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Posts posted by Mayday

  1. ...


    I like characters for their personality primarily, and fun times had with them.


    One of my first was Carmen, she had a minor power but I can't remember now what it was as she rarely used it. She was the boss tho, simply because she had the ability to mediate between the rest and keep them all moving forward.


    Mayday is my only nobility character and has a wonderfully positive outlook coupled with maturity beyond her years. Plus its great fun to ZAP people.


    Wraithe because she's PRIMUS and I love that stiff government agent patriot bit.


    Sabre because she's smarter than everyone around her and it was fun to manipulate them to get her own way without them noticing. Plus Speed 9, how can you not like Speed 9.


    ShadowCross is one of my few Dark Hero characters for a Dark Knight style Gotham campaign. I don't usually give charcters a trauma past but I wanted her to be split personality.


    One not mine that I really like is Vengeance, she works as a coroner or used to. Something happened to her civilian ID that she could not have survived, so she is now believed 'dead' and exists solely in Hero ID. She has some mild stats but is a foci 'hero', guns and chains and a shotgun... But its not what she has as what she does with it. She is extremely brutal in a brutal dark campaign and very effective in unique ways.

  2. ...


    I have a college student, a federal Super Agent, an inventor who owns the company, a baseball player and several freelance types. The only one that has a problem is the student but she compensates by studying constantly and has a semi-public ID. Was too much work to maintain it Secret.

  3. Found it!


    Italy, I read a series last year about an alternate Rome (Rome with magic).....



    So how about some more details on it? Like a name maybe?


    The Shadow of Ararat, Vol. 1, by Thomas Harlan.


    This is the first volume in an alternative history series. In what would be A.D. 600 in our history, the Roman Empire still stands, supported by the twin pillars of the Legions and Thaumaturges of Rome. Now the Emperor of the West, the Augustus Galen Atreus, will come to the aid of the Emperor of the East, the Augustus Heraclius, to lift the siege of Constantinople and carry a great war to the very doorstep of the Shahanshah of Persia. It is a war aided by magic in the form of a legion of soldiers with power, the Third Ars Magica, and Heraclius' brother the Roman Prince Maxian is a healer and wizard. In the Third Ars Magica is a young Hibernian, Dwyrin MacDonald, only partially trained at an Egyptian school, and sent out before he has learned to control his powers. He is much sought after by the magicians from the Persian side for his power with fire. Maxian has brought Gaius Julius Ceaser back from the dead with Persian necromancy and is trying to lift a fatal curse placed on the Roman people not realizing that it is in fact protecting them.


    Magic is fully incorporated into the world and treated in a 'realistic' way.

  4. Mayday: Zoom to the site of rampage on my motorcycle and engage from range. Armor Piercing Ego Attack, as Mayday was especially built to fight other mentalists. This will only make him angry however not drop him or even stun him without a good roll, so she'll rely on the motorcycle to keep distance between them and be ready to dodge. Alot.


    Even when word comes about the diamond break-in over the police band, the fire hero is causing too much damage to be neglected, and possibly taking out major infrastructure. The store has insurance.


    Wraithe: Arrive on motorcycle and engage. Preferably with a fire extinguisher or grabbing some heat resistant gloves ahead of time. Straight up melee fighting here using knowledge of any weaknesses PRIMUS is aware of. The difficulty is in taking him down without doing even more damage than he is by himself. IE fire plugs, popping one may be necessary but best if you dont have to.

  5. Germany went around collecting supernatural items (see Indiana Jones) so can very easily have foci based heroes, and they went pretty deep into the norse mythos as well. All kinds of supernatural stuff there, including Valkyries to haul you off the field and strange old men with eyepatchs asking for shelter.


    For Eastern European countries that later became part of the Eastern Block and Russia, they can have vampires (Transylvania?).


    Italy, I read a series last year about an alternate Rome (Rome with magic). Rome had over time developed a near immunity to magic, by being Branded with a special seal that marked you as Roman. More complicated than that but it was very interesting world... all nations had magicians, each working magic differently and with different strengths. I highly recommend it.


    England and US: Demon summoning witches? The kind we burned at Salem, curses and all....


    Also, Christian countries could have supernatural powers from that, as Japan might have Shinto and Buddhist based supernaturals.


