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Everything posted by maidenforce19

  1. Since this is the premier website for HERO fans (obviously), I figured I'd post a link to my eBay page where I'm selling my 4th edition copy of Golden Age Champions. It is in really good condition (all details on the eBay page), so if anyone is interested you are free to bid. Thank you! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300533592229&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_1382wt_107
  2. Re: How Would You Make Green Lantern? To clear things up, I'm not actually going to be using this in a game, at least not for a while. I'm new to HERO so after going through all these characters in my mind and seeing if they were possible, I came to a conclusion that HERO could do anything. But then I thought of Green Lantern and it stumped me. Before I even made the thread here, I even looked at other websites where I saw writeups for various Green Lanterns. Most of them, however, were the animated series ones (John Stewart), and one was Hal Jordan. But both didn't seem to answer what I was looking for. It looked as if the people who made those writeups just picked their favorite things out of the gigantic pool of possibilities a GL could do and gave it to their character, but forgetting the others. I don't like that. A Green Lantern should be able to do everything it can in the comics, and even if it would be hard to do, it should be possible. That's why I created this thread to see you're ideas on it. But this all isn't for nothing either. Once I really nail down how to play HERO, my first campaign will most likely be a Champions superhero game set in the DC Universe, and Green Lantern is one of my favorite heroes. So I will eventually put this stuff to use eventually, but just not at the moment. And this thread can also help other people that might be interested in the GL. If I were to run a GL, I really don't know how many points I would start out with. Like you said, it depends on which Green Lantern. But the example you gave on the 3 different types of Hal Jordan's don't satisfy me. That is because to me, all of them are the same. They're just Hal at different points in time, with newer ones advancing just like in an RPG when you get stronger at each level or when you get more points. And sometimes it's the opposite where the powers are drained or something like that, but that would be a plot twist. So if I wanted to run Hal Jordan, I would probably start him just like when he started in the comics, and as the campaign goes on and you get more points to spend, you can spend them on improvements that Hal got over time in the comics. I could choose to start it wherever I wanted, like you said (such as Emerald Dawn), but I would probably start from the beginning. But that's just Hal. There's also Alan Scott, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart (among the Earth protectors), and then there's Abin Sur and thousands of other Corps members whose abilities vary. So depending on which one you pick, or if you create a new one, you would have different abilities, powers, and skills, but I would let all GLs start with the same amount of points. And the sky would be the limit in terms of progression, since you asked. But that's just me. To me, anything can happen. In fact, the universe, or, multiverse, is the limit.
  3. Re: How Would You Make Green Lantern? Sorry, I saw this post after I posted the one above this. But yes, this entire post was helpful a lot. Everything here is an excellent idea. Yes, it would be hard for novices, like me, to start off with a cosmically powerful campaign like this, but I just wanted to get ideas. I like HERO because it lets you do anything, and I like the fact that it's not a game itself but helps you build a game. I'm a construction kind of guy. I like to create my own stuff rather than using pre-made things. Like in video games, if there's a level editor of any kind of a character maker, I'm all over the place. To me, making your own stuff is more enjoyable than stuff already put out for you, even though they're both fun. As for the different colors, you said you think that even though yellow is based off fear it's still willpower. I disagree, but that doesn't really matter right now . You gave me so many ideas, though, as what I could do. And if I ever were to run a GL campaign, I would go beyond the comics and create my own stuff. I would make all the GLs different, and not all the same. I don't even think they're really all the same in the comics to begin with. It just appears that way at first. For example, Superman Prime is a member of the Sinestro Corps. So he's like a Green Lantern, but uses a yellow power ring. Just because of his different attributes and the strength of his fear abilities, he could potentially be a trillion times stronger and more effective than another Sinestro Corps member that also has a ring. And also, races and other things could add on to the ring's powers. If you took away the GLs ring, or any "lantern"'s ring, most would be powerless. However, if you took away Superman Prime's, he would still have his abilities of Superman. And he still has them with the ring, too. That means he can still fly, can shoot laser beams, can time travel by moving really fast, and so on. Believe me, I would use anything I can from the comics as well as creating a ton of original stuff to add on to the characters and campaign to make it more interesting (i.e. making red lanterns being able to do things that other lanterns can't do, such as having unlimited ring capabilities if the user is raged to the max, instead of having the same potential but based on rage instead of willpower).
