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Posts posted by Dumok

  1. Re: What would be your take on She-Grond?


    When I originally saw this thread my first reaction was quite visceral:


    NO! I SAID NO!


    However, After I went through the thread, I kind of softened up to the idea.

    So here goes:

    I think that a "Grondess" character may have nothing to do with Grond at all. That perhaps she was born a sickly scrawny girl and when she hit puberty (IE her first cycle) She hit a serious growth and mutation spurt. (I'm thinking Mutant Here)

    Once her cycle was done she reverted to normal. So I am thinking that once a month she becomes the "Grondess" character or during times of extreme emotional distress. While not very useful for a PC, she would make a great dependent NPC or Follower. In short, that would cover the Multiform, along with enough disads to pay for it.

  2. Re: WarMage (Webcomic Character)


    Okay as suggested I fixed the Following:

    Armor of Rama: +16 rPD +16rED Armor (50 Active Points)(OIF: Suit of Rama Effect is a glowing Field around the body, (-1/2), Side Effect (30 Active Points) Create Light 1"r (5pts.) -3 DCV (15pts.), -3 to Stealth (9pts.) Always Activates when Suit is Worn x2 value (-1) total: 20pts.

  3. Character name: WarMage

    Alternate ID: Llewllyn ("Lou") Connor


    STR:15 = 05pts.

    DEX:28 = 54 pts.

    CON:21 = 22 pts.

    BOD:23 = 26 pts.

    INT: 10 = 00 pts.

    EGO:15 = 10 pts.

    PRE: 15 = 05 pts.

    COM: 14 = 02

    PD: 4 = 1 pt. TOTAL: (19/ 18r)

    ED: 4 TOTAL: (19/ 18r)

    SPD: 4 Phases: 3,6,9,12

    END: 42

    STN: 38


    HTH: 3d6

    Lift: 200 kg. (1)

    OCV: 9/DCV: 9

    Per: 11-

    ECV: 5

    PRE Attack: 3d6

    Char Cost: 125




    Armor of Rama: +15 PD/+15 ED FF (30 Active pts.) OIF Suit (-1/2), 0 end (+1/2) , Side Effect:(30 active) Create Light: 1" (5pts.) -3 to Owner's DCV (15pts.) & Stealth (9pts.) (-1/2), Always ON (-1/2) = 20 pts.


    Sorcerous Abilities:

    Learned Spells: (40 Point Multi-Power Pool Marked with "*") = 60 pts.

    * Bolt of Flame: (12d6 EB (60 Active Points) W/ Requires Magic Skill Roll (10 or Less)(-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantation (-1/4), 0 end (+1/2))

    * Hand of The Magi: (45 str TK w/ Requires Magic Skill Roll (9 or less) (-1/2), Gestures Throughout (-1/2), Incantation (-1/4), 0 END (+1/2))

    * Arachnea's Strands: (6d6, 6 def entangle (60 Active Points) w/ Requires Magic Skill Roll ( 10 or less)(-1/2), Incantation (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4))

    *Covenant Link (Mind-Link with Coven 10pts. Up to 4 Minds 10pts., W/o Line of Sight 10 pts.

    * Sense Imbalance: (Detect Evil, w/ Sense, Discriminatory, Targeting, +6 Range Mod)

    Summon Clothes: Instant Change Any Set of Clothes (10 Active) Gestures Throughout (-1/2) Incantation Throughout (-1/2) = 5 pts.


    "Mutant" Abilities:

    Levitation: 15" Flight (30 Active Points) (1 END) = 30pts.

    Bloodless: +3 Resistant PD/+3 Resistant ED = 3 pts.

    Accelerated healing: 2 Body Regeneration (Seg 12 Recovery)= 11pts.

    Mystery Power (this is something not really suitable for a family friendly board. If you really want to know PM me.) 5 pts.


    Powers Cost: 130pts.



    Contact: Coven (13-) = 6 pts.

    Police (11-) = 2 pts.

    Money: Wealthy = 10 pts.

    Follower (Kriti 75pts.) 15 pts.

    Language: Irish (Fluent) = 2 pts.

    Language: Hindu (Fluent) = 2 pts.

    Language: Spanish (Fluent) = 2 pts.

    KS: Magic 11- = 2pts.

    KS: Occult Lore 11- = 2 pts.

    KS: Neo-Paganism 11- = 2 pts.

    Navigation 11- = 3 pts.

    Power Skill: Magic +5 16- = 13 pts.

    PS: Occultist 11- = 2 pts.

    Seduction 13- = 5 pts.

