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Everything posted by jaseoffire

  1. You know, I might give this a stab. @Simon would you be interested in trying to implement accessibility? I've got the time to do some digging through docs depending on what you're using for GUIs.
  2. So, to GMs, how long does it take you to make NPCs and such. I guess the other part of this question is how long does it take you to prep for a campeign/session?
  3. Hmm. New product for me to investigate. Then again, I'm always in for the fight against tokenism. Though, it seems that he presumed that the Hugos were ever merit based. I'm not sure I've ever heard of a curated award that wasn't at least a little cliquish. Either way, it sounds like he made a comment and it took off. That's the internet for you.
  4. @Khymeria Actually, it would be nice to know how exactly your blind player handles Hero system.
  5. Now, I doubt this will be a question easily answered, but I shall ask anyways. You see, I'm blind and use a screen reader to access stuff. How screen reader friendly is the hero designer? Considering it's Java, I'm guessing that I'd be buying a digital paperweight, but maybe not.
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