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Posts posted by AlbertDeschesne

  1. Re: I hate Gadroon


    Apparently the Gadroon have a buggy attack that ignores defenses (one of the devs said this' date=' not just a rumor). That may have contributed to your problems (should be less relevant to regen characters).[/quote']


    Well, that explains that... I guess I am über after all. :eek:;)

  2. Re: I hate Gadroon


    I was able to solo the missions in canada with Protector, but they truly a pain. The final mission that Steve above refers to took me three tries to complete, and once I did I was really glad I pasted that guy.


    So people know what kinda build it takes to take them out: Protector is a force build with rank 3 Invulnerability. STR/CON as superstats, a self-healing ability, and I have experience in the game dating back all the way to alpha. I STILL had a hard time soloing them.


    Steve, if you need help still, send me a tell in game and I'll gladly help with payback. :)

  3. Re: Disappointment


    That's okay DCUO is going to be free to play anyways. So I will just wait for it.


    Where did you read this? I've heard stated by several people recently but have seen no evidence that they have announced a pricing scheme yet. And since they're not even in beta I'd be surprised if they had.

  4. Re: Albert Deschesne's Metaverse


    Hiya Gang,

    Long time artist Albert Deschesne has been contemplating working on a sourcebook for his campaign universe, "Metaverse". He's been considering a Hero license, as well as making it a M&M Superlink product in one of the following formats:



    What do folks here think? Also, how many people would be interested in such a project? Is there enough of Herodom who'd want in on this? You can see the original post at http://www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=95115#95115

    or you can just chime in here :) I know that I'd buy this in a second! Anyone else?


    A couple of minor things that Sketch didn't mention: It'll be comicbook sized, with good 100 lb magazine slick paper. If you want to see a sample of the paper, hit your local comic shop and look at Flare #2.


    Thanks, Sketch!

  5. Originally posted by JmOz


    Jason -- a PM might have caught my "eye" faster... As I told you in chat, but will state here for the thread, the character is named Doctor Infinity and while I did create a character sheet for him, I never played him except as an NPC in a recent game.

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