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Posts posted by Legatus

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Here's a group I'm currently working on called the Provos. They are a band of Irish super-villains who didn't agree with the IRA making peace with the Brits.


    BTW-The uniform worn by Holligan is based upon the rugby uniform worn by the Cork Constitution, an Irish rugby team.:)



    I like 'em, although Holligan's shorts seem really short.;)


    And your pics now have the right proportions.:thumbup:

  2. Re: Must use villains


    "Well, okay, we just kinda made that up ... it sounded cool." :)


    Actually, ignoring the Marvel comics take and using more of the actual mythology ... Bulldozer is a misogynistic braggart, a bully, possessing a nearly sociopathic desire to fight, drinks more than anybody in their right mind should ...


    isn't that pretty much a 'classic' Viking? He's a perfect fit. :)


    You're right!

  3. Re: Bored with Champions Organizations


    It has to refer to an "average' date=' non-heroic" character would be assumed to have 8s in all the Primary Characteristics. Either the OP was so unimpressed with Terror, Inc. that he felt they were as boring and lacking in challenge as a character with 8s in all their Primary Characteristics, or the actual write up of the agents for Terror, Inc. gave them all 8s in their primary characteristics (which I could see given how the whole group felt like "these are who you train on until you can handle Dr. Destroyer). Can anyone confirm what the characteristics Terror, Inc agents had?[/quote']



    In 4th Ed. Classic Enemies:


    Agent of Terror Incorporated


    STR 10

    DEX 14

    CON 10

    BODY 8

    INT 8

    EGO 8

    COM 8

    PD 5

    ED 5

    SPD 3

    REC 4

    END 20

    STUN 18

  4. Re: Who is the best Super in comics?


    Aunt May, (pre Civil War because Civil War was stupid, I'm also referring to Aunt May from the Spiderman Movie. )


    Every true super HERO needs a true moral compass to stabilize his judgment from right or wrong.


    That is a so good and true. Must rep!



    As a character, and I don't consider him to be a true hero, I always liked DC's Orion.

  5. Re: WWYCD: The Switch.


    Let's assume a dimensional villain would bother with The First Ladies:


    Primadonna: would expose the identity of the fake hero to the authorities and ask for their help, but then she'd think about giving him a chance


    Primaballerina: would always talk to him first and then decide about the right steps. Perhaps convincing him to choose another identity in this dimension.


    Diva: would read his mind, then expose everything publicly. She'd prefer prime time television.

  6. Re: Must use villains


    ... or' date=' say, if Bulldozer were to be given the Hammer of Thor, that'd be another fun bit. :)[/quote']


    Only a worthy person can lift the hammer...Bulldozer? No!:mad:


    Still, if he could get his hands on some other weapon...? Yeah, might work.:thumbup:

  7. Re: Champions on an Expedition to the Barrier Peaks


    Maybe I should tell the whole story:


    1500 years ago the Mayas in the area of what should once be known as Belize found a system of caves in the jungle. In the deepest of these caves they found a strange object. The shattered remains of a meteorite. Soon they worshipped the site and built a temple.


    Some years ago an archaelogist dicovered the temple and ventured deep into the lair that lay beneath. Never again was he been seen. One of his students was a paid informant to the secret organization of Professor Muerte. He told them of his teacher's mysterious disappearing. As the henchmen of Muerte investigated they found the vast lair beneath the temple and discovered the alien substance. Only a few months later an American organization held the license to conduct scientific studies at the ancient site. But what appeared to be an archaeological enterprise was really a cover-up for Professor Muerte's research team.


    The alien substance was initially named BME (black matter energy) and is a highly mutagenic substance in a state somewhere between matter and energy (in a comic book science style).


    These characters can be found in The Lair:


    Dr. Stain: mad scientist; he invented weaponry powered by BME and conducted experiments by infusing BME into human bodies.

    Jack Jones: scientist; former assistant of Dr. Stain; runaway from The Lair; wields a BME gun

    Officer Grey: soldier with hi-tech weaponry; henchman of Professor Muerte; superb tactician; leader of the security forces of The Lair

    Hunchback: towering giant from Nicaragua; henchman of Professor Muerte

    Shadow Stalker: darkness wielding villain; henchman of Professor Muerte

    Major Damage: energy projecting villain emitting kinetic energy; henchman of Professor Muerte

    Storyteller: projector of illusions from Guatemala; henchman of Professor Muerte

    Iron Will: mentalist from the US; of Huron heritage; henchman of Professor Muerte

    Blind Guardian: BME mutant; blind old man with a killing touch; former janitor in Muerte's cover-up facility; Belize citizen

    Anthrax: BME mutant with the ability to exhale a lethal dust; fat man with a large chest; former truck driver; Belize citizen

    Furious Fist: small US citizen of Thai heritage; wearing BME gloves; practioner of Muay Thai Boxing; former security guard

    Black Matter: energy projector infused with BME; his energy bombs and death rays only work against living beings; US citizen; former security guard

    Maniac: diabolical BME mutant with mimic powers; loner who lives in the darkest corners of The Lair; US citizen; former lab assistant

    Masquerade: shapeshifting BME mutant and superspy from Mexico; henchman of Professor Muerte

    Bad Medicine: BME mutant with the ability to heal wounds, diseases and injuries; however his powers also distort the features of his victims (-20 COM); performs ugly experiments; fomer medical doctor; US citizen

    Red Frog: superleaping BME mutant; runaway from The Lair; Belize citizen

    Spit: acid-spitting BME mutant; covered in slimy substance; runaway from The Lair; Belize citizen

    Black Drum: obese BME mutant with the ability to use his enormous belly as a drum, inflicting nausea, dizziness, panic etc; runaway from The Lair; US citizen; former security guard

    Spear: tall and strong BME mutant with the ability to fly;henchman of Professor Muerte; US citizen; former worker

    Clonicle: BME mutant with duplicating powers; able to create up to 30 duplicates made of BME; henchman of Professor Muerte; Mexican citizen

    Panic: BME mutant with massive mind manipulating powers; no control; fully visible power effects; henchman of Professor Muerte; Belize citizen

    Guy Grant: superstrong BME mutant; henchman of Professor Muerte; US citizen

    Tree Bone: plant man; an escaped BME experiment, this amn has been fused with a jungle tree; believed to be dead by the crew of The Lair

    Gunnerfly: BME mutated butterfly; huge and intelligent; armed with weapons it stole from the security personnel

    Mahagoni: a tree infused with BME; is now sentient and mobile (thin Ent here); 10 metres tall


    How do the heroes get involved?

    Rumors about strange happenings in Belize can be found each day in the newspapers. And every once in a while a new superhuman emerges from Belize (some of the mutants managed to escape and ran away). Suddenly a DNPC is missing. He started to work for a company that was operating a facility in Belize. And...bang here they are!

  8. Re: Snake men


    Streetfighter Contenders by White Wolf (1995) had a character named Sss'Lussthu-Kha. And the artwork is very convincing. Even in colour.

    Dangerous snake-woman! But I don't have a HERO conversion. Sorry!

  9. Re: Champions on an Expedition to the Barrier Peaks


    You had some great ideas, Bolo.


    Reminds me of a journey I sent my players on when they entered a lair beneath an ancient temple in Belize, where Professor Muerte was experimenting with some alien substance and created lots of creepy superhumans with odd powers. The deeper the Pcs ventured the creepier their opponents got. We had a blast of an adventure.


    Well, of course now, as almost all of them escaped, they all populate Central America and continue to work for the Professor.

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