pts That would seem to simulate the damaging effects of the lightsaber on just about everything we've seen in the movies without having to resort to all sorts of AVLD's and NND's, and at a reasonable cost to the character. Darth's armor stopped some damage because it was resistant and Luke rolled crappily (and that's what was called for for dramatic purposes ), same for Fett's armor. The weapon above could cut through the Walkers armor, go through blast doors and droids (and people) with the appropriate effect... I like it! Your mileage may however vary! Thanks to everyone for posting all their ideas on how this puppy should work - it's been great food for thought!
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