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Everything posted by Meliora

  1. Re: Looking for a new cape. Can I get one here? That is very good idea. So I could reward the players, let's say 4 point a session, but say that half of them is only useable for contacts, bases and vehicles. This way the players would be satisfied, feeling some advancement after every gaming and I would DM a slow paced game when it comes to actual power gain. Excellent.
  2. Re: Looking for a new cape. Can I get one here? Ok, 75/75 is too low. Just playing with numbers in my head, trying to figure out how much time based on rewards and max. "level". I got a pretty nice picture about that from your replies. Appreciate it. *Now know what will be on the menu of discussion after the next gaming session*
  3. Re: Looking for a new cape. Can I get one here? Thank you for all the information. It really seem that this game could offer my group with a nice pace (thinking about starting the characters with a 75/75 and reward them with a point or two per. session). I do wonder about the estimate PP for Superman, Mikesama say around 1000pp, on the Susano's page the Justice League Superman is around 2000pp. Seem like a big jump. So it wouldn't be outrageous to say that one of the biggest heroes in my custom world would lay around 2000pp (instead of 1000)? And if the players were ever to reach that much points (won't happen since I'm so mean, but still), I would still be able to make challenging games, of course of the more cosmic type (just checking, since it would add 500-1000 more sessions, before anyone would "max out" = never = cool for me ,or I could even start rewarding the players a bit more without being afraid of hitting the wall to quick again)
  4. Hi all, I have been playing M&M for a bit of time, and yes, enjoyed it. But my group and I are busting heads a little bit (Read on. This post is not about M&M ). I am an old time DM, and I prefer it take a very long time (5-10 years), if ever (which happens 99% of the time), before players “Max out”, or as in M&M reach lvl. 20. The problem with M&M is, that the path to lvl. 20 are only 150p (if you start as suggest on lvl. 10). So I have been rewarding the players 1-2 points per. session. Because of that, here after about a year’s play, I already have two players at lvl. 19th and another at lvl. 20 (plus the poor guy that always seem to eat the dust, which is “only lvl. 17th). Way to fast in my opinion. The funny part is, that my players think there is too far between actually character developments when it comes to stats. So I have been window-shopping for another Super game. My shopping list are simple; A superhero game with a long path from the “Just out of the radioactive shower” hero to the “Let’s relocate a planet or two, I think it would look better” hero. Plus, a game that often offer/rewards development for the players in form of stats. I have been looking at Hero/Champion for some time now and I’m starting to warm up. But I want to be certain. My bookshelf have occurred quite a few books that do nothing else than collecting dust, and the wife is complaining, so I better ask a few questions. 1) Let’s use some heroes we all should know at least a bit about. Can you give an estimate (no need for full write-ups) on how many character points each would have (if you don’t mind and know, add which version you are thinking about)? Superman Robin Spiderman Blade (the daywalker) Galactus (just for when he is starving) 2) Couldn’t find this anyway (= probably didn’t look the right places), but how is character points rewarded in Champion? Can you give some examples for different goals and rewards if succeeded? 3) Disadvantages. I understand that the players can take those in the start to gain more character points(if I’m wrong, please correct me), but how does this work later? Can a player pick more of those later? Can a DM “reward” disadvantages to the players through gaming and if, do they come with character points, E.G. gains a new enemy and becomes hunted, would the get the hunted disadvantage plus the character points? What happens if one of the disadvantages is no longer in effect, E.G. one of the players’ girlfriends become an ex? Do they lose that disadvantage and if, how about the character points gain fromit. 4) Death rate. How often does a Hero bite the dust and get reward with a last rite ceremony in your game? Are you using house rules for death or is it taken straight out of the book? I assume any answer to those questions is discussable, so if more members want to answer, I would truly appreciate it. Thank you lad, lass or mutant if you prefer for reading this far. Hoping for a few answers, and perhaps I will be part of what looks like a great community. Respectfully Meliora
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