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About pizzini3000

  • Birthday 09/17/1985

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  • Occupation
    Student/Wed Developer

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  1. Re: Points Equality I'm throw in my opinion on the subject overall. I'll have to use D&D examples, because i don't have my HERO system book yet. While it is not the majority of people that want to play those "comic relief" character, there are enough of them that bring up that kind of player/character in a game. When I run games in D&D, I always choose the Point Buy option, rather than rolling for stats. I did this mainly to keep people from complaining about others in the group with way better stats and/or "outshining" them. I have never had a player complain that his stats were too high. It's because you don't need high stats to role play, that you can ignore high stats as well as make do with the low ones. I think a theme that I've seen in a lot of anime fits this situation well. That theme is natural talent versus hard work. High stats could be considered to be that natural talent. People with high talent don't excel in what they are talented with if they don't make an effort. To role play that comic relief, all one would have to do is not make an effort towards something they'd have natural talent in. If a player, for some reason, demanded to have low stats, I would allow them on some of the following conditions: they must not use their disability to hog the spotlight from the other players, they must not interrupt game flow constantly, and the other players must agree to having such a comic relief in the party. I hope I contributed well.
  2. Re: Total Newbie Here; prospective HERO-er What is that program called that I seem to hear so much about? The one that's evidentially great for vets and newbs alike. Also, where should I get it?
  3. Re: Total Newbie Here; prospective HERO-er You guys are so great. Nice, smart, helpful; I hope i can contribute more once i actually get the book.
  4. Re: Total Newbie Here; prospective HERO-er Thank you all very much for all your input. It has made me confident in my recent purchase. =D I managed to snag a copy off eBay for 10 bucks + 4 bucks shipping. (I just couldn't let that chance pass me by) The more I hear about the HERO system, the more it seems like the goal I had in mind when I tried making my own system. It also has no levels. You just get points (assigned however/whenever the GM feels like it) which you can allocate to stats and abilities. all "attacks" were generalized to abilities. I even abstracted away weaponry to something optional. How are turns/rounds broken down? (or is it a real-time? hehe)
  5. I'll start with a quick background I've been playing D&D for many years, and have many D&D books. I began to get sick of how the character flavor was so tightly coupled with the mechanics of the game (e.g. classes). I attempted and was fairly successful at creating my own system. However, after some research, I realized that the HERO system seems to already be all that I want. I'm seriously considering buying the HERO system. What should I, as a former D&D player, be particularly aware of? I'm not scared of a calculator. What content do the other HERO system books provide? Are there any sort of rules governing out of combat interaction?
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