    Skills Total: 62 pts.


    Disadvantages: 200 +

    Secret ID (Fre/Major) = -15

    Hunted: Shadow Walker (He's the Major Villian of the Series)(As Pow, VF, NCI) 14- = -25pts.

    Dependance: Sunlight 1/day or else takes 1d6 DMG, -1 to All Skills, -3 Characteristics = -5 pts.

    Code of Chivalry (Will protect females or those weaker than himself even to His own Harm.)(Common/Strong) = -20 pts.

    Cold-Blooded in Combat (Common/Strong) = -20 pts.

    Lecherous: (Common/Strong) = -20 pts.

    Reputation: Pagan (Will cause a Negative reation with Conservative Fundementalists) 14- = -15pts.


    Total Cost: 320

    Experience Points: 10 Spent (3 Unspent)

    Disadvantages: -120


    Background/History: Llewllyn Connor is the Son of Anthropologist Brian Connor, who made it his goal to study not only world religions but also their Magical Practices. Eventually Brian came into the possession of an Item called "The Book Of Vivian" which was supposedly the Tome of Merlin's Last student before the Fall of Camelot. LLewllyn (Being 7 years old at the time) Found the book and Managed to open the Potent seals causing it to Flood His young body with Potent Arcane energy. After a two week Coma, Llewllyn woke up with, Seemingly, No Ill Effects.

    He later began travelling with His Father to various places, including Kashmir Where he met Kriti and her Father Rajneesh Rajadassi, It was Rajneesh who began to teach Llewllyn about Meditation. After wards, Llewllyn returned to the united states with Brian.

    It was then, that He watched His father die during the assault on the twin towers, He then devoted himself to the Study of Magic to Hone his Magical abilities eventually Reuniting with Kriti RajaDassi who came back to His life bearing a dowry of a magic suit called "The Armor of Rama". Donning the suit, Llewllyn Connor assumed the Name WarMage and began His new carreer as a crimefighter, and as Part owner of His father's Old Store "Spiritual Wonders".


    Personality: Llewllyn is a fun-Loving, ladies man who enjoys the company of women at some point or another. However, When He dons the Armor of Rama, He becomes serious and at times Ruthless when it comes to Fighting Supervillians. While He would not outrightly Kill them, He does not hold back unless he has a really good reason.

    When He runs His store He is also All business and has even gone as far as to Smack incredibly stupid Customers with his "Stoopid Stick" (Non-Magical) but With his friends he is often quite gentle and at times a bit of a Push Over.


    Quote: "BOLT of FLAME! Dammit!" (WarMage when he fails his Magic Roll)


    Powers and Tactics: Well Along with His "Mutant" abilities of Flight, Toughness & Regeneration, WarMage can cast a Small compliment of Spells Designed to Kill, Incapacitate or deal with Opponents. He prefers to attack from a distance unless He has no Choice, then he relies on His heightened Agility and toughness to win his fights. All in All WarMage does his best to be a well-rounded combatant.


    Appearance: Google WarMage.

  4. Re: Over The Edge Hero


    excuse me????


    I can't think of many H.P.Lovecraft stories that even had women in them, let alone women that got molested. There was Lavinia Whately, admittedly, but that was entirely consentual.

    I know I know I'm sorry, I was kind of half way over tired when I finished writting it and I was using it as a quickie template for a character I was writting about at the time...

  5. Converting Over The Edge To Hero System RPG

    By Dumok Duvalle (Madgoblin2001@yahoo.com)


    Introduction: Well, let's see, Over the Edge and Hero would look like two totally different systems, OTE is a very rules Light system, while Hero tends to deal with alot of Number crunching. Both systems are very flexible allowing the players to create any kind of Characters to fit into the Genre the GM sets up. This article plans to set up an easy way to convert the Characters of OTE in a way that makes sense. First some basic guidelines:

    1) In Hero system Players start with 100 points in Hero and can have up to 75 points in disadvantages (For a total of 175 points). This is the recommended guideline.

    2) Don’t be afraid to flesh out the character if the conversion leaves the player with a lot of points to mess around with. Buy extra skills, maybe a language or two or beef up stats as you see fit.


    Traits to Dice: Over the Edge uses traits to determine what a character is like. The player starts with One Prime trait, two side traits and a Flaw of some kind.

    The definition of the traits determine how much dice are allocated to them

    Broad traits: general abilities and characteristics, which may include several types of generic skills

    Narrow traits: a focused trait, which may be a characteristic or a skill.

    Narrow and technical: traits, which give the character skills in a scientific or mechanical profession. This may include a characteristic.