    Russia is just full of creatures and beings. Brothers Grimm stuff and worse.


    With each country Germany or the Axis controls they may also gain access to that country's heroes or powers. Im thinking Egyptian mages and shapeshifters here. Could make for a very strategic campaign if liberating a country or controlling a country increased the supernatural resources available to you. For instance each country starts off with 1 neutral embodiment (or zeitgeist). The Germans invade and Rommel's men capture the Egyptian embodiment and kill/sacrifice him, his power goes to the person who killed him. (Or he can voluntarily do it and die, nothing personal) The Axis now have a new hero (villain to us) to use, with all the knowledge of the previous guy to use as he sees fit.


    Oh, a wild card faction could be the gypsies and jews in your campaign. Having no home but having other abilities. Gypsies being tarot divinators. Jews being Masons, who were reputed to engage in sorcery or something? Jews may also have supers based on powers granted by the Old Testament God.

  6. My first time playing Champions...


    ...one of my teammates (a super patriot flying brick with a high PRE as well) had a 50 COM. The Super Villainnesses wouldn't leave us alone, they were constantly trying to get rid of us to get to him, to enslave him or well, something. He was always getting notes to dine with them and 'chat'.


    It was alot of fun, he was our team leader for quite awhile. His Secret ID was an actor playing his hero side in films, though noone realized they were the same guy.

  7. Mayday does have Demolitions, but I assumed he was wearing the bomb. She would have the easiest time of it and once he's down take extra time to disarm it if necessary or leave it for the professionals with 17- if no rush.


    Wraithe: (A Silver Avenger Mark 1.5) Get on train, locate target. Unhook cars. Cant get to him fast enough on 12 to stop him, so kicks down a door and PRE w/ soliloquy, "Nobody move! This is a PRIMUS Raid and GET THE F--- DOWN NOW!" (Normally wouldn't use language but this is no time to dance around) Can probably take a shot from him if she fails. On her next action close with the bomber and TakeDown. Disarm him next phase of obvious Foci leaving the bomb. If can Grab and Squeeze without jeopardizing the bomb or its connections will do that. Otherwise will pull her punches relying on nerve strikes if successful to alternate areas such as Groin but will use overwhelming blunt force (HA) if necessary and break bones (knee? ankle? foot!).


    Alternate Plan: If they can communicate with him by radio after diverting and boarding the train she will use mimicry and attempt to convince him she is Dubya Bush, talk him down until the other cars are released and troops with gas can get in position. Kicking door in still an option.


    Sabre: (flying armor with an attached bayonet) Easily reach the train. FF on, crash into his railway car glass flying and grab him, protecting him with her body and FF, out the other side of the train and over the Atlantic then straight UP.... He won't be able to take the acceleration enough to move easily, nor the cold of the upper atmosphere. At worst he will make her drop him but at her speed she can probably recover and catch him long before he pancakes. Should reach Iceland in about an hour.... Or some ship of the US Navy that they direct her to.


    Les Gitan: ::plink plink:: Self Teleport to Mongolia

  8. Mayday: First have the train diverted onto a different track, away from DC. While en route attempt to use Mind Link/Scan/Control to scope out the situation and if GM allows Ego Attack the crap out of this guy if persuasion fails. Thats kind of cheap though.


    Assuming she was able to get to the train quickly, swing on board and use Scan and Link to locate him, passengers and his bomb, Unhook all cars with passengers behind his and jam the wheels if possible (luckily this is evening/night time), climb up top and along roof to the car in front of his and unhook it while the rest of the train keeps going. Sneak a look inside his car and a Scan lock on him if possible. Try to talk him down and if it fails Ego Attack him blind. Close for melee if necessary. No attacks that can kill, only incapacitate with emphasis on not allowing him to hurt himself or disconnect himself.

  9. Hmmm....


    Dear QUARK,


    My husband and I were married just before his work permit expired and he had to return to his layer of Hell but I forgot which one it is. Has your uncle Lou seen my husband? Tall, red skin, tail, cloven hooves? I thought that perhaps the marriage would allow us to remain together and am fighting this deportation. When we are successful I will need to contact him.


    We'll see how stong their morale is when we steal all the cigarettes and hold the almighty Jerry Lewis hostage!!!




