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Posts posted by Lunistra

  1. Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


    "How big is the carpet? Does it have room for multiple passengers? "


    My initial thoughts were no just the hero, but room for one other may be useful, in rescuing people/ saving falling heros etc...


    "Can the character be knocked off the carpet? "


    I would say yes she could, but i woudl want to for eg loop the loop and she would not fall off, she would neeed to be blaster off


    "Is the carpet at all like the one in Disney's Aladdin?"


    it was not going to be sentient, but im thinking if i get knocked off it may be handy if it knew to come and catch me..



    damn the more i think about it, the more expensive the carpet is getting and reverting back to just flying sounds better. But i will have a carpet dman it :)


    so the toss up at moment is vehicle+skills to fly it, can be lost, or indestructable focus


    I cant post the character yet, im still at the ideas point and , to be honest have no idea how to build her yet. I know what i want, i just need ot read the rules more to know how to get it.




    Im looking foward to STORN's artistic impression of her i have comissioned though

  2. Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


    there was me thinking it would be a cool way for my superhero to get around instead of the usual flying herself, and now i see it is a major weakenss.


    But as it was the concept im going to stick with it and see where it leads to.

    Maybe i better learn a summon magic carpet or repair magic carpet spell or something

  3. Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


    Ah makes sense, cheers.


    I think i origianlly saw it automatically as a vehicle, it is def not sentient, but from what you have said i think it may be better suited to the OAF route.


    though now im scared that every situation i go into the capet is going to be targeted, and leave me unable to fly for the rest of eternity :)

  4. Hi,


    Im trying to make my superhero ride a magic carpet, while fighting for justice. Im still working out how to make a magic carpet stat wise, but my question is would i need to take skills in piloting and combat piloting to use the carpet for flight?


    If so i may just take the power of flight and add an illusionary effect of her flying on a carpet


    or take flight power with the limitation focus of the carpet?

  5. Re: Duo


    Nice suggestions thanks , I think we will have a mental link of sorts, i was thinking one character would be blind , but viewed the world through the others eyes.

    I like northstar, hes rather cool :)

    I think i will use some of those suggestions Kevin, i like thel ook of them especially the back to back one.


    I think we may both purchase a blast power that we can only use when we join hands or something , we can roll teamwork and go on same phase and both shoot these 2 blasts, that we can not use unless physically linked. so sort of the ritual idea.


    The aid thing sounds good , but i don't have UMA


    Im now trying to work on a flying carpet for her :)

  6. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    I tried to join "hero boards" over the weekend and was refused because it's a private channel. Is that the right global channel for the hero boards (i.e. this thread and it's responders)? If so can I get an invite sometime my global is @greyguardian




    me too please @promstar

  7. A friend and I are trying to create a duo, whether they are twins, lovers, brother sister etc.. we have not decided yet, we will be part of a larger team, but we wanted to have our powers to work fine when seperate but better when toegther.


    I know there is the team work skill .


    But i was wondering if you had any advice , hints / tips on good ways to alter powers so that they worked well together, whether a shared pool of energy we can both or one of us draw on, or ways of merging powers toegther etc..


    maybe one manipulates gas the other fire, to make large explosions? (though not very heroic that one probably)

  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    If you read the thread' date=' I think there are several of us on Victory. I'm on Champion myself, global "@Hero Gojira".[/quote']



    it is 181 pages and started in 2004, so i thought i would just see if people still actively played :)

  9. Re: Sister Bliss


    Sounds good, sadly the GM doesn't know much either about the game , so we are all trying to learn as we go along. We usually use D&D or D20 modern so its ab it of a change.


    The Luck option was supposed to be she grants others some minor luck / blessing, rather than she herself be lucky.


    Nice tip on the skills part for seduction, rather than use powers

  10. Hi,


    I am new to champions and HERO and will be playing in a campaign in London at our gaming group towards the end of the year.


    I have a concept readt to go, it is a character i have played in City of Heroes and subsequently got into an independant comic, where she has appeared in 3 issues.


    Sister Bliss is a combination of a Nun, Hooker and Mystical Imp all accidentily fused together in a mystical confligration.


    She has powers of Seduction, Charms and Blessigns and Portals


    I have had a look throug hthe HERO books, and it completely overwhelms me!! I see her as a support character aidign the rest of the group as such and not so much in front line or blastign away.


    I had thoughts over

    Emotion control - Lust


    Dimention powers- to open small portals to pick things up fro ma distance, punch through them if needed to, open portals as a defence against incomign attacks and as an instant transport method. but she doesnt actually visit other dimentions.


    Anyone got any more suggestions on skills, powers and ways of makign these powers that could help me work out my character. I know it is a 200 point and max 100 disadvantage game i will be playing in.


    Thanks in advance



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