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  1. I think what ill do is: Sell STR, DEX, OCV, DCV, some PD/ED, and Run/Leap/Swim to 0 Buy Characteristics power to set all of them back to their desired amounts (If Characteristics isn't in use, can't move, attack, etc, meaning it requires END to maintain) All other powers (barring Teleportation/Life Support/Sword) are Linked to this power Teleportation is a thing the player wants via shadows, Life Support cause not human, Sword cause the initial basis for this concept was actually hollow knight These would be: Healing, Regeneration, Stretching, Shapeshift, and Clinging Magic goo bandages, regenerating goo, stretching goo, stretching goo creatively, and latching to walls with goo (lot of goo) And of course have each with their limitations as needed
  2. I am GMing a Hero System game over the internet. The game hasnt started yet, and ive been going through each person in dms to get their characters done without a session 0 or the like. None of my players have played the hero system before. Essentially, I am making this character's stats for a player, with a lot of input on the mechanics of how they work through special effects, but not really the actual rules/stats, thats the part I have a question about. Potentially questionable GM decision aside, I need help with how to represent this character's existence through the game's rules. The character isnt human, instead being a shell like helmet. Within the helmet is a power source, which is used to create a body of black goo. This body allows the character to walk, act, etc. The body is not needed for the characters survival in the slightest, only existing so it can interact with other things physically. Destroy the gooey body, a new one can be made easily, destroy the helmet, potential to actually kill the character. I have some ideas on how to represent this, but im not sure. Main one is buying Characteristics as Powers, with a Focus, and Unifying/Linking it to other powers as needed/appropriate. Im not sure if im missing something, if ive got more or less the best answer already, or should just ignore the special effects (which the player is fine with, for the record).
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