    We will still have more paid holidays and nude beaches than you, MightyBec. Suffer.


    Mayday, heroine of France



  10. Ouch!


    There was a brick I'd forgotten about. He was helping the government with an anti-drug operation. He was told a meeting was going down in a certain place and that one of their own people undercover was there so he waits on a rooftop watching this go down.


    He asks "Who looks different?" thinking that one might have superpowers I guess. He is told that one of the two making the transaction looks different than the rest, so he leaps off the building and does a Move Through on dude's head pushing his already very high strength.... on a complete and total normal, who happened to be the government undercover agent.


    He's in prison for manslaughter.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    "Hero" who basically is a collection of guns and swords. We manage to capture Pantera and two other of Eurostar including Durok the big invulnerable guy. We dosed them with unconsciousness inducing drugs, locked her in a locker and the other two in chains in the hold of the borrowed nuclear powered bomber that the government had loaned us to get to this remote area.


    Gun dude sneaks off from the team and opens fire with a full clip of bullets from an AK-47 at Durok. The bullets bounce off of course, and ricochet through the hold of the plane where of course, the nuclear reactor is.....

  11. I didn't do this, but a there was a brick I was supposed to hook up with. When he 'drank' electricity through Absorption he got strength and his skin hardened to near invulnerable levels so he grabs a power line and puts it in his mouth first thing, having only bought 1 d6 of Absorption....




    Also someone's flying brick tried to do a move by on Godzilla. With no chance of succeeding.

  12. I use....


    ...mostly D&D type miniatures, some Star Wars ones, ShadowRun, Warhammer, Battletech....


    Most I modify (usually deleting things, like swords) in some way but a few I dont. I have an Endor Leia with gun and cargo belt that makes a nice gadgeteer, and a vampire in a teddy that became one of my heroines.


    Did a Warhammer Seraphim Battle Sister Superior last week as my gadgeteer/mentalist after much editting. Will see about getting a picture on her homepage.



  13. Naturally I left my character binders at work....


    Mayday - My mentalist with telepathy/major Mindlink ability


    Les Gitane - French for gypsy, a family of tattooed gypsy mages


    T.R.A.C.E. - Tactical Recon And Combat E(ntity?) A car/power suit


    Adam Dei - My AI android with a god complex


    Manx - my streetwise acrobatic brawler


    LineDrive - Energy projector shortstop on baseball team


    White Fist - Brick with a glowing energy punch


    Metallion - Magneto in drag


    Mouse - Shrinker w/ strength, the Mouse that Roared....


    Run-A-Muck - a dense pile of garbage doing move through/bys


    American Valor - A friend's super patriot


    Night Warden - A friend's Batman clone


    Old Glory - friend's Aging Super Patriot


    Shareware - Cyber Wear


    NoirBuck - friends speedster (only at night), french for Night Deer


    SteelFront - and x2 damage from behind (friend's)


    Stardancer - Submitted in memory of a departed beloved gamer


    Plinth - A megalithic standing stone (friend's brick)


    Toro - Friend's brick (spanish for bull)


    Ginsu - knives

  14. Home


    Vanguard was in New Orleans.


    Gotham Maintenance was in Gotham City. (Batman's town)


    Colonial Bay is on the East Coast in I think Virginia.


    Was in a European UN type team, based in Paris I think but we spent most of our time in Germany.


    I ran one based in New York, with teleport terminals to Denver, Athens, Cairo, Dallas, Atlanta, Seattle, France, Russia, and El Salvador... (Basically to where they lived)


    Most of our games take place in 'a city' which may have a name but generally doesnt really have a specific place.... although there was a superhero baseball minor leage team in Florida.

  15. I bring...


    .... a black spiral binder. It serves as both screen and holds any sheet I might need to access. No chance of players seeing a picture by accident and I can write on the plastic sleeves instead of on the character sheet.


    I run things very much on the fly however, with an idea of what I'd like to do but I always start off with "So you wake up and.... tell me what you do?" The players can follow up any lead they've been given at any time, if they want to go off on a tangent that's fine too. Just more fun to me to have at least 5 plotlines going on at once, but as a result I have to bring the binder.


    I dont print out my histories anymore tho. I put them online and give the GM the url.

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