  4. Re: How Would You Make Green Lantern? I like most of this writeup, but IMO the animated series version falls extremely short to the comics. The comics have a longer history and that history has that many more powers. Thanks, though. But anyway, I've been looking around the core rulebook to see what would be the best option for the GL, and I think that a cosmic VPP (with a ton of points, at least 1000) would work good. It would have few limitations, based on what Green Lantern we're talking about, and would be able to do almost anything, within EGO limits. His main enemies would just be people with equal power, such as Sinestro or Black Hand. I'm also thinking about making a new rule for EGO and how it affects powers, because I'm definitely incorporating willpower, even if some of you don't like that. So if anyone has ideas for that, let me know. If it's too hard to do, would it be a good idea to just make the GL ring a new power? Even if it's possible to make the it from existing powers, I think it would just be easier to compile it into one power so everything is made exclusively for the GL instead of being generic. Finally, I know we shouldn't even be getting to this yet, but how would we make a Red Lantern member or an Orange Lantern, or any of the other colors? Would it just be mostly the same except using a different ability than EGO? For example, Red is based on greed (I'm pretty sure), Purple is based on love, Black is based on Death, and Blue (or indigo) is based on hope. How would those be incorporated?
  5. Re: How Would You Make Green Lantern? I know what you're saying, but all of the powers the GL performs are all during different times with varying power. I'm sure a giant hammer would do a different amount of damage then getting hit by a train or getting bitten. And all of these should also be determined by willpower, or EGO as you guys put it. The Green Lantern's ring can do basically anything the GL can imagine, so determining if his willpower is strong enough, he could either do something as simple as biting someone (weaker) to creating an atomic explosion (stronger), and they would all have different effects and damage. Maybe a bite could inject a poison and deal less damage than the atomic explosion that could destroy cities and cause radiation. Does anyone know what I'm saying? I understand where Supreme Serpent is coming from, which is totally fine for character less powerful than the GL, but someone as powerful as the GL I think needs at least a little more thinking to get down right. I like Crosshair Collie's idea, but I don't really know what cosmic means. What exactly does that do?
  6. I was just wondering the other day of how you would be able to portray Green Lantern (any of them) in RPG form, specifically HERO. I'm new to HERO so I don't know that much, but how would you mechanically have the ability to create anything you think by willpower alone? Are there any ways of making powers along those lines?
  7. How strategic is the combat system for HERO? How good is it compared to other RPG battling systems? Are there many options for your character to do? Can you still do things while defending?
  8. Re: Is it fun to play RPGs online? But would you really prefer not using a map? Or is it that you're not able to/it's too hard so can't/don't and you've learned to deal with it so well that you don't even need it anymore?
  9. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? Oh, I see. I never knew that.
  10. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? I'm really not sure, and what does DOJ stand for?
  11. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? I already had that link, but thanks for reminding me
  12. Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out? Wow I never knew that, but now that you said it I guess it's true. There are some exceptions, though, but most are just temporary (like Superman's death).
  13. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? Hmm, interesting. I never knew about 3rd-party HERO products until now. Are there any links to sites that compile all the 3rd-party products?
  14. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? I just read up on Gestalt and it looks pretty interesting so far. But as a side question/note, is it free for companies to make books using the HERO system like it is with the OGL for d20?
  15. Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out? The main point is that even if it wasn't all that "light", it falls short in comparison to the extreme seriousness that today's comics (and some silver age) are capable of.
  16. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? I'll have to look into this game
  17. Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?
  18. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? Did you already start playing with it?
  19. Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?
  20. Re: Where Can I Find Info On Editions 1-3? Also, I found this website that sells very few Champions books that I'm assuming are 1st through 4th edition. Just scroll down to the company that makes the games (HERO) and click on the profucts: http://www.nobleknight.com/ViewManuf.asp_Q_CategoryID_E_12
  21. Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out? So is this book still going to come out even though 6th edition was announced?
  22. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? Is this specifically just for HERO? Because I can give some suggestions for other systems if you wish
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