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Rynak Whitestar

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About Rynak Whitestar

  • Birthday 12/06/1975

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Rynak Whitestar's Achievements

  1. Re: New character post for review I'll let her know that, thanks!
  2. Re: New character post for review You are a funny one Blacklamb. Thanks for your help guys. As always, I have found the forums to be extremely helpful
  3. Re: TK ninja idea, help needed. It sounds extremely cool. The looks almost reminds me of the vampire warriors in Blade 2.
  4. Re: New character post for review Telescopic has to be purchased per sense or sense group, but cannot be purchased for all senses (I looked into that in order to save some points). Adding a sense to hearing doesn't make it 360, unfortuneately. She did want some other features, such as gills to breath underwater, but ran out of points. The PRE was another one that will probably be purchased in the future after some exp is gained. Actually, gaming is something we have in common. We also play WoW together.
  5. Re: New character post for review Thanks guys. That is a good idea. I'll let her know and see what she wants to do. There are always different ways of tinkering with the powers to get similar effects in a different way, or more effects that mimic what you want to do. I like the flight MP idea.
  6. Re: New character post for review Actually this is my wife's character. I just posted it since she was busy. A few of the players had already posted and wanted feedback on the other characters and a chance to see who was playing what. Good memory Spidey, I'm impressed that you remembered my handle since you seem to be so active on the forums. Actually, the unluck was 4d6 and had been dropped down to 3d6 in order to spare the party members the ill effects.
  7. Here is a new character built on 250 character points and 150 disad points. I won't post the costs of some of the abilities as I didn't use a computer program to set up the character. She have a mixture of various animal parts, while being humonoid overall. Her features contain: a wolf's head, a cats tail and paws/hands, grey tiger stripped fur, bird wings and a forked tongue. Str 20, dex 30, con 20, body 20, int 10, ego 10, pre 15, com 0, pd total 36, rpd 16, ed total 26, red 10, spd 5, rec 8, end 40, stun 40. run 14", swim 6", H. leap 8". climbing 15- 3, shadowing 13- 7, stealth 15- 3, acrobatics 15- 3, breakfall 15- 3, tracking 15- 11, bump of direction 3. danger sense , sense(+2), out of combat, regaurdless if could percieve (+10) 27 enhanced perception +6 for all senses 18 nightvision 5 ultrasonic perception: hearing, 360 degrees 8 telesponic sight (+10 perception to offset range) 5 track by smell 5 wolf's nose (discriminatory smell) 5 cat's claws (HKA 4d6+1, (65) active points, reduced penetration (-1/4), no knockback (-1/4)) 4.. bird wings (flight 20", useable as gliding (+1/4), (50) active points, restrainable (-1/2)) 33 acute hearing (telescopic hearing +4 only to offset range modifier) 6 damage resistance (16 rpd, 10red) 13 speak with animals (detect animal communication (5), descriminatitory (5), analyze (5), 360 degree (5) ranged (5), sense (2), transmit (2)) 29 (I got this from the boards, thanks for the input) disads: 3d6 unluck (15) hatred of () uncommon/strong (10) hunted by (same as above unlisted group) MoPow, NCI, imprision/inslave/kill, 8- (20) enraged whenever takes body damage on a 14-, recovers on an 8-, common. (20) reputation - enraged, 11- (15) distinctive features, not concealable, major reaction or prejudice (20) (I know this one will get some comments. I figure a cloak may help conceal the character if the wings and tail are tied up, but the hood would have to be huge to fit over the snout that would stick out. Then their are the feet and hands which are paws that would need to be somehow covered. Shoes wouldn't work, and gloves wouldn't fit unless custom made and way oversized. At some point the disguise draws almost as much attention as being out in the open). Physical limitation: requires medical attention. Medicine skill penalty of -4 for minor, -8 for crisis unless the user has a skill that is specific for the character. (10) vulnerability flash attacks (all types) x1 1/2 (15) Vengeful (10) Vulnerability to biological attacks x1 1/2 stun and body (10) physical limitation: character acts as two classes of minds for being affected by mental powers: human and animal (5) Feedback welcome as long as it is not offensive I won't post the background so the other players won't get too much of a head's up and will have something to discuss during/after the first adventure.
  8. Re: New poster here, Character help needed too! Believe it or not, I'm the GM. I've been lurking and haven't been advising as yet as I am new and old to this system. I've played it back when Champions was the main book. Unfortunately, I haven't played it enough, but I do have a small amount of expierence with the system. One thing I do see on both characters is a lot of linked items. I was under the impression that linking was supposed to group two different powers to create a unique effect (such as holy fire - EB with a linked visual flash). I was under the impression that, for example, HtH shouldn't be linked to a strength increase as you already add that to the damage as part of the "power". If you wanted to show that both are tied to the chains, then that would be the Sfx or you could take restrainable for the chains if they could be tied up or otherwise immobilized. While the points savings would be the same, it would be cleaner and seem appropriate (if they could be restrained). The focus for the power suit would be the heroic identity. You wouldn't get points for both, would you? (see Defender in the Champions book). Also, would the powers be linked to the suit? Sample vehicles, bases and characters don't have this listed. One other thing, isn't by having the armor Very Difficult to Obtain, doesn't that make it expendable? I thought that was for spell components or charges that were hard to replace.
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