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Posts posted by Bleys

  1. Re: Terminal Velocity


    This might be suitibly arcane.

    Say you buy an transparent entangle (to simulate your victim falling through the warp) and you have an attack(EB, RKA, Whatever) with time delay or trigger set to go of when the victim "hits the groung" eg breaks the entangle.

    Our hero sits on the sideline and hits the "A" button as much as he can to rack up all the effect possible before the victem can get outta the entangle.


    not point effective but it amuses me:)

  2. Re: On balance...when no one else follows it.


    This isnt realy valid advice(because its Competive and adverserial) but it may amuse you.


    1)Ask to restructure the character.


    2)Stick to your guns with the new design


    3)Sleaze the hell outta the new design without violating the original rules.

    I sugest things like BODY SUPPRESS in place of martiial arts, mosquito followers with AID bites, Use CONTINUING CHARGES and place all your detective skills in a FOCUS like a fedora or trench coat.


    4)Gloat insufferably about how you followed the original rules and your still better then all the other PCs.:)


    As said, this is NOT actual advice, but it might be a fun character builing exercise.

  3. Greetings all.


    I offer a gamers debt to any who can help me with this:)


    My game troupe has decided that we wish to start a new champions game.

    It is intended to be a "Kingdom Come" like game. exceept it will be set in the Marvel universe.


    My problem is this. Although we have been playing champions for years, it has been in a homebrew setting.

    Our extensive character library will be of no use to us with this new game.


    My questions are two:


    1, Has anyone worked up a sizable collection of Hero Desighner files for Marvel characters?


    2, If so, then are you willing to share/donate said files to a noble gaming group, who will use them only for the sole purpose of having fun in the attic?


    It's not that I mind doing the conversions( I truly love statting up HERO characters) so much as it is a matter of free time.


    As said, if anyone can help, we will owe you one.





  4. Zero - A Russian mathmatician who's mind is so advanced, it can compute formuli fast enough that he knows the exact trajectory for richocette, can spot the weakest point in structures for whatever effect, the exact place or way to move to avoid an attack, etc.*


    Thanks Rechan, I realy Like this one, I think he/she might work well as a Protege of Nikola Tesla.

    William of Discord also seems pretty neat.


    Volcano was the Roman god of the forge, similar to the Greek god Aephestus.


    Unfortionatly our gameworld has already placed most of the Greco-Roman Gods. Most of them are "grey" Corporate characters and members of the Janus Society.

    I Would like to use the Cyclops robot idea for the Socity though.


    Rusalka - Genetically engineered Russian merwoman. Her base is at the bottom one of the many lakes in western Russia, near the border with Finland. She's basically like Aquaman/Namor, but evil. Seeks to extend her power by any means necessary.


    I realy dig the hell outta this one as well.

    My Russian mythology is a little weak but I think Vodyonoi is also a valid name. although that might just be for a male vesion.


    Iron Claw - In WW2 Captain Karl Schmidt's hand was blown off by a grenade. He replaced it with a hand fashioned out of metal and became known as the Iron Claw. Over time most of his body was replaced by metal parts. Surviving the war, Scmidt escaped to South America from where he hoped to mastermind a Fourth Reich. Old now, most of Iron Claw's remaining flesh has grown weak or decayed. Having returned to Germany he leads diminishing bands of neo-Nazi thugs in pursuit of his mad dreams.


    The Eisernklaue is Perfect! I needed a face for the 4th Reich and this guys "Dr No" apeal is excellent for it.

    (Thanks to Lord Liaden for the translation)


    The Lord of Misrule - Lord of a small Scottish island which has reverted to paganism. The Lord of Misrule uses pagan magic to overthrow Christianity and bring about a return to the Old Religion.


    Thats a really fun oppertunity to make Lord Argyle( Christopher lee from "The Wicker man") But I think one of our heros is using that angle.


    Let's see: for Italy, how about The Imperator, using powered armor with a Roman motif.


    I like the ideas of a Villian tied to a classical Empire, but my Roman portfolio is a little crowded. So here is an amalgam idea that i think might work.