    Technical/Unusual: These are traits that include Fringe Science, or Fringe powers and often give the character a "Psychic pool" to fuel powers.

    Flaws: these usually assign a penalty die with certain actions.


    Broad Traits: When determining Broad traits use the description to figure out what characteristic it would fit under. Lets take Lydia Goodman for example; She has the traits of Imposing (Four dice) defined as Presence and Resources (No dice code) using the sign of Jewelry. She is a Sommerite with a couple of Bennies and is defined as a refined woman of some beauty.

    Using the following chart, we can figure out how to create her.


    Broad Traits Hero Characteristic:

    Stealth, Strength, Straight-Facing

    Average: 2 dice 10 /Base Skill

    Good: 3 dice 13/ Skill +1-+2

    Superior: 4 Dice 15/ Skill +3-+4

    5 Dice 18/ Skill +5-+6

    6 Dice 20/ Skill +7 and up.


    Narrow Traits Hero Characteristic/ Skill

    Public Speaking/ Cooking

    Average 2 dice 10 Base Skill

    Good: 4 Dice 15 Skill +1-+3

    Superior 6 dice 20 Skill +4 and up


    Narrow & Technical Hero Characteristic/ Skill

    Helicopter Pilot, Dentistry

    Average: 0 Dice 10/ No Skill

    Good: 2 Dice 20/ Skill +1-+5

    Superior: 4 Dice 25/ Skill +6 and up.


    Technical Or Unusual Trait Hero Skill/ points in a Power

    Doctor, Fringe Power

    Average: 0 dice No Skill/ 0 points

    Good: 1 Dice Base Skill/ 10 Points

    Superior: 2 Dice Skill +1-3/ 20 points


    As you noticed I used a bit of common sense to figure out the number scheme.

    For Broad traits over 6 use the following scale: +1 Dice Over 2d = integers of 3, 5, 8 for example 8 dice in a broad trait gives the character a characteristic of 25, a nine dice trait gives a characteristic of 28, 10 dice equals a characteristic of "30". Once the Characteristic reaches "30" add +5 for every dice there after.

    For Narrow Traits, I use integers of 5: 10, 15, and 20.

    For Skill Levels, This is where the GM will most likely need to use common sense. If the Trait is broad enough to warrant three of four skills

    Going back to Lydia Goodman: Here is how her Hero stats come out so far.

    Strength: 10

    Dexterity: 10

    Constitution: 10

    Body: 10

    Intelligence: 13: 3pts.

    Ego 13: 6 pts.

    Presence: 20: 10 pts.

    Comeliness: 16: 3 pts.


    In case you did not notice, Nowhere in the description does it note how intelligent or Willful Lydia is, However I figured that since She is a patron of the arts, she should have a better than average intelligence and Ego especially since she has people coming to her all the time for favors. I treated the Imposing as a Narrow trait giving her a 20 Presence (This would give her exactly a 4d6 presence attack should she need it). I also gave her a 16 comeliness to reflect just how beautiful this woman is. True I could have given her less but a woman with her wealth can afford some cosmetic surgery and the various other ways woman in her station make themselves pretty.


    Talents and perks:

    Money: Filthy Rich 15 points: Since her trait: Resources did not have a die code I figured that the description would give me a rough estimate of How much Money She had. Since it indicated she had alot of Money, I figured She was Filthy Rich. This could always be adjusted later in the character creation process and with experience.

    Membership: Sommerites: 6 points Due to her generous donations, She is a highly respected Member in the Sommerite religion

    Membership: Al-Amarjan High Society 7 points. She can throw some decent parties and maybe get a D'Aubaine to show up.

    Follower: Miguel Acao: 15 points (75 points for character creation) I figured that Miguel had to be a competent body guard so I gave her 15 points in this particular follower. I could always give Him extra points in Disads and with experience to make Him more accurate.

    Follower: Marsha Grunder: 15 Points (75 Points for character creation) Marsha is a scientist Lydia has Hired. Again I figured She should be a competent person otherwise Lydia would not have Hired Her.

    Follower: Ferdi Alli: 15 Points (75 Points for Character creation) an Operative that works for Goodman, He handles a lot of her espionage and covert ops.

    Contact: Earthlings: 11 or less: 2 points. (This was indicated by the description, She doesn’t have enough points to be a member yet)

    Contact: Husband (Nigel Goodman): 15 or less: 10 points I decided to make Her husband a contact since the story indicate that Lydia and her Husband have remained together out of convenience. they Love each other deeply, they just have different lives to lead. the 15 or less indicates that there is very little that He would deny her.


