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Posts posted by the_blunderbuss

  1. I've done exactly as Doc Democracy comments: everything is target 10, most things are presented as bonuses or penalties to the rolls. It's worked like a charm so far. It is a fairly simple thing to do assuming you understand the probabilities involved. The only thing that I feel benefits from a little chart is something to create the equivalent probability to "succeeding by half" which is, again, fairly simple to develop.


    A few examples:

    - Attribute rolls with an Attribute value of 8 to 12 are +0 to the roll (these are the default so it's best to make them +0)

    - Attribute rolls with an Attribute value of 3 to 7 are -1 to the roll

    - Skill default is -6 to the roll

    - Skill familiarity is -3 to the roll

    - Skill opened normally defaults to the equivalent Attribute Roll

    - Buying a +1 to a Skill Roll gives you (literally) +1 to the Skill Roll ;)

    - Combat rolls are 3D6 + OCV against 10 + DCV

    - Rolls can be modified by positive circumstances (adding to the roll result) or negative circumstances (subtracting from the roll result.) Use the same number you used before to modify the TARGET of the roll, to modify the RESULT of the roll now.


    And (for the most part) Bob's your uncle.

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