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Everything posted by plancake

  1. Re: "Faulty" Power Hey JmOz & Mikesama, Thanks for that, those both sound like excellent solutions. I agree with you Mike, the fact that the wrong sense gets shut off will almost always go against the player (guard blinded when meant to be deafened when trying to sneak past; brick deafened, not blinded, when about to clobber the pc with a super-haymaker... oops!) so will be a limitation. Once again, thanks. Richard
  2. Re: "Faulty" Power Thanks for the lightning responses. I thought about the Multipower / EC concept, but wondered how I might model the "randomness" of the outcome. And its not really a "side effect" as such as it would actually impact on the game outcome if the intended "damage" did not occur. Anyway, will keep searching for an answer.
  3. Warning! Newbie Question! I have a player who recently requested to have a "Flash"-style power that was based on a psychic ability to disrupt a target's sense (one of either sight, hearing, touch or smell) by "clouding their mind". Fine, the SFX of the power is the psychic ability stuff. However the player also wanted to simulate the PC "learning" to target the right area of the brain to disrupt by sometimes getting it wrong and messing up the wrong sense (so deaf instead of blind). Any suggestions on how I may go about constructing such a power? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Cheers, Richard
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