    Now on to skills:

    High Society: 15 or less: 7 points

    Conversation: 15 or less: 7 points

    Persuasion: 15 or less: 7 points

    Beurocracy: 13 or less: 3 points.

    Knowledge Skill: Fine Arts: 15 or less 7 points

    Sommerite Religion: 15 or less: 7 points

    Streetwise: 13 or less: 3 points

    Professional Skill: Benefactor 16 or less: 8 points.

    Dancing: 13 or less: 4 points

    Seduction: 13 or less: 3 points

    Languages: British English (Native language) 0 points

    French (Completely fluent with accent) 3 points

    Spanish (Completely Fluent with accent) 3 points


    Lydia's point total so far:

    Characteristics: 22 points

    Talents/Perks: 85 points

    Skills: 62 points

    total: 169 points


    This pretty much means that I may have to give Lydia some disadvantages, If I want to balance her out for a PC. However, I could just rule that since She is an NPC, she could have bought the Disads She had, off. However Looking closer Lydia Does have some Enemies:



    Movers (More Powerful: 15 points, Non Combat Influence: 5 points, Mildly Punish: -5 points, 11 or Less: 5 points.) -20 points


    Glorious Lords: (As Powerful: 10 points, Non Combat Influence: 5 Points, Harshly Punish: 0 points, 11 or less: 5)-20 points.

    Rivalry: Arthur Compton (Professional: I figured She and Compton were More Rivals than enemies, albeit One is “Good” and the Other is “Evil” they both try to change the Island in different ways.) –5 points

    Since the Rules state that Lydia is an experienced character I decided to give her a bonus of 24 points to justify having experience. Kind of Like the old Hero Bonus for champions.

    So here is Lydia Goodman, All ready for action. Just make up her Bennies and you are set.

    The basic rule I would suggest to a GM is to use common sense and don’t be afraid to extrapolate as long as it keeps to the original intent of the character.


    Now here are some of the races that reside on Al-Amarja that I converted to Hero, treat these as package Deals.



    +3 Constitution: 6 points

    +3 Body: 6 points

    Mental Defense: (+20 Points): 20 Points

    Night Vision: 5 points

    Sex Sweat: 3d6 transformation: 45 active points (No Range (-1/2), Only During Sex (-1/2), 0 End (+1/2) Confers the Disadvantage: Dependence: Sex With Glug (Uncommon, -1 to all skill rolls, once per day. =5 points): 30 points

    Contact: Extended family: 11-: 2 points

    +3 w/ disguise, stealth, and persuasion: 9 points

    Susceptibility: Stimulants: Very Common/ 2d6 stun (Instant): -25 points

    Berserk: After Drinking stimulants: (common/ 14 or less to enter, 8 or less to leave): -30 points

    Hunted: Pharaohs (More Powerful, Non Combat Influence, 8 or less): -20 points

    Total: 3 points to play a Glug


    Kergillian Hosts:

    +5 Dex: 15 points

    +1 Speed: 10 points

    +1 Enhanced Perception: 3 points

    +20 Stun: 20 points.

    Psych Lim: Strange urges: (Common/ Strong): -15 points

    Total: 33 Points.



    Unaging: 5 points

    +25 Dexterity: 75 points

    +25 Intelligence: 25 points

    +25 Presence: 25 points

    -10 Constitution: -20 points

    +25 presence vs. Humans (-1/4) 20 points

    Money: Wealthy: 10 points

    Does not understand Modern Technology (Very Common/ Strong): -20 points

    Dependence: Apep's Breath (Uncommon/ 3d6 damage/ 1x per day): -15 Points

    Rival: Other Pharaohs (Professional): -5

    Total: 100 Points

    Note: Pharaohs should be built on 200 points +150 Points in Disadvantages.



    Apep’s Breath 3d6 aid to Con: 30

    Dependency: Feeding Pharaohs Apep's breath: (Uncommon, -1 to all skills, -3 to characteristics, 1x per day) -10

    Social Limitation: Slave -20

    Distinctive features: (Not Concealable/ Major Reaction/ Not In Culture) -15

    Total: -15 points



    Unaging: 5 points

    +20 Body: 40 points

    -10 Ego: -20 points

    2d6 transfer Magic Points to Ego: 30 points

    2d6 Healing: Self Only (-1/2), 0 End (+1/2), Always On (-1/2): 13 points

    Social Limitation: Slave: -20 points

    Berserk: In Combat (Common), 11 or less to enter, 8 or less to leave: -35 points

    Hunted: Al-Amarja Peace force: (More Powerful/ Non Combat Influence/ 14 or less/ Enslavement): -30 points



    Telepathy: 4d6 (0 End (+1/2), Always On (-1/2)): 20 points.

