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Posts posted by NovaStorm

  1. Re: Anyone run a Starcraft setting


    This thread is not that old, so I'll revive it rather than start my own.


    So, last night my GM decided that he didn't want to continue GMing our Firefly Campaign because he wanted to include Aliens, I was a bit down on it as I was really enjoying the Camapaign, however reluctantly I gave in to his wishes.


    Then when I noticed he didn't actually have another setting in mind (homemade or otherwise) I jumped at the chance to play in the StarCraft Universe.


    So here we are, my Character is an Ex-Marine who may or maynot be Psychic (I haven't decided yet), and the other PC is an Android (secret hightech military android that broke programing and is on the run).


    Together we are co-owners of a ship we bought/stole, and we just finsihed our first smuggling run, the cargo turned out to be Zerglings which proceeded to wreak alot of havoc on the enemies of the man hiring us.


    Now we've just found out that something is still onboard and we're pretty sure its a Zergling.


    The session ended with my Character unloading a clip into a shadowy figure in the Engine Room, as the GM needed to try and figure out some stats for the critters, and for the guns and armor, and ship and well it turns out we need everything statted.


    Hence I'm reviving this thread to find out if anyone has done anymore work on the StarCraft Setting, with the New Game round the corner I'm hoping this is stirring up some creative juices. I've already raided the "Terran Armory" in another thread, and it was a great start.


    My only concearn now is that work will start getting done but it'll all be for 6th Edition :(


    Anyway, if anyone has anymore good links, or stats for all things StarCraft let us know.



  2. Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


    Hey guys, while I appreciate the replies, this thread is about 3 years old :P Checkmate revived it after it had been dead for 2 years.


    I've collecting the books for ages now, and have been playing HERO System exclusively for over 3 months now. I have HDv3 and love it.


    So yeah, thanks for the replies, even if they are a little late lol.

  3. Hey Steve,


    Whilst playing around with EC's on HERO Designer v3, I discovered that it is possible to put Inherent Powers (such as an ENERGY BLAST with Reduced END 0, Persistent and Inherent bought as Advantages) into the Elemental Control.


    Now since the drawback of using an EC is that all Powers in it can be Drained by any Drain aimed at the EC (or one of the Powers therein), I was wondering if this is actually legal?


    I tried having a look through 5ER but couldn't see anything about Inherent Powers concerning EC's, so I thought I'd try asking directly.


    Is it legal to put a Power with the Advantage Inherent into an Elemental Control?



  4. Hey guys,


    I'm trying to make a Character that Absorbs both Physcial and Energy Attacks, now it seems that in order to Absorb both I need to buy Absroption twice. However this means that the Maximum of what I can Absorb (I'm thinking about 40 points) would be doubled (40 points from Energy, and 40 from Physical) which I don't want.


    However I don't want to lower the Max limit on them, because I want to be able to Absorb 40 pts from either Physical or Energy.


    Is there an already existing way to do this? If not, what would be an appropriate Cost for an Advantage?



  5. Hey there,


    This is my first time on these boards, basically because I've only just discovered the HERO System, and indeed CHAMPIONS. This all brings me to my very first question.


    I have yet to purchase any HERO Product, and would like to know, should I purchase CHAMPIONS, or should I purchase The HERO System 5th Edition?


    My group will almost exclusively be playing Superhero styled games (we already get our Fantasy fix from D&D, and our modernesque type fix from Vampire the Masquerade and GAMMA World).


    Any and All help will be greatly appreciated.




    PS: I'm also very excited to see I've just come to HERO in time for Ultimate Speedster, since Speedsters is what got me looking for a Superhero Game in the first place.

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