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  1. Hi, I am trying to understand End costs in the game, and after searching through the FAQ I still have a question about it. For powers that can remain in effect for multiple phases (such as Invisibilty or movement powers, not Energy Blasts or the like), does a character pay the End cost in each phase they act, or each phase the power is active. For example, a character with a speed of 2 is flying. Does he pay the flight end cost on each phase in the round, or only on phases 6 and 12? Thanks!
  2. Re: Marvel Ultimate Universe Writeups?
  3. Re: What are the Must have books for starting a Superhero campaign?
  4. Hi all, I tried searching, but could not find any Ultimate Marvel Universe writeups. Can anyone refer me to any, or is anyone running a setting in the Ultimate Marvel Universe that might be able to shae their builds? Thanks!
  5. Hi All, I'm starting a superhero campaign, most likely set in the Marvel Ultimate Universe, and I was curious as to others suggestions on the must have (or highly reccomended) books I should pick up to run such a campaign. I currently have 5th edition revised, Sidekick (for easy referrence), Ultimate Mytic (allows been a fan of supermages), Gadgets and Gear, and the Until Powers Book. Is they anything else that I should consider? Thanks so much!
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