    Shape-Shift: Any Humanoid form, Imitation (0 End (+1/2), Linked to telepathy (-1/2): 40 Points

    Accidental Change: Being discovered as a Tulpa (Uncommon, Always): -20 points

    Hunted: Sandmen (As Powerful, 11 or less, for excreta): -10 points.

    Psych Lim: Secretive (Common, Total): -20 points.

    Total: 10 points.


    Some Other People In Over the Edge

    Otto’s Men (Typical)

    Str: 13

    Dex: 13

    Con: 10

    Body: 10

    Int: 10

    Ego: 13

    Pre: 8

    Com: 10

    Pd: 3

    Ed: 2

    Spd: 2

    Rec: 5

    End: 20

    Stun: 21


    +1 OCV with Club (Total OCV: 5)

    +1 Perception: (roll= 12 or Less)

    Interrogation: 11 or less

    Club: +0 Ocv, DMG: 4d6+ Str (6½ d6) AR: 30

    Loyal to Otto: Very Common/ Strong

    Lousy at Expressing Himself (Common, strong)


    Base Damage: 2½ d6

    Phases: 6,12

    They come in patrols of 3-18


    Glorious Lords

    (The Blessed)

    Str: 13: 3

    Dex: 13: 9

    Con: 10

    Bod: 10

    Int: 10

    Ego: 10

    Pre: 13: 3

    Com: 10

    Pd: 3

    Ed: 2

    Spd: 2

    Rec: 5

    End: 20

    Stun: 21

    Base Damage: 2½ d6

    Phase: 6,12


    +2 Ocv w/ Melee Weapons (Total OCV: 5): 10 points

    +1 Dcv Vs. Melee Weapons (Total DCV: 5): 5 points

    +10 Points worth of Powers (Selkut Effect)

    For Quick Glorious Lords Here’s a Chart:

    1: +1 Speed

    2: 6 points worth of Armor (The GM Decides PD/ED Distribution)

    3: +10 Strength (+5 Stun)

    4: 2 Levels of Density Increase (400kg, +10 Str, -2 KB, +2 PD, +2 Ed)

    5: 2d6 Energy Blast

    6: 1d6 Ego Attack

    +10 Points worth of Powers (Selkut Effect)

    1: +5 Con (+1 ED, +2 Stun)

    2: Tracking Smell

    3: +3 PER Roll

    4: 2d6 Sight Flash

    5: 5” Flight

    6: +5” Running

    Dependence: Selkut Poisoning: (Uncommon: 15, Character’s Powers require 11 or less activation roll: 5, Weakness: -3 to all Characteristics per Time Increment: 5, 1/day –15) –10

    Distinctive Features: Scars, Tattoos (Concealable, Major Reaction) –15

    Total: 25 pts.


    Agara Rat-Folk


    **Personal Creations**

    LoveCraftians (Pervert Mutants)

    Type: Mutant SubGroup

    Rep: Perverts.

    Brief: a type of Mutant that occasionally comes up with tentacles and a heightened sex Drive.

    Allies: Mutants

    Enemies: Otto’s men, Earthlings,

    LoveCraftians (Named after HP LoveCraft a famous Sci-Fi Author who would often write about tentacled Monsters raping women. Although they are also called Hentai-Monsters as well Neither term is considered polite) are a type of Mutant that occur, they develop a heightened sex drive and more often than Not prey on adolescent Girls and Women. LoveCraftians are actually quite populous on Al-Amarja and there is often quite a bit of information about them. Most pretty Much try to lay Low and Mingle with the Mutant population. Other times they go out stalking other times they are sought by Jaded Pleasure seekers looking for a hint of Danger.

    They are Humanoid in shape with translucent skin, and Four to Eight Tentacles, which resemble Penises (In fact that is what they are.) They tend to resemble Arabs or Hispanics depending on the family Line Often times Mingling into the Dominant Culture wherever possible.

    Str: +5


    Con: +5

    Body: +5

    Int: -2


    Pre: -2

    Com: -2

    Tentacles: Extra limbs

    Heat Vision: IR Vision

    Stubborn: Mental Defense (+5 Points)

    Hideous: Not Concealable /Extreme reaction/ Not In Culture

    Reputation: Perverts: 14-

    Lecherous: Common/ Strong

    Total: 2 points to play a LoveCraftian.

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