    NAME; The Macedon


    POWERS; Super Stratego with Nationalistic Presence Powers


    MINION METHOD; Loyal Guerillas and low profile military hardware, men and machines capable of waging his shadow war.


    MOTIVATION; The Macedon, though technically exiled from his country , Views himself as a patriot of Macedonia and the inheritor of Alexander the Greats Legacy.

    He uses his powers and influence to destabalize Macedonias

    most agressive and hungry neighbors (namley Greece and Turkey) He was also active in the Serbo-Croation conflicts, looking to his homelands "unoficial" Interests.


    This Guy is PROUD. he will have drawbacks like "Overconfident" and "Enraged when anyone refers to Alexander the Great as a Greek".( I actualy went to school with some folks who had the latter Psych Lim)

  5. Attatched is the HD2 file for the 1st draft of Gallery of Dreams,

    Please let me know what you think.


    As an aside, weve been using a condensed skill list(So Characters dont need to spend 150 pts on skills to be diverse)

    So if you see a skill that you dont recognize, just figure that it does what you think it does. :)


    Im still mulling over all the Suggestions and will be replying to them shortly.

    Once again, Thank you all for your input.

  6. Wow folks, thanks for all the input.


    Here is an idea for the Frenchmen, Its an amalgamation of the the psychic and artist of thieves ideas.


    NAME ; Gallery of Dreams(French translation here)


    POWERS; Pyschic based dream manipulation.


    MINION METHOD; Transform Sleeping people into

    Sleepwalkers (Normal people programed to become his army of art theives when they sleep)


    MOTIVATION; To replace artistic masterworks with forgeries and put the originals in the hands of the only man on earth who can truly appreciate them, His own.


    One of his powers is going to be a retrocognition, only thrue dreams, power which requires a artistic masterwork as a focus. He will be psychologically addicted to the use of this power.


    as long as yall dont mind ill be continuing to post my ideas for discussion.

    Please let me know if you think any of them are particularly lame.

  7. Im working on the main European Villian Team for our superheroic game.

    They are called the House of Lords.

    Well, not so much a team. Its more of a social group and Minion swapping club for 600 point, or so, Villians.


    They need to each be powerful ,ambitious Villians each with access to there own Minions.

    Most Important though is that the must be distinctly "European."


    The only one Im definitly set on ,is an Incarnation of Hern the Hunter that follows a Brittish "Foxhunter" theme.


    If anyone has any inspired ideas for other european arch-villians then please let me know.



  8. well, the effects of duplication pan out in some realy Interesting ways. For example, When the spiret "slumbers" it does so by simply recombining with the base. This is a lot less clunky then buying Desolid( 0end ,persistent,Only while asleep)

    Other cool effects are related to the feedback drawback, like the spiret is away on a mission and starts taking body.

    "well i guess the base is under attack" :)

    Ive Been talking to my group about this, we run a troupe style superheroic game, And they are suggesting that i just build the castle as my base character and the spiret as the duplicate. I think there agreeing to it just to get out of spending points on the Base :)

    Anyway im trying a couple of diferent builds before i play it or just scrap the whole thing.

  9. Im working on a character who is ,essentialy, the spiret of a castle.

    The mechanics of Duplication seem to work well for this(Duplication Castle, feedback, 100% diferent, Trigger Sundown)


    This in itself is weird enough and i would love some feedback on it.

    I would prefer that if the power were dispelled that it would cause the Spiret to disapear, not the base.but i dont think its kosher to designate the primary character as the castle.


    So, im wondering if a +-0 modifier that causes the secondary character(the Castle) to be treated as though it was the character who payed for the duplication is appropriate?


    I know this is strange construction but the effects of this build seem to be much cooler than just buying a base and the physical lim version of feedback.


    Thanks alot.


  10. Id Like to Construct a image Enhancment power in a Computer, so that when the character plugs in data from his vague and unclear clairsentience the computer can take an hour and spit out a enhanced version of the image.


    My initial Idea was to buy a minor physical transform with extra time. But that raises the question, "What is the body of Streaming Video?"

    If anyone has a suggestion of a less clunky way to do this Id